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Of E d Proulx on the 22 nd 1 ax 7/6_



7 bush ls Bl k Sea
from 16 Acre-feild .
of E.B. Eddy on 19 th

2 bls flour @$4 __ 75

10 lbs tea @2/9 or __ 55.



3½ bush ls
oats to Poultry
from Gran:
also 9 bush ls
to Horses__



Strong N.W. wind. Then 16º below

Z o at noon__
at Jennings
a bt l gargling oil 2/6.
a do_ nerve oil -/3

1 p t oil 1/-



5 gl s beer_
at Bate's

6 p k corn-starch.

1 lb raisins.

at Brough's
a horse cover 9/6

2½ yd calico 1/5.
stay tape 6 d

½ lb thread 10½ .
at Jennings on the 22 nd

5 lbs resin @10 d __

49 bushl oats
of H. Edwards


at Bate's

6 lbs crushed A @8 d

15 lbs soap @1½ d .


2 papers needle @3 d

2 white spools @ 4½ d

2 yds canvass @6½ d


2 yds striped @1/3.

2 " bl k color g @1/6.

4 boxes pins @4 d

1 p r gloves 1/3 .

¾ bush l peas to Pigs.



George for rations_

1 lb tea_

22½ lbs beef_

15 " pork_

60 " flour_


James for rations.

1 lb tea.

22½ lbs beef_

15 lbs pork_

60 lbs flour.

at Bate's_

1 g l molassas
for James_


4 bush ls Snows from cellar to Pigs_
at Cunningham's

7/8 y d print @1/1
do_ do do_ @1/1
at Bate's

6 lbs tea 3/1½

6 chimneys 2/6

1 lb S. petre .
at Brough's

1¼ yds canvass @ 1/4½.
at Jenning's

1 lb resin_
a b tl pain killer 7½.


15. Monday. James about horses in morn:, clean & measure wheat till dinner, then draw in 2 load hardwood; Muldoon about horses in morn:, draw in loads soft-wood, draw wheat to mill & one load straw to Cow-loft; Tooly not here; Griffin saw wood in morn:, help clean up wheat, help down with wheat & straw; thrash again; George about cattle &e, boil 2 pots tatoes, the last in Old cellar___ Self at repairs in stable till dinner, to Aylmer in cutter_

16 Tuesday. James about horses in morn:, rig out horses &e for Self till near 9 o'C, , then draw in 14 logs__ Muldoon & Tooly about horses & saw wood in morn:, lay up 17 logs; Griffin thrash wheat; George about cattle &e_ Self in Aylmer & back about 3 o'C, took D r Church home from Rob ts .

17 Wednesday. James about horses in morn:, fodder cattle &e after breakfast, to A.L. Smiths with oxen for hay, his yard so drifted could not get in, took 1 load out of white for Horse-loft by dinner, then draw in 3 logs & 1 load hardwood; Muldoon & Tooly about horses & saw wood in morn:, fall & X-cut logs; Griffin help about hay, saw & split wood, do up cattle &e, George at home_______ Self in house all day, did not feel very well______

18 Thursday. James & Muldoon about horses in morn: then make a rollway & open out an old road; Tooly saw wood in morn:, help at roll-way &e; Griffin about sundries till dinner, then thrash wheat; George about cattle &e___ Self at sundries till dinner, to Berry's with teem in even g __

19 Friday. James about horses in morn:, then to Ottawa ; Muldoon & Tooly about horses & saw wood in
morn:, lay up logs; Griffin thrash wheat exercise
the Tracy mare; George about cattle &e
Self to Ottawa with double sleigh_____

20 Saturday. James about horses in morn:, measure up tatoes, draw hay from Mr Smith's, 1 load horse-loft, & 1 load cow-loft; Muldoon & Tooly about horses & saw wood in morn:, grind axes, fall & X-cut logs; Griffin at sundries in morn:, help with tatoes & hay; George about cattle &e;____ Self to Aylmer with some tatoes, got back to a late dinner, weigh flour & oats_____

21 Sunday. Church P.M. Self took Muldoon & wife in cutter to Mowbry's corner before dinner, then drove Nance to Rob ts corner & back again, then took Kate to Anna's__

22 Monday. James about horses in morn:, draw in 17 logs_ Muldoon & Tooly about horses in morn:, lay up
logs; Griffin not here; George about cattle &e____
Self to Ottawa in cutter_____ Cheque C.T. Bate

