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60 Stukes Scotch from Woodfeild_
at Bate's_

A bag table salt 1/-

2 gls H.W. @3/6_

1 gl brandy 17/6_

1 gl Port 12/6_

12 lbs moist sugar @5½ d

2 lbs coffee @1/6_

2 lbs Alberts @ Corks 6 d

2 lbs Nursery @

½ lb castile soap.

½ lb brown wincher do_


89 stukes Scotch from Woodfeild_

56 stukes Scotch from 12 Acre-feild_

N o 5 a ram lamb with long tail_

78 stukes 12 Acre-feild_

Rob t 7½ lbs lamb_

at Bate's

1 gl sherry 10/-

10 lbs tea @2/6_

10 lbs crushed A.@7½

24 lbs moist sugar @5½ d

6½ lbs starch @6 d

2 lbs coffee @1/6_

3 lbs cheese @7½ d

1 p k corn starch 7½ d

at Brough's

8 yds cotton @10½ d

7 " lilac print @1/-

3½ " silk binding @ 2½ d

1 ox load peas from 16 Acre-feild -
at Jenning's
a cake shaving soap 1/3
a box rat poison 1/3

½ lb cut bear @1/-


Total stukes Scotch from Woodfeild 209

3 load peas from

16 Acrefeild__

55 stukes
Blk Sea from

16 Acrefeild_

3 load peas from

16 Acrefeild_

on the 24 th in even g ½ bush: oats to Poultry ,

& ½ do_ do this even g _


Tom 60 lbs flour
for rations_


George do_ do_

30 lbs pork & 1 lb tea_


First thrash g of oats.

2½ bush l Horses_

2 do_ Poultry_




N o 6 a ewe lamb_

George 60 lbs flour, rations.

James for rations_

30lbs pork, 1 lb tea_

59 stukes Scotch from 12 Acrefeild_


Total stukes
from the above place,



87 stukes oats off Old 2 Acres in Woodfeild_





2 loads peas from

16 Acre-feild_

AUGUST 1863.

21. Friday. James & Moran mow peas, bind &e
wheat & cart in wheat; Muldoon not here_

Tom not here; Toolie cradle wheat till noon,
then too Aylmer ; Griffin says he worked do_ do_; George about cows &e, hoe paths & about sundries__ Self returned soon after dark_____ Toolie 4 yds

22 Saturday. James & Griffin mow peas in morn: cart in wheat till 4 o'C, then reap Bl k Sea ; Muldoon not here, Toolie not here; Tom & Moran mow peas in morn:, reap & bind Bl k Sea_ George about cows &e, saw wood, wash bottles & about sundries_

23 Sunday. Church P.M. On 25 th Dr Hill James ½ lb out-bear 1/ -
Cheque for $20 __.. ; Do_ corn starch -/7½

24 Monday. James & Muldoon cart in wheat till 10 o'C, reap & bind Bl k Sea, mow peas; Griffin kill a lamb in morn: & about sundries till 9 o'C, then at Bl k Sea & peas; Tom at Bl k Sea & peas; Toolie not here; George out back___ Self look about till 9 o'C, then to Ottawa in buggy___

25 Tuesday. James Muldoon, Griffin & Tom mow peas___ Toolie not here; George about cows &e, saw wood,
& wash buggy__ Self returned at noon___

26 Wednesday. James & Muldoon mow peas in morn:, bind wheat till 4o'C, bind oats for about
an hour, then cart in a load peas, Tom at peas in morn:, cradle & bind wheat till 4 o'C, then cradle oats; Griffin mow peas till 5 o'C, then bind oats; Casey bind wheat & oats; Toolie not here; George about cows &e, point stone coping in garden with cement & about sundries_ Self to the forge & back by 4 o'C to dinner, to Berry's in even g __

27 Thursday. James mow peas in morn: bind oats till dinner, cart in peas; Muldoon cart up slabs in morn:,
to the woods for a load cedar's for posts & turn peas till dinner, then house peas; Toolie & T mow do in morn:, bind &e oats; Tom mow peas in morn:,
cradle oats; Griffin at peas in morn:, then at hen-yard fence; George about cows &e, & point garden wall till 11 o'C, then turn peas & help house 'em__
Self at sundries in morn:, hen-yard fence till 5 o'C, Luton in buggy__

