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3 bush ls oats
to Horses_








Sowed 11 bush ls
oats on Acres
in 16 Acre-feild.


Barrel d up
buffaloe coat &e__


5 gls of Berry .



6 bush ls oats
to Horses__
















N o 21
a lamb.


Took little pigs
off sows___













George for rations

60 lbs flour__












George for rations.

30 lbs pork

1 lb tea__


Sow d about 1½ bush -
in Ritch-garden.



MAY 1859.

14. Saturday. James to Huntly, Muldoon about horses & sundries in morn - , finish plough in 16 Acre-feild, Griffin spread dung in garden & plough it by noon, then began to plough new land N o side creek, Peter help spread dung & drive oxen__ George about house &e, tie up rasp - bushes & at sundries in garden till dinner, help at repair in Gristmill & mix wheat for grinding_____

15. Sunday. Church A.M. Christened baby Godf
M rs Greene, Alicia, & Anna to dinner, Fanny Smith & children, also little monks to tea___ M rs Butler 10/-.

16 Monday. James work sawmill till dinner, break lumps on 16 Acre-feild, Muldoon about horses & sundries in morn - harrow oats 1 st time in 16 Acrefeild by noon, then began to plough for tatoes S o side Barnfeild, Griffin sow oats till 11 o'C. dig in garden for about 2 hours, then break g lumps in 16_ Acre-feild_____ Peter at sundries in morn - plough in new land____ George ill till noon; then at sundries & dig in garden______ Self about sundries till 6 o'C. to Brewery in even g ______

17 Tuesday. James help in with logs to Mill in morn - , break lumps of clay in 16 Acre-feild & pile lumber till dinner, help with a load hay to Horse-loft, then plough new land, Muldoon about horses & sundries in morn - , plough for tatoes, Griffin help with logs to mill in morn - , about his boots till noon, then at sundries & saw some grass seed in even g , Peter draw logs to mill in morn - , harrow front garden & plough new land till dinner, draw down a load hay to Horses, then drive oxen in new land, George plant tatoes in garden; about house & sundries ______ Self at repairs in Sawmill & at sundries, sow grass seed in even g _

18 Wednesday. James saw in morn - , help in Gristmill till dinner, then notch down bunk, Muldoon about horses & cut tatoes in morn - , plough for tatoes, Griffin saw & place bunks till dinner, then notch down bunks, Peter cut tatoes in morn - , plough in new land, George plant corn in garden, about house &e_____ Self work Gristmill till dinner, then notch bunks____

19 Thursday. James saw in morn - , shift pigs, help at fence, Muldoon about horses & cut tatoes in morn - , finish plough S o side Barnfeild about 5 o'C, then harrow some grass-seed in 16 Acrefeild, Griffin saw bunks in morn - , belly-ach till dinner, then put on some bunks & some 2 nd logs, Peter cut tatoes in morn - plough new land till near 10 o'C. then help fence, George at work in garden & about house_____ Self file mill saw in morn - _____

20 Friday. James saw in morn - , saw bunks & put on some till dinner, then draw logs to fence, Muldoon about horses & cut tatoes in morn - , finish harrow oats in 16 Acre-feild & harrow tatoe land, Griffin sow grass-seed in 16 Acrefeild in morn - , then at fence, Peter help sow grass-seed in
morn - , plough in new land till dinner, help put up 3 d logs on fence___ George about house & at work in garden till dinner, then cut g cups_____ Self at fence_______

21 Saturday. James saw in morn - , rig up & run drills for tatoes by 6½ o'C._ Muldoon about horses & cut tatoes in morn - , roll grass-seed in 16 Acre-feild by about 4 o'C. help plant tatoes, Griffin saw bunks in morn - , cut tatoes for an hour or so, at fence till dinner, then plant tatoes, Peter cut tatoes in morn - plough in new land till 10 o'C, then help at fence, George cut g tatoes & about house &e______ Self at fence from 10 o'C, till dinner, then fix in 2 short bunks & notch a parcel of 2 nd bunks_____

22 Sunday. Church P.M. Self drove to John Streets directly after dinner for M rs Greene & bagage_______ Miss Butler walked home yesterday even g came in to church & went back again_______

23 Monday. James to Huntly, Muldoon about horses & plant tatoes in morn - , plough & harrow in oats in Ritch-garden by 4½ o'C. then plough in Old Pigfeild N o side drain, Griffin & Peter plant g tatoes____ George about house &e, & cut g tatoes_______ John Pinhey sent up his mare yesterday to grass____ Self about sundries & sow oats in Ritch-garden___





George ½ lb tobacco.



Peter 1 q t H. Wines.


Muldoon 1 lb tea.

George 1 bush l tatoes
& 1 doz herrings_


Berry 18 f t inch boards.

Do for yeast 2 d __


Peter ½ lb tobacco.


George 1 gl salt.

3 lbs soap_

& ½ lb tea_


Griffin 2/6__


Susan -/4__

Muldoon 1 lb tobacco.

Griffin ½ lb do__
lt r from A.S. Reenan
p d 3 d __


Payne ¼ bush l timothy
seed @15/- 8/9__


Sundries of a
Peddlar 4/-


James 50 lbs flour.



lt r from Ham. p d


1 lb butter of Emma.























Muldoon 50 lbs flour.


James 10/-


$6.25 of W m Lee
for 50 cards birch



Muldoon ½ bush l
of Prov ce __