4 James Baskin 1856.
From page 1. 18½ days absent_ Amt.. of act.. 13..8..5
22. Oct_ 3 days absent. 10lbs pork @7½ d _..6..3
31___ 1lb tobacco_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..1..4
6 Nov. 2 days absent. ½ lb candles_ _ _ _ _ _.._..6
9___ 6lbs beef @5 d .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..2..6
19___ 2 days absent_22 nd 50lbs flour @32/6_ _ _ _ _ _..8..1½
25___ 10lbs beef @5 d .._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..4..2
29___ ½ lb candles_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.._..6
30___ Cash_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..15.._
9 Dec. 5¼ lbs beef @5 d .. 2/2½ 10 th .. 25lbs flour @30 _..5..11½
17___ Cash 10/_ 22 nd .. a candle 2d.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _..10..2
27___ 25lbs flour @30/_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..3..9
30&31___ absent. but not charged in 16..6..8
This settlement____
From 1 st .. June 1856 to end of Dec. 1856.
Is 7 months
______25½ days absent_
6 months 1½ do @ 11 do 16..13.._
Balance due him last May 3..10.._½
Rep d .. for shoe g .. charley _.._..11
30 Dec. Cash_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3..15.._
The 2 last days of Dec. absent _..2..3½
Not charged in last settle mt
Recommenced 1 st .. jan.. 1857. £..s..d
2 Jan. 25lbs flour_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..3..9
3___ ½ absent.
5___ ½ absent.
8___ absent 1 bush l .. Snows _..2..6
9___ absent_ 10 th 100lbs flour @ _..15..0
13___ 10yds print @ 10 d .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _..8..4
19___ ½ bush l .. Snows_ _ _ _ _ _ _..1..3
29___ 3 yds.. cloth @3/9 is 11/3 a pr.. mits 6/3 _..17..6
31___ absent_ Cash_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..5.._
4 Feb. 25lbs flour 3/9 cash 2/6… _..6..3
5___ 1gl.. molasses_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..3.._
6___ 100lbs flour_ _ _ _ _ _ _..15.._
11___ absent_
12 March. absent. 13 th 50 lbs flour _..7.._
21___ Cash_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..10.._
24___ absent. 27 th .. a barrel flour 1..10.._
30___ absent. April 4 th 1lb candles _..1.._
11 April. absent. Cash_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..10.._
14___ 2½ absent. 6..16..1
From 1 st Jan ry 1857 to 30 th .. April
Is 4 months 211 dols per months £11.._.._
13½ days absent or ½ do_ _ _ _ 1..7..6
Bal ce due him _..2..3½ 2..18..8 ½
Recommenced 1 st .. May 1857.
4 May. Cash_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2..15.._
6___ 1lb pork_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.._..7½
18___ Cash_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..15.._
20___ ½ absent. 1/8 2 bush s .. Snows @4/6 _..10..8
22___ 50lbs flour @37/6 _..9..4½
23___ Cash of M r Charles last winter _..5.._
2 June. 50 lbs fluor @37/6 _..9..4½
11___ Cash_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2.._.._
15___ 15 th 6¾ lbs soap @4½ d .. _ _ _ _..2..6
15___ 1lb candles_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..1.._
19___ ½ bush l tatoes_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..2.._
Lindsay for temper y ax…. _.._..7½
24___ ½ absent. 1/8 50lbs flour @37/6 is 9/4½ _..11.._
2 July. 50lbs flour @37/6_ _ _ _ _ _ _..9..4½
7___ ½ absent_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..1..8
13___ absent 18 th 50lbs flour @37/6 _..12..8
18___ 8yds shirting @ 9 d .. 6/_ &2yds cobarg 2/6 _..8..6
24___ absent ¾ 25 th 1 lb candles 1/_ _..4..4
28___ 50lbs flour @ 37/6_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..9..4½
7 Aug. absent ¾ 17 th .. absent ¾ 20 th 1lb tobac. 1/8 _..8..4
20___ absent 50lbs flour 237/6 is 9/4½ _..12..8½
John Henderson 1856.
3 Oct. absent. Cash_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2..10.._
12___ 5 ½ lb pork @7 ½ d 3/5½ 13½ lb candles _..3..11½
15___ absent. 16 th 5 lbs sugar @6 d .. _..2..6
20___ ½ bush l .. Snows @1/10_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.._..11
22___ ½ gl. salt_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.._..3
28___ absent. 1 st .. Nov. Cash_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..1..3
3 Nov. 5lbs pork @7½ d .._ _ _ _ _ _..3..1½
7___ ½ absent. 1 lb candles_ _ _ _ _ _ _..1.._
10___ Cash to M r .. Greene_ _ _ _ _..2..6
11___ Cash_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..5.._
13___ ½ absent. 20lbs flour @32/6 _..3..3
16___ 1 bush l .. Snows_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..1..10
17___ 2 days absent_ 18 th .. 4lbs pork @ 7½ 2/6 lash 1/3 _..3..9
25___ Cash_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..1..6
26___ absent 27 th 25lbs flour @32/6_ _ _ _ _ _ _..4..1
27___ postage -/3. 1½ lbs tobacco 1/6 _..2..3
50___ 3½ lbs beef @5 d .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _..1..5½
2 Dec. ½ absent_ 3d.. Dec. Cash 1/3_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..1..3
5___ Cash_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1..5.._
8___ ½ bush l .. snows_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..1..3
13___ 25lbs flour 30/_3/9 14 th .. 8lbs beef @5 d .. ¾ _..7..1
16___ a candle_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.._..2
19___ absent &22 nd absent. Cash_ _ _ _ _ _ 1..5.._
23___ a candle 2d.. 24 th .. 25lbs flour @30/_3/9 _..3..11
30___ Cash_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..5.._
31___ absent. ½ bush l .. snows_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..1..3
3 Jan. 2 days absent. 6 th .. Cash_ _ _ _ _ _ _.._..9
7___ absent_ an ax_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..7..6
9___ A x-cut saw file_ _ _ _ _ _ _..1..6
15___ absent. 25 th .. 1 bush. Snows _..2..6
29___ ½ gl.. syrup_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..1..6
30___ 2 days absent
11 Feb. ½ absent. 14 th 8lbs sugar @6½ d _..4..4
14 March. absent. 16 th .. 1 bush l .. Rusties _..3.._
21___ Cash _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..1..3
27___ ½ absent. 28 th .. half cost repair g Xcut _.._..6
30___ Cash_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..1..3
31___ ½ absent. April 6 th .. Cash_ _ _ _ _ _ 2..10.._
7 April. absent. 11 th .. April 6lbs pork @7½ d .. _..3..9
19___ 1lb tobacco_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..1..6
28___ 3lbs pork_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..1..10½
6 May. 5½ lbs do_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..3..5½
From 1 st .. Oct.. 1856 to 8 May 1857 inclusive 12..3..2½
Is 7 months 8 days @10 dollars £18..3..4
Due him last settlement 2..1..9½
Deduct for 21 days about 2..0..0
10 May. Cash_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5..19..2½
James Baskin 1857_
Carried up_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 11..13..6½
29. Aug ½ absent_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..1..8
9 Sept. ½ absent_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..1..8
22___ 25lbs flour @37/6_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..4..9
28___ ½ absent_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..1..8
1 Oct. 20lbs flour 3/9 ½ gl.. salt 3 d .. _..4.._
3___ 1lb candles_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..1.._
10___ 2 days absent 6/1 gl.. molasses 2/8_ _ _ _ _ _ _..8..8
_ ___ 1lb tobacco 1/6 a box plaster 1/3 _..2..9
15___ absent 23d.. 2 days absent @3/4 6/8 _..10.._
24___ 20lbs flour @ $5_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..2..6
3 Nov. 20lbs do @$5_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..2..6
4___ 3 days absent 10/11 th .. 1lb candles 1 _..11.._
17___ absent. ¾ 1lb tobacco 1/8 _..5..3
26___ 50lbs flour 6/3 1 st .. Dec. Cash 1/3_ _ _ _ _ _ _..7..6
4 Dec. ½ gl.. salt_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.._..3
8___ absent 2/_ Cash £1..5.._ 1..7.._
14___ absent 2/23 d .. 50lbs flour @25/_ _..8..3
24___ 1lb candles 1/_ 28 th absent 2/_ _..3.._
28___ Cash £4..10.._ 29 th absent ¾ 4..13..4
From 1 st May 57. to 31 Dec_5/9 21..10..½
Is 8 months @11 $ is 22.._.._ take off 3 d ..
bal ce last settl mt 2..18..8½ as days absent days _..4..3
£24..18..8½ 21..5..9½
_..1..6 bal ce due him 3..14..5
25.._..2 £25.._..2½