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5 gl s beer__

thus far

settled for__


2 bush ls peas

from Gran:

for Pigs__



11½ bush ls peas

from 16 Acre feild

to Gran:__


Totals off the

above named place,

46½ bush ls ___









Paid Sam l Allen

in presence of

Chirst f Payne the

sum of $6__ for

runing side-line

between John & me__

borrowed it of

Miss Butler__

return d it on the 30 th




Snow all day

with high

Fast wind__





wind N.W.

heavy drift

10 bush l Scotch to Ottawa__

only weighed 9b.25 lbs.



James for rations,

22½ lbs beef

16 lbs pork

60lbs flour__

1 lb tea_ _

at Bate's.

1 g l molassas

2 g ls H. W. @ 3/-

20 lbs Japan tea @ 2/9

4 lbs sugar @ 7½ d __



at Cunningham's

12 yds canvass @ 7½ d .

18 bush: Bl k Sea .

George for rations.

60 lbs flour__


1 lb tea_

30 lbs beef.

10 lbs pork.

1½ bush: peas from


Gran: to Pigs __

of M r Read's peas

to Gran:

39 bush l 10 lbs.



22. Wednesday. James & Muldoon about horses in morn:,

finish bushing road to Aylmer & cut down

the large crack, Peter saw wood in morn:,

then help at the road, Griffin thrash peas,

George about cattle &c, Collins finish off the

rave, repair 2 clothes horses, mend a little work

table, began little bread trough___ Self mend

one of the oak benches & about sundries, to Benny's

in even g , left Kate at Rob ts on my way down,________

23 Thursday. James about horses in morn:, at sundries till

noon, help run line, Muldoon about

horses in morn:, help unload pea-straw,

draw hardwood from old yard to shed till noon,

help run line, Peter draw down pea-straw

in morn:, clean & measure up peas till dinner,

help run line, Griffin help with pea straw

in morn:, help clean up peas till dinner, then

sweep out bran, thrash wheat, draw down peas,

George about cattle &c, ____ Collins finish little

bread trough, put in two lights, ___ Self

about sundries till dinner; see Tom Allan's & my

own lot measured along 66 [on]:, then came home__

24 Friday. James about horses in morn:, help run line

till dinner, draw home 2 loads hardwood,

Muldoon about horses in morn:, help run line

till dinner, draw home 2 loads soft-wood, Peter

saw wood in morn:, at line till dinner, then

do_ do__ & about sundries, Griffin thrash

wheat, George about cattle &c, twice to

Joe Smith's after the colts & about sundries__

Collings rig up bob-sleigh ready for rockes

bush, get out a slip for back-door, then at

sundries about ice house floor & door_______

Self look about till 10½ o 'C, then to Aylmer &

back by 2 o 'C dinner, then see to thing again___

25 Saturday. James about horses in morn:, draw in

4 loads hardwood, Muldoon about horses

in morn:, draw in 4 ox loads soft-wood___

Peter saw & split hardwood & about sundries,

Griffin thrash wheat, George about cattle &c__

Self file & set a new saw for hard-wood,

repair a flail, rivet new rave of bob-sleigh__

26 Saturday. M r Butler did not come___

27 Monday. James about horses in morn:, draw in

4 loads hardwood, Muldoon about horses

in morn:, open winter road back of

George's, draw down a load straw, 3 load hay

to Horses, 1 load hay to Cow-loft & about sundries.

Peter draw water from river in morn:, then

George about cattle &c_____ Self at repairs

about back-door till noon; then at bobsleigh__

28 Tuesday. James about horses in morn:, to Ottawa

with double sleigh, Muldoon about horses

in morn:, draw road for Peter; Griffin v to

Aylmer ; Peter v at do for himself, George

about cattle &c____ Self to Ottawa in cutter___

29 Wednesday. James about horses in morn:, draw in

4 loads hardwood, Muldoon about horses

in morn:, draw down a load straw, clean up

wheat & draw down 1 load hay for oxen, Peter help

weigh flour in morn:, then same as Muldoon,

Griffin v not here, George about cattle &c______

Self about sundries & to Berry's in afternoon__

30 Thursday. James about horses in morn:, draw in 4

loads hardwood, Muldoon about horses

in morn:, draw wood for Peter v , Griffin v ill,

Peter v cut wood for himself, George about

cattle &c, Soldier Collins file ice-saw from

8½ o 'C till 11o'C__ Self upset Kate, Baby & Horace____

James about horses in morn:, draw in 2 load

hardwood by dinner, track road to Rob ts corner,

then to the crack with a fur bushes & to shovel snow

off it, Muldoo v n at wood for himself, Peter make a

place free from snow & began to saw ice, G v riffin v ill_

George about cattle &c__ Self to Aylmer & back

to dinner, then help bush road a-X the crack





on the 28 th

Barlow p d for

the boards he

got on the 4 th




Biddy a plug.



H. Edwa v rds

247 f t boards @ 4/-

28 f t plank @ 6/-


a scant g 5X4__






Collins ½lb tobacco




P d J[?] & J. M c Lean


5f__ for a bag salt

I got last fall__

& 9d difference a

snayth & a fork


Muldo v on 1 lb tea.



$4 of J. H. Pinhey

being half what it

cost one for runing

the line___


Geo v rge ½ lb tea.

½ lb ca v ndles.



Muldoo v n 1 lb tobac:

Collins 13/__ bal ce

on 3½ days work.




Biddy 2 plugs.


M rs Mac:





G v riffin 12/6__


Jam v es 10/- &

1 g l v molassas__

Cheque for Self $60__

of Charley £ 1..1e..4 road



Exp d on Ottawa .

500 lbs sees @ 3/9 __..18..9

½ quire fools-cap __..__..7½

a peice rod iron __..__..5

Tol ls __..1..7

£ 9..7..4½

Jam v es 50 lbs flour.


Geo v rge 50 lbs do__


Muldoo v n 50 lbs do__

v Peter 50 lbs do__


Knowlan 3/9 for clean g

Ja v mes 1 bush l peas__


Georg v e ½ lb candles__

Do__ returned me

1 bush: 6 lbs & a pail

full of peas___


Charais ¾ for

puting handle to

ice-saw & 3

other little jobs__