Page 003

Total Blk: Sea from Old

Pig field No. side drain

17 bushs

February 1856

Total Kictch garden

 Blk:. Sea 8 Bushs ~

















Timmon’s 4 bushs

Cups @ 1/10      - - - 7/4

6 bushs Snows 1/8   10/-


Father pd it

About the 22 nd -


To pigs

6 bush.. Cups

2 do Snows

8 in all







31 bushs.. Horses

5 ½ do gran:.

36 ½


Salted cattle & sheep




Horses had salt ~



12 bushs snows @ 1/8

 is 20/- Father pd it







Went home after dinner

Mr.Mac came ~


8 bushs Cups

to pigs



Of Berry

For Father 5 gls.


Of Berry

 2 gls. for Self.

 returned his

5 gl. keg


Ann back

 in the evening,

Gave warn...

1 Friday. James about horses, finish draw in my soft-wood in 3 trips, then with self for 1 load hard-wood, John at sundries & help about horses in morn:. Thrash oats till dinner, then to Major’s after the bull ~ Self draw in 3 load cord-wood & took John & Mac-. to Major’s ~

2 Saturday. James about horses, cut roads to Father’s soft- wood by dinner, then draw in 2 load, John at sundries & help in horse stable in morn: thrash oats ~ Self draw in 4 load cord-wood ~ Mc'Mullin with me -

3 Sunday. J. Pinhey came up last eveng with Miss Baker, she stopped at A. Smith’s & both returned this evening ~

4 Monday. James at wood for himself, John at sundries & help in horse stable in morn:.  then about house, measure  up tatoes & saw wood ~ Self fodder cattle in morn: at repairs about little parlour door & pantry, help do up horses & cattle ~

5 Tuesday. James at home with hurt back, John ill, helped about horses, load sleigh, clean out stables, & off home, in eveng, help down with 1 load hay to Cow- loft & do up some of the things ~ Self fodder cattle & horses in morn:.  to Aylmer with tatoes, help do up cattle & horses in eveng ~

6 Wednesday. James about horses, draw in 2 load of Father’s soft-wood by dinner, sweep out horse loft, about sundries & draw 1 load hay to Horse’s, John fodder cattle &c., in the morng, steam tatoes, thrash oats, help down with hay ~ Self to Aylmer with Chase & Dart got back to dinner, put Dart in the train from that to Cutter & went to Berry’s with the hops -

7 Thursday. James about horses in morn:, draw in 4 loads of Father’s soft-wood, the last of it, John about cattle &c., thrash oats~ Self put the piece on to Father’s Kitch: [Kitchen] pipe that I cut off a long time ago, put on new eyes to their pail, then repairg flails ~

8 Friday. James about horses, draw down a load oat-straw, clean up oats & draw them down, John sundries & help in horse stables in morn:. help with straw & oats - Self at sundries & draw in 2 loads hard-wood~

9 Saturday. James about horses in morn:, thrash wheat till dinner, measure up 12 bushs Snows & at sundries, John about cattle &c., thrash peas ~ Self to Old Cunningham’s for 6 bundle of shingles, fodder cattle in eveng ~

10 Sunday. Church A.M. Ham, Charley and John came up in the morn: & returned in the afternoon – Self took Kate and children a drive after dinner, then drove Dart in Cutter ~

11 Monday. James about horses, thrash wheat, John about cattle &c., help load tatoes, thrash peas ~ Self to Aylmer with tatoes & on to Ottawa ~

12 Tuesday. James about horses & sundries, thrash wheat, John fodder cattle & help in horse stable in the morn:, then at wood for himself ~ Self about sundries & file both my wood-saws by dinner, then nail roller &c. on parlour door, put center ferrets on carriage harness, help do up horses & fodder cattle~

13 Wednesday. James about horses & sundries, clean up watering place for cattle, saw some soft-wood & a whole lot for little stove, do up all at night, John ill~  Self fodder cattle in morn:, repair two chairs, & the back of Kate’s hand-sleigh ~

14 Thursday.  James about horses in morn:, then thrash wheat, John fodder cattle &c., steam tatoes & saw hard-wood till dinner, then thrash peas ~ Self put a step to parlour door, very poorly all day ~

15 Friday.James about horse’s draw down a load wheat straw, 1 load hay to Cow–loft, 1 load hay to from white Barn & a load pea straw, John about cattle &c, & help with hay &c ~ Self made roller for hall door, & at some repairs about little parlour door, ~

16 Saturday. James about horses in morn:, grind my ax & thrash wheat till dinner, then to Huntly, John about cattle &c., in morn: finish thrash peas, do up all at night ~ Self block out an ax handle & at sundries about axes till dinner, then to Berry’s & home around by Rider’s ~

17 Sunday Ham here since last monday-night, went home yesterday morning, came back in the evening, Charley with him ~








James 5 ¼ lbs pork @ 7 ½d

John 4 ¾ lbs pork

of H. Edwards

£ 1..13..9 balce of act.

 in old book ~

Pd Mc’Adam for the pork & 2 steers I got last fall

                     £ 14..7..6

£ 7 of it, money I recd   for the two Cows ~

Pd Topply the 5/7 ½ for repairg  harness ~


John 1/3  desk ~


14 lbs @10d    11/8






-/6 of Mr. Mae for

 ½ lb candles




Of Benning on act...

£ 2..-..-    kept it.


Ann £ 1..-..-    desk


Lay ½ lb candles


Expd in Ottawa

                                 £   s  d

Brough  8 lbs tobacco @ ½  ....9..4

Do 10 lbs sugar -/6      ..5..

Do 5 skeins braid       -..-..5

A loaf sugar 8 lbs 9½ , .-.5..

2 ft worsted web -    - ..-..10

Repair: rein snap -.     .-..7½

           Toll -            -  ..-..6

                            £ 1..1..8½

Of Father                ...--..5..-

Rec’d of the       --   ..16..8½

Furrier 2/6 difference.

Between the fur mits ~

John 1 lb tobacco  1/4


James 7 lbs pork


2d  to Berry for some yeast.

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