APRIL 1865
23 Sunday. Church A.M.
24 Monday. James work sawmill; Tom about horses in morn:, drive oxen for plough g S o corner of Woodfeild till
dinner, cart earth to dam & draw logs to mill till 5¼ o'C, help plough again; Tooly about horses in morn:, then plough; Griffin at sundries in morn:, plough grass-
land in Woodfeild, cart earth to dam, help with
logs to mill, plough again; George about cattle &e,
boil 2 pots tatoes for pigs, saw wood & about sundries__ Self start oxen to plough & see too things till dinner,
at sundries for a start, file & set mill-saw & at sundries
25 Tuesday. James sawing; Tom about horses in morn:, drive oxen for ploughing; Tooly do_ do_ do _do_, plough grassland; Griffin at sundries in morn:, plough
do_ do_ in Woodfeild; George about cattle &e, saw
& split wood, dig for as tart in afternoon about rasp-
berry bushes___ Self lt r writing till near 10 o'C, then
at the forge till 1¼ o'C, then hand Porch-door of ice-house_
26 Wednesday. James work sawmill& pile boards a start in even g :, Tom about horses in morn:, cart stones from end
of George's house on to road till about 10½ o'C, then go
on ploughing; Tooly about horses in morn:, plough
grass land; Griffin saw wood in morn:, help at
the stones & ploughing; George about cattle &e, dig
about raspberry bushes & at sundries____
Self see about things till 9 o'C, to the forge with Nance
till dinner, then poke about______
27 Thursday. James sawing till dinner, pile boards for about two hours, saw again; Tom about horses in morn:,
plough & draw 1 load hay to Horse-loft; Tooly about
horses in morn:, plough grass-land; Griffin measure
up & carry oats to Stable in morn:, drive oxen for
ploughing, help down with hay, George about cattle
&e, pack hams in ashes, trim bl k currants & began
to dig the bed_______ Self about sundries_____
28 Friday. James work sawmill; Tom about horses in morn:, pick tatoes for a start, then plough; Tooly about
horses in morn:, at tatoes for a start, finish plough
grass-land in 12 Acre-feild: Griffin sift peas in
morn: & for a while after, then drive oxen for Tom;
George about cattle &e; boil a pot tatoes for pigs,
finish dig the bed bl k currants, began a bed for peas____
Self fasten teeth in big harrow, repair garden fence___
29 Saturday. Jams sawing; Tom about horses in morn:,
sort tatoes & draw logs to mill till dinner, at
tatoes again & about sundries; Tooly about horses
in morn:, pick over tatoes till dinner, then home;
Griffin sift peas & help in with logs to mill till
noon, then home; George about cattle &e, sweep up
carrot & some of the tatoe bins, saw wood & at sundries___ Self see to things & help in with logs till dinner, file & set old X-cut for the little Mac's & about sundries__
30 Sunday. Church P.M.
MAY 1865
1 Monday. James sawing; Tom about horses in morn:, plough with oxen in Woodfeