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Rich d Lay 1858.


5 march. 118ft.. rough_edge @3/_ _..3..7

24___ 2lbs soap @5 d _.._..10

27___ ½ days work. 3 d .. April. 2 candles.. _.._..4

5 April. 1 do do_

5 June. 1 do do_ 1lb tobacco _..1..6

12___ 1 do do_

15___ 1 do do_ 17 th .. 10lbs wool ¼ _..13..4

11 July 1 lb tobacco_ _ _ _ _ _..1..6

22___ ½ do_ do_ 19 th Cash_ _ _ _ _ 1..10.._

6 Aug st .. ½ do_ do_ 21 st .. Aug. ½ lb tobacco.. _.._..9

28 Sept.. ¼ lb tobacco… _.._..4½

30___ 1 handsaw file.. _.._..7½

1 Oct.. ½ lb candles…. _.._..6

8___ A jack plane… _..6..3

15___ a 2 inch plk……. _.._..9

16___ Cash_ _ _ _ _ _ _..5.._

18___ ½ lb tobacco_ _ _ _ _ _.._..9

19___ 1lb cut nails_ _ _ _ _.._..3

_ ___ an inch board_ _ _ _ _.._..5

25___ Cash_ _ _ _ _ _ _..15.._

26___ ½ lb tobacco_ _ _ _ _ _.._..9

2 Nov. ½ lb tobacco_ _ _ _ _ _ _.._..9

he worked_ £4..3..3

March 27 half day. April 5 th .. 1 day. 1½

June 5.12.15 is days. July 22 nd ½ do_ 3½

Augst 6 th half day_ _ _ _ _ _ _½

Sept. _ _ _ _ _ 4

Oct.} 19


Nov. ½ .6.8_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6½

£..s..d 35

35 days @4/_ 7.._.._


11 Nov. Cash £3.._.._ 3.._.._

1 Dec. 1 days work..4.._

7___ ½ lb tobacco.. _.._..9

£7..4.._ £7..4.._

1 Jan. 13ft.. inch board_ _ _ _ _ _ _.._..6

26___ ½ lb tobacco_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.._..9

Worked 31 st .. 1lb candles _..1.._

3 Feb. 231ft.. rough_edge 7/_100ft.. boards 4/_ _..11._

_ ___ ½ lb tobacco 9 d .. 2 lbs soap 10 d .. _..1..7

9___ Cash_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1.._.._

5 March. work d .. 4½ days 8 th .. ½ lb tobacco _.._..9

8 April. ½ lb tobacco. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.._..9

11___ 1 days work_ 25lbs flour _..4..9

17___ ½ lb tobacco 9 d .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.._..9

20___ 1 days work. 5 th July. 5 bush ls Cups _..12..6

9 Aug. ½ do do_ 18 th .. ½ lb tobacco…. _.._..9

Cr.. £2..15..1


J. G. Street 1858.

4 May_ 5lbs candles 5/_ £..s..d

21 Aug st .. 500ft.. rough_edge @3/_. _..15.._



Tom baskin 1857. £..s..d

1. May. 3½ bush. wheat @6/6_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1..2..9

_ ___ 7 ½ pork @9 d .. 5/7 ½ 19 th ½ tobac 9 d .. _..6..4½

19___ by 4 days work @$10. is___..7..8

7 Sept.. by 1 do do_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..2..9

15 Oct. by 5 do_ do @2/_ _..10.._

£1.._..5 1.._..5

1858. £_..8..8½

23 April. Cash_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..10.._

27 Dec. 1 board 8 d .. ½ lb nails 2 d .. _.._..10

Cr_ _..19..6½

By 10 ½ cord of wood @1/6_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..15..9

1859. £_..3..9½

17. Oct. 1lb tobacco 1/6. 24 th .. 2lbs wool 2/8_ _ _ _ _..4..2

25.___ Cash_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..15.._

Cr__ £1..2..11½

By 11 days at tatoes @2/6 £1..7..6 ========

1860. 1..2..11½


31 Jan. 11lbs soap @5 _..4..7

William Berry 1858. 9


2 nd April. 300ft 1½ inch pl k @ 5/_ _..15.._

8___ 400ft.. inch boards @4/_ _..16.._

9___ 400ft.. rough_edge @3/_ _..12.._

21 May. 1½ bush ls rushy_ coats 2/6 _..3..9

23 Aug st ..310ft.. 2 inch pl k .. 6/_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..18..7

16 Oct. 275ft.. inch boards @4/_ _ _ _ _ _ _..11.._

23 Nov. 200ft.. do do @4/_ _ _ _ _ _ _..8.._

16 May. /59_ 18ft.. do do @4/_ _ _ _ _ _ _.._..10

27___ 187ft.. of sawing @2/_ _ _ _ _ _..3..8

30___ 249ft.. of inch bards @4/_ _ _ _ _ _..10.._

_ ___ 2 scant g 3x4==24ft.. do @4/_ _ _ _ _ _..1.._

21 June. 30ft.. clap boards @4/_ _ _ _ _ _..1..3

23 July. 213ft.. of 2 inch @6/_ _ _ _ _ _..12..9


Rent of pew for 15 months_ _ _ _ _ _ 2..10.._

Settled 13 th Aug st 1859 £8..3..10



John Tayler 1858.

Began 10 th April_ £..s..d

His wife owes for candles_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..1..3

14 April. 40lbs flour @25/_ _ _ _ _ _ _..5.._

22___ 1 bush l .. Snows_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..2.._

26___ 3 lbs soap_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..1..3

30___ absent. Cash_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1.._.._

3 May. absent.

12___ absent. 265ft.. inch boards @4/_ _..10..8

17___ Cash_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..12..6

18___ 2 days absent.

29___ absent. 6 bush l Snows @2/_ _..12.._

2 June 3 days absent. 1 do do_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..2.._

_ ___ 1lb tobacco_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..1..6

10___ ½ lb tea 1/3_ 12 th .. Cash 12/6_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..13..9

19___ ½ absent. 1 st .. July. Cash 5/_ 1 bush Rusties _..7.._

8 July. Cash 3/_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..3.._

16___ ½ absent. Cash_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1..10.._

17___ ½ absent. 1 bush l Cups_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..2..6

26___ 4 days absent_ 2 nd .. August_ 1lb tobacco _..1..6

2 Aug st ½ bl.. flour 12/6_ 1 bush l .. oats 2/6_ _..15.._

9___ A pr shoes_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..9..6

12___ 1lb tea_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..2..6

27___ absent. 28 th .. 1 lb tea 2/6 & ½ lb tobacco 9 d .. _..3..3

1 Sep. ½ lb tobacco 9 d .. 4 th .. 50 lbs flour 6/3 _..7.._

11___ 2 days absent. Cash_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2.._.._

16___ 1lb tobacco 1/6, 20 th .. 50lbs flour 6/3 _..7..9

25___ Cash 1/3_ 28 th .. ½ lb tobacco _/9… _..2.._

28___ 1 lb tea 2/6_ 4 lbs soap @5 d .. 1/8 _..4..2

30___ 2 inch boards 1/3 & 2 pl k .. of 1½ inch 1/_ _..2..3

2 Oct. 6 bush lime @10 d .. 5/_ ½ lb candles 6 d .. _..5..6

_ ___ ½ absent. 4 th .. a candle 2 d .. 50lbs flour 5/7½ _..5..9½

6___ ½ lb tea 1/3. 8 th .. 2½ yds cloth @3/9_ _ 9/4½ _..10..7½

7___ ½ absent. 9 th .. 1lb tobacco 1/6_ ½ lb tea 1/3 _..2..9

13___ ½ lb nails 3 d .. _16 th 50lbs flour @6/3…. _..6..6

18___ 250ft.. 1½ inch pl k 12/6_21 st .. Cash 10/_ … 1..2..6

22___ 2 absent. 23d.. 1lb tea 2/3_27 th .. 30lbs flour 3/9 _..6.._

28___ a candle 2 d .._30 th .. 1lb tobacco 1/6….. _..1..8

6 Nov. 2 days absent_ 2 bush ls lime @10 d _..1..8

_ ___ 50lbs flour 6/3_ 9 th .. 2 lbs soap 10 d _..7..1

18___ 2 days absent. 20 th .. ½ bush l .. oats _..1.._

22___ 1lb tobacco 1/6_23 d .. ½ lb tea 1/3_ _ _ _ _ _ _..2..9

24___ 20lbs flour 2/6 29 th .. 1lb tea 2/6_ 50lbs flour 6/3 _..11..3

30___ ½ bush ls oats 1/_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..1.._

From 10 th .. April to 9 Nov.. £16..2..11

Is 7 months 10½ $ is £18..7..6

Deduct for 4½ days @2 /_ _..9.._



6 Dec. Cash £1..3..1½ & 100lbs flour 12/6. 1..15..7½

Since the above, he work d .. 3½ days @ 4/_ is £17..18..6½


8 Dec. 1lb tobacco 1/6_ 10 th ½ bush oats 1/_.. _..2..6

11___ ½ lb tea 1/3_ 30 th 2 lbs soap _/10….. _..2..1

16 March. p d his little boy Cash to bal ce _..2..5

£ _..7.._