23 Tuesday. James about horses in morn:, $50 __.. on ac t
draw 18 logs__ Muldoon & Tooly Cheque to Cash
about horses & saw wood in morn:, grind a new ax, carry oats (15 bush l ) from Gran: to Stable, draw some oat straw to cow-loft; Griffin not here; George about cattle &e, saw wood__ Self new hand & stable-shovel, new handle new ax___

24 Wednesday. James about horses in morn:, to Aylmer
with Self till 3½ o'C dinner, then about sundries; Muldoon & Tooly about horses & saw wood in morn:, fall & X-cut 17 logs; Griffin returned with Self, no work_ George about cattle &e, saw & split wood__
Self to Aylmer with double sleigh till 3 ½ o'C, then exercise Nance & Duke__

25 Thursday. James about horses in morn:, draw in 21 logs_ Muldoon & Tooly about horses & sundries in morn:, lay up logs; Griffin no work; George about cattle
&e,___ Self to Aylmer in cutter & back about 2 o'C___

26 Friday. James about horses in morn:, to Ottawa with Self_ Muldoon " " " " fall & X-cut logs; Tooly help measure tatoes in morn:, do_ do_ do; Griffin " " " " thrash wheat; George about cattle &e___ Self to Ottawa with double sleigh__

27 Saturday. James about horses in morn:, at sundries for
a while, draw in 18 logs; Muldoon & Tooly
about horses & saw wood in morn:, lay up logs__ Griffin finish thrash Bl k Sea by dinner, then saw
wood & at sundries; George about cattle &e, boil &
mix 2 pots of tatoes____ Self about sundries
till dinner, then to W m Tracy's in cutter_____ Smith &

28 Sunday. Church A.M. Do_

29 Monday. James about horses in morn: clean up wheat, draw 1 load hay to cow-loft & some straw; Muldoon
& Tooly about horses & sundries in morn: fall & X-cut logs; Griffin help with wheat, hay & straw, George about cattle &e_____ Self to Ottawa in cutter___

Tooly 100 lbs flour.

Muldoon ¼ lb tea.

Griffin ½ lb tobacco 8½

Bartlet & Smith 1/-
for hind removes
on Doll__

James ½ lb tea_

& ½ lb candles_

On the 23d_

Miss Edwards 5/-

Miss ary fund__

Bartlet & Smith 1/- for remove Doll's fore-shoes they owe me 3 d _ Recei d
on the 24 th _



Muldoon 50 lbs flour.
on the 22 of G.H.P. for mutton & taboos 1..2..9

8¾ lbs lard@6 d __ ..4..4½

£ 1..7..1½

Exp d in Ottawa_

Leslie for old watch 5/-

Wight for 1 halter 5/-

Tolls 1/-


James $4 __..

Alice ¼ thread 10½ d .


lt r to Mary not paid
do to Constance paid.
lt r from Mont l Bank p d
lt r from A.S pittal not p d

M rs Mac: 2 yds stuff @ 1/6.


Tooly ½ lb tobacco_

James 1 bush l Snows.

Griffin 2 do_ do_.


Dorney 10 bush ls Blues @1/3 is 2/6 Received it.


Griffin £1..10.. __

Exp d in Ottawa__

O'Meara Ham's coat 1..8..9

Crosby as act __ ..1..11

Stay tape __ .. __ ..7½

Tolls __ .. __ ..7

£ 2..5..10½

$15 __..

George 1 g l syrup 2/6

Do 2 yds striped @1/3_

Do 1 lb candles_

1/3 of Goode for 1 bush l tatoes .


M rs Muldoon 1 lb resin 10 d _

& 3 lbs soda

Bartlet & Smith 4/- for 8 removes__
lt r to Arab: paid_


Exp d in Ottawa_

Isac's 5 gls coal-oil 2/9 13/9

Lion 5 lbs sugar @6½ 2/8½

Do " " " @5½ 2/3½

Offord a p r rubbers 3/1½

En-Wright repair lamp -/6

Tolls 1/-½

£ 1..3..5


$6 of D. Goode for 24 bush:

Blues @1/3_

Tooly 1 lbs tea & cash 5/-

James 50 lbs flour_

George ½ lb tobacco @ 1/8_

& ½ bush l peas.

Expd in Ottawa_

Co 1 p r rubbers __ ..3..1½

1 p r hip boots __ ..10.. __

1 tin Olmsted s __ ..1..3

Do 1 do blacking __ .. __ ..6

Tracy a little cloak __ ..8..9

Offord a p r mole slippers __ ..3.. __

Robert 1 q t fluid 7/6 __ ..1..10½

En-Wright bottom boiller __ ..1..3

Tolls __ .. __ ..7

£ 1..10..4