Page 015

Total loads peas 9½_.











3 load peas_








2 load peas_















93 strikes

Siberian from

above road__


The 2 year old

heifer with bull__

1 load peas_


Let big peas about





Bl k . Cow to

  1. Smiths bull_




rain till

about 9 o 'C






41 strikes

Siberian from



19 strikes

Old Pigfield

Bl k .. Sea___











A ram lamb_


53 strikes

Old Pigfield Bl k .Sea_

28 strikes




August 1856.

4Monday. James now peas, turn peas & help in

with a load, John mow do, Tom mows

peas, draw in 1 load peas____ Self to Aylmer

in Rob ts .. boat, Mowbrey, Ham - Edwards & one of

Mc'Adam' sons, went to Ottawa for Con's piano_

5Tuesday. James finish mow peas all but a corner about

10 o 'C, to Rob ts .. about piano till dinner, then turn

peas & draw in, John mow peas till 10 o 'C about

piano till dinner, turn peas, & help load 1 load

[ems..], then bind & strike same Siberian above road,

Tom mow peas, grind cradle scythe & help in with

piano till dinner, saw some wood & began to cradle__

Self too late for Steamer, got over in a canoe to Wilson 's

6Wednesday. James about house in morn.., fork off a load peas,

bind wheat & at sundries till dinner, then house

all the peas out, & bind wheat again, John at his well

in morn.., help unload peas, then bind & strike wheat___

Tom sundries in morn.., then cradle wheat & bind up__

Self look about; grind old cradle scythe, lump up peas__

7Thursday. James about house & grind slash hook in morn..,

then bind & strike wheat, John no work before

breakfast, then bind & strike wheat, Tom help

repair cradle in morn.. finish cradle Siberian

wheat above road ____ Self settling cradle in morn..,

look about till dinner, lay foundation of ice house _____

8Friday. James & John finish mow peas in morn.., fork

off a load peas, then bind & strike Siberian in

Church_field, Tom about house & help finish mow

peas, then cradle wheat in Church_field___

Self sow a cloth on Old cradle in morn.., put on

washers & bands to axle of stone_cart____

9Saturday. James sundries in morn.., turn peas, bind Bl k . Sea ,

till dinner, then help in with last of peas & bind do

again, John sundries in morn.. bind & strike Bl k .. Sea,

Tom about house in morn., cradle Bl k . Sea in Old Pig__

_field ___Self at sundries in morn.., at repairs about

stone cart draw in 1 load wheat till dinner; then put

peas into lumps & house 3 load Siberian from Woodfield__

10Sunday. Church A.M. Ham came round the road last

night & went back this evening__Self & Conn. . went

for a ride soon after__Anne & Mary to Aylmer mass_

11Monday. James & John about sundries in morn.., then

bind & strike Bl k ..Sea, Tom cradle Bl k . Sea___

Payne came at noon , reap Bl k .. Sea for 2 or 3 hours,

then help strike up, Rider bind g .. after dinner__

Self repair g .. rakes & at dunries till 5 o 'C. Then bind up

Bl k . Sea , rode to Rider's after tea____

12Tuesday. James & John little or nothing till about 10 o 'C_

reap till dinner, bind Bl k .. Sea till near 6 o 'C_,

then reap in Church_field, Tom finish cradle Bl k ..Sea

in Old Pigfield about 6 o 'C, then cradle in Church_field_

Payne came at dinner, bind Bl k ..Sea & reap in do___

Self at sundries till dinner, saw a buckle on a

girth & notch & saddle 2 side logs on ice house___

13Wednesday. James sundries in morn.. reap a short time

in Church_field & bind up till dinner, then

finish bind Bl k ..Sea & back again to Church_field,

John reap Siberian in morn.. bind Siberian &

help finish bind Bl k ..Sea, Tom cradle do in

church_field, & help bind up both sorts____

Rider bind a little while, then draw in___

Self repaird.. hand_barrow, & strike Siberian till

dinner, then Brandy, currant wine, house 3 load wheat__

14 Thursday. James about house & saw wood in morn.. then

bind oats, John dig out large stones in

Church_field in morn.. then bind oats, Tom

cradle oats in 16 Acre_field next Read's___

Self repair g .. hand_barrow in morn.., put down

2 ends logs on ice house & at sundries till dinner, then

strike oats with Rider, & rebuild 3 pannels of fence below ^Old Sawmill___

15Friday. James about house in morn.., then bind oats,

John ill, Tom cradle oats & strike a start__

Self kill a lamb & at sundries till 11 o 'C, then bind oats__

16 Saturday. James draw in a load Bl k ..Sea in morn.. bind oats in 16 Acre_field till

near 4 o 'C. Then finish bind wheat in Churchfield John sundries in morn..,

bind oats & Siberian, Tom cradle oats in 16 Acre-_field till dinner, then

finish cradle do in Church_field___Self notch 2 side logs on ice_house in

morn.. then bind oats & wheat, & help house 2 load wheat__ Rider bind & cart___





Exp d in Ottawa

B & K. a p r .. prunellas 8/_

Brough& Co 1 lb. V. [hyson].. 2/6

chilty 5 lbs sugar . 2/6

4 doz. hooks &3 .. _/3

braid Anna _/2

21 ft.. rope . . . 1/5



of Con.. for beds 7/_


of Father 7/10


H. Edwards_

138 of 2 inch @ 6/_

101 ft.. 1½ do @5/_


James 50 lbs flour


Mc'Mullin 50 lbs flour_






Lay 1 lb candles

thus far p d ..

2 nd .. Sept..













James 10/_ of Father.

Berry .

96 ft.. 2 inch pl k ..

300 ft.. inch boards




Tom postage [lrr..]

& a printed paper.

Anne 2/6 desk.




John 25 lbs flour_








Tom 1 lb tobacco_
