Page 065

Total act..

of fleece wool


124½ lbs.







6 dollars of

George Bry out for

a ram lamb, & a

calf he got last Monday.


Sold in Ottawa - £..s..d

20 bushls Snows @1/6.._.1..10.._

2 do Rusties @ 1/6 .._..3.._



Rec d .. Montreal bank

dividend £10.._.._.




George 1 lb

tea. rations_


Return d .. Con..

the tin dish of salt.


James Payne

pd.. £1..5.._ for

the tatoes he had

on 10 th May




Return d .. Mr Read

the bush l salt_


George 60 lbs


3 bush ls oats Horses.


John Baskin brought

back 1 bush l .. of my

wheat & the balance

of the flour__





of Toply

a buggy harness 20$

a scotch collar 3$ .

a halter 1$ total 24$



























Killed spotted

heiffer's calf__






M rs Mae

here yesterday




JULY 1858.

1.Thursday. James about sundries & put horses to

waggon till 10 o 'C. then wig tatoes,

Muldoon & Tayler finish weed tatoes by about

10 o 'C. then wig tatoes___ Griffin at home,

George at his tatoes ___ Self look about till

10 o 'C. then to the Parsonage for Miss Butler, got back

about 3 o 'C. then look about things, then to Berry 's___

2Friday. James to Ottawa with waggon, Muldoon help

load up & about house in noon , snag tatoes &

mould some tatoes in garden, Tayler do do &

put Self a X to Smith's in Rob ts boat in morn..,

then help finish snag tatoes & mould some tatoes

in garden, Griffin not here. George at his do___

Self to Ottawa by Aylmer_____

3Saturday. James got back about 10 o 'C. P.M. Muldoon help

finish mould tatoes in garden, grind axes by

noon , then at logging, Tayler help mould tatoes in

garden, grind axes & logging, Griffin not here...

George at his tatoes___ Self returned in waggon__

4Sunday. Church P.M. F Baskin ½ lb tea 1/3__

5Monday. James mould tatoes with Spring, Muldoon

about house in morn.. then mould tatoes with hoe,

Tayler mould tatoes in morn.., sow some wood &

put Biddy a-X the river, then at tatoes again,

George to Ottawa with John_ Miss Dyer came up__

Self look about things & about sundry jobs__

6Tuesday. James mould tatoes with Spring,

Muldoon about sundries in morn.., mould

tatoes with hoe, Tayler at tatoes___ George ill__

Griffin not here yesterday or to day___ Self took

Poll to horse, came home & shaved &e, then to

the Interior with Con's buggy____ dinner at Hoppers 1/3_

7Wednesday. James finish plough tatoes by about 4 o 'C. then at his

own with hoe, Muldoon, Tayler mould tatoes

with hoe, Griffin about house in morn.., weed

mustard out of some wheat & oats for an hour or so, then

at tatoes with hoe___ George ill___ Biddy began

yesterday___ Ellen at her own work yesterday___

Self at sundries till dinner, then do nothing___

8Thursday. James at his tatoes for a start, then

hill up mine with hoe, Muldoon hill up

tatoes, Tayler help row boat to Aylmer & back

about 3 o 'C, then at tatoes, Griffin sundries in morn..,

at tatoes till about 4 o 'C, then saw wood__ George

at his own tatoes___ Self help measure up tatoes

in morn.., then to Aylmer & back about 3 o 'C.

had a visit from M r Butler & D r Lauder_ gave him a

note for 10$ payable in 3 years_____

9Friday, James finish hoe tatoes about 9 o 'C. hoe Con's corn,

wig tatoes & help measure up some, Muldoon &

Tayler help finish hoe tatoes about 9 o 'C, hoe Con's corn,

wig the Cups till about 4 o 'C, then to the logging, Griffin

about sundries, weed parsnips & caulie flowers___

George at his tatoes___ Self about sundries & buy a

horse till dinner, Help measure up tatoes___

10Saturday. James the logging & take tatoes in boat to

Rob ts wharf, Muldoon & Tayler at logging,

Griffin about house till breakfast, then help

George at his tatoes___ Self to Ottawa

with Poll & Con's buggy, John return d .. with me____

11Sunday. Church A.M.

12Monday. James not here, Muldoon, Tayler finish snag

Cups, grind & rig their scythes, grind axes

Griffin about house, snag the cups, grind his scythe___

George to Ottawa with John___

13Tuesday. James & Muldoon grind scythes in morn.., then mow

in Woodfield next woods, Tayler sundries in

morn.. then mow, Griffin about house in morn..,

mow till near 5 o 'C, then kill a calf___ George

at work in garden___ Self not very well_____

14Wednesday. James & Muldoon mow in 12 Acrefeild

till dinner, then lay up sawlogs for shed timber on

lake road & draw home, Tayler & Fred finish mow

in 12 Acrefield soon after dinner, then mow above road,

Griffin at sundries in morn.., then mow, George in

garden & at sundries_____ Self to H_Streets & Rob ts

till dinner, then repair horse-rake & rig it up____



of M rs Muldoon

3 ½ lbs butters 7 ½ is.. 2/2


P d .. W m . Berry for

Mr Butler 5 $

Glen 7/6 on act of

4 ths d shingles__


Tayler 5/_ & a

bush l .. of Rusties.

Griffin 1 dollar__

Expd.. in Ottawa_

Langford as act.. 1..7..6

Chithy 5gls H.W.@4/_ 1.._.._

Do 6 lbs coffee @1/2 _..7.._

Bate for flour & as act..4..11..3

Cunningham sundries_..4.._ ½

Jennings salad oil_..1..6

Cuzner shoes Mary.._..6..3

Ronn's ¼ hd.. quils.._.._..8 ½

Workman 2 hoes @ 3/_ _..6.._

Do 2lb nals 1/_& 1ll 10.._..1..10

M c 'Carthy ¼ bush salt _.._..11

sweet 2 removes Spring _..1..3

market fee 7½ d .. Tolls 1/3 _..1..10½

Brough 12lbs sugar 7½ _..7..6

2/6 at Bells 7½ .._..3..1½

4lbs sugar for £9..4..3

Cond 7 ½ is 2/6


Ellen 15/_ _ James £1..5.._

Muldoon on ½ bushl.. salt 1/3

O'Neil 600ft.. @ 3/_

A.Smith 27ft.. @4/_



Pd.. Geo. Morgan for

5 years road labour

£4..10.._ took a



Benning 200ft..

inch boards_

Con.. 26 lbs flour__


George 1 bush.. Snows.

Glen £1..7..6 bal ed on

the 4 thsd.. shingles @ 8/9_


16/_ of Capt.. Finley

for 8 bush ls Snows @ 2/.


Tayler 3/_


George 1lb tobacco



Capt. Cumming

8 bush ls _ Cups_


James 1lb soda - /6

Exp d .. in Ottawa_

tooth brush._/7½

2 paper needles.._/6

bal ce on scythe _ 1/3

Toll .. _/5



Lay 1lb tobacco.

Ellen 5/_

Biddy. 4/1




A. Smith

351 ft.. of inch pl k

& 24 lbs veal @ 4d..

Muldoon 1lb tea


5$ of H. Street

on act.._












lent James a

bottle of whiskey.