28 Friday. James help in with wheat & peas till 4 o'C, reap & bind oats_ Muldoon cart in wheat & peas till 4 o'C, then to the woods for 2 cedars for posts, Toolie & Tom ring pigs in morn:, then cradle, reap & bind oats; Casey mow peas in morn:, bind oats; Griffin at hen-yard fence & help ring the big pigs in morn:, turn peas for an hour or so, at fence again; George about cows &e, help about peas till 4o'C, then at sundries__ Self ring pigs in morn:, mortice a post, then at the fence__

29 Saturday. James at oats in morn: at sundries & grind axes till dinner, reap oats; Muldoon repair slash fence in morn:, thrash & clean oats till dinner, then reap oats; Toolie reap oats in morn: at sundries & grind axes till dinner, reap again; Tom reap oats in morn:, thrash & clean oats till dinner, then reap again; Griffin about sundries till 3 o'C, then at oats__ George about cows &e, do some point g & about sundries__ Self X-cut g cedars for posts & repair flails till diner, at hen-yard fence__

30 Sunday. Church A.M. Self took Kate in buggy to Berry 's in even g _

31 Monday. James & Muldoon reap, bind &e oats till near 5 o'C, then cart in wheat; Griffin kill a lamb in
morn:, then reap &e oats; Toolie & Tom reap &e oats_ George about cows &e, point chimneys___ Self
clean kitch: stove pipe & about sundries till 9½ o'C, then square up & mortice posts for hen-yard door__


1 Tuesday. James & Muldoon mow peas & finish reap &e oats in Woodfeild by dinner, then cart in oats__
Toolie & Tom mow peas & reap &e oats by dinner,
at peas again; Griffin about sundries till do__, then ill; George to the Fair with his cow__ Self at posts & bars for yen-yard door from 9 ½ to 4 o'C, then at sundries_

2 Wednesday. James & Muldoon finish mow peas about 10 o'C, grind scythes & mow some Bl k Sea till 4 o'C, then cart in peas; Toolie & Tom mow peas till10 o'C, then cradle & bind oats; Griffin no work in morn:, at hen-yard fence till 4 o'C, help with peas; George ill__ Self at do_ do_ do after breakfast_

3 Thursday. James mow Blk Sea in morn: fork off a load peas, then plough fallow_ Muldoon do_ do_ do_, stow away peas, dig out pipe at end of stone-
bridge by 12 o'C, then bind oats; Toolie & Tom at stumps till near 10 o'C,
then cradle & bind oats; Casey bind oats; Griffin at stumps in morn:,
help stow away peas; then about pipe at stone-bridge & sundries; George point g chimneys & about sundries____ Self about sundries & repair pipe at stone-bridge__

Exp d in Ottawa_

Rochester 5 gls beer 6/3

Elliot's 4 yds canvass 4/4

Returned Hammy -/7½

A timming 2 d tolls 10 d 1/-


Miss Butler shoe varnish 1/3_


canvass 4/- thread 6 d


George 1 g l salt_

lent Peter Logan

$8 took his note
at two months for $8 __ 50


M rs Mac: 8 yds facotry @ 10½ d

Mary-Anne 1/3.

Pd James Brough & Co
up to April 15 th

By Cheque $63


Exp d in Ottawa_
mak g & collary's dress __ ..7..3

Elliot 1 yd Canvass __ ..1..1

Crosby boots for Self __ ..17..6
tolls __ .. __ ..10

£ 1..6..8

Miss Butler's watch 5/-

Griffin a bt l rapeseed oil 1/4½

Muldoon 7 yds print @1/-

Do_ 3 lbs soap.

P d Phil Orched

1 shoe & 1 remove
on Spring 1/9
timper jumpers -/4

4 washers waggon -/5


George 1/s lb tobacco__

Griffin 2/6_

13½ lbs butter from
Luton @7½ d

Collins here till dinner
making posts__





32 slabs__


M rs Muldoon
here on the 26.27 28.




Griffin ½ lb tobacco.

Do_ Cash 10/-



Mary Casey
here on 29.30.31_






Muldoon 1 lb tobacco_


Mary-Anne 2/-
per M rs Mac:


lt r to Ottawa paid.



Margaret went
home on Sunday &
return d Monday noon.

gave warn g
Tuesday_ night_