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Rain nearly

all day_





Altered the




2 bush.. oats to




from Bate's by John

lbs crushed A -

lbs moist sugar @6½




Separate d ..

lambs from the

flock ___


Rain evening.







54 stukes Scotch

from S o end

Woodfeild _



Began to rain just

at dark_


N o 3

a W. lamb_


Showery day



Geo rations

30 lbs pork &

1 lb tea __


James for rations.

30 lbs pork

1 lb tea

60 .. flour_

3 loads peas

from 16 Acre-




4 loads more

peas from the

same place__



at Bate's on 3 d .._

20 lbs sugar @ 6 d ..

8 .. broken load @ 9 d ..

5 .. Japan [tea]@3/1½

3 .. bacco @ 1/6 &

2 .. do by Rob t ..__








177 stukes [Dol t ..]

oats from 12






3 loads peas

from Westfeild_




at Jenning's

A Bt l .. turpentine [5]/3

I g l .. boiled oil 6/3

A [Reg] N o 3

wh t lead 14/_


1 bush.. oats to Poultry


AUGUST 1864.

22Monday. James draw down 2 loads soft_wood from Muldoon's in

morn.., unload wheat, grind axes, dig new line for Creek;

Tooly not here; Hogan pile lumber in morn.. then same

as James; Griffin pile lumber in morn.., quarry for Creek;

George about cows &e, scrape floor of N o 3 cellar, saw wood_

23Tuesday. James & Griffin help cut the boar & about sundries

in morn.., then quarry for Creek; Hogan help

about boar & pile lumber in morn.., then dig new

line of Creek; Tooly came about 3 o' C, did not work;

George saw wood & abut sundries in morn.., help

in Gristmill for about 2 hours, then saw wood _____ .

24Wednesday. James & Griffin blasting for Creek;

Tooly & Hogan dig new line for do__;

George do some plastering upstairs & about sundries __

Self put table part of meat s together again.

& nail the wine on both ends ____

25Thursday. James & Griffin quarry for Creek till 9 o' C,

bind & strike oats; Tooly about sundries in

morn.. grind 2 scythes, [uncap] wheat, cradle oats,

reap wheat & oats; Hogan help at same,

except g .. cradle oats,George cows, pigs &e in morn.,

to Berry's for sundries, at sundries for a start, then

to John's far with a letter till dinner, at sundries again__

26Friday. James & Hogan mow peas till 9½ o' C, bind oats

till 5½ o' C, cart in wheat; Tooly grind g .. scythes in

morn.., mow peas, cradle oats till 6 o' C, at peas again;

Griffin help grind scythes in morn.., up the river

with Self till dinner, strike oats till 6 o' C, mow peas;

George weeding in garden & at sundries about house___

Self to Streets in morn.., rode to Barlow'w, Hamnett

walked, then 2 or 3 miles up river in Do's cannoe, got

back to rather late dinner, examine d .. wheat & helped house it__

27Saturday. James & Hogan unload wheat, mow peas;

Tooly mow peas; Griffin hill a lamb in morn..,

then mow peas; George weed g .. in garden & about

sundries till 5 o' C, then to Berry 's for white lead___

28Sunday. Church A.M. Self & Kate in buggy to Streets__

29Monday. James, Tooly & Hogan mow peas; Griffin ill;

George weeding in garden, help turn peas & about

sundries; ____Self paint g .. meat_s. till near

4 o' C, then delayed by two men about timber till near

6 o' C, then to Streets in buggy, Kate went too ____

30Tuesday. James & Hogan mow peas till 11 o' C, cart in peas,

till near 6 o' C, mow again; Tooly & Griffin mow

peas; George weed g .. garden put peas into lumps

& about sundries ___Self to Rob ts .. on foot till

11 o' C, look too peas &e till dinner, paing meat_s

31Wednesday. James & Hogan finish mow peas by 11 o' C,

near Bl k .. Sea till dinner, cart in peas;

tooly help mow peas & reap B lk .. Sea till dinner,

then cradle, bind & strike do _ do_; Griffin mow

peas in morn.., turn peas till 9½ o' C, then quarry

in Old Cellar to deepen in back of milk shelves

till near 3 o' C, then bind B lk .. Sea; George about house

in morn.., turn peas & about sundries till dinner,

then gather peas into lumps ___Self help turn

peas & about sundries till dinner, mix whiskey, paint

part of meat safe & pick out horse-cart with b lk .. paint___


1Thursday. James & Hogan unload peas in morn..,

reap B lk .. Sea till dinner, then house oats;

Tooly cradle, reap, bind & strike B lk .. Sea;

Griffin about sundries in morn.. then at B lk .. Sea;

George about cows &e, at sundries in garden__

Self at sundires & to Rob ts .. till dinner, help house oats__

2Friday. James & Hogan reap wheat in morn.., bind

& strike oats till dinner, then cart in peas;

Tooly cradle, bind & strike oats; Griffin ill;

George about house & sundries till dinner,

then gather peas___Self to Ottawa ___

3Saturday. James & Hogan at oats; Tooly cradle

oats; Griffin ill; George about cows

&e, & at sundries in garden___

Self returned at dusk__

4Sunday. Church P.M.

P d .. John Heilly

4/5 bal ce .. on

the butter had

of him last Fall_

grss Wt.. 115 lbs

p d .. last Nov. 87 @ 8½



Rep r .. drill 1/3 20


Cash 4/5 8@ 8 ½

--- ===

5/8 is 5/8


Racheal 5/_

J. H.P. 412 ft..@3/__


Tooly ½ lb tea_

James 50 lbs flour.




2 lt r from Ottawa 14


3 lbs blast g .. powder of

Berry __ also lbs Crush d A



& 5 ½ lbs white lead

including tin_




George ½ lb tobacco.






James ½ lb tea.



Ch ge .. George post ge. 7_


Tooly 20½ lbs pork.


Hogan 1 lb tea

& Cash 2/6_







Tooly 1 plug tobacco


Hogan 1 .. .. _



James 1 .. .

Griffin ½ do _ do_















Exp d in Aylmer_

New well to boiler . . 4/-

A straw-hat . . . -/6


James 1 lb candles.



Exp d .. in Ottawa .

Elliot 5 yds tweed 4/9 - 1..3..9

En Wright tin boiler - ..12..6

Leisly new springwatch -..5..-

Isaac 1 ½ yds [wobe] wine -..3..9

Workman bar ½ inch . -..1..9

Do_ 5 yds rope . . . -..1..2

Do_4 lbs 6 inch spikes -..-..10

Tongue & Co for W. & cut do -..3..8½

Self cheque $15 Tolls . . -..-..10 ½


James 1 g l .. molasses 2/6_ £2..13..4


George 1 lb candles_


Paid Cunner for George's boats 12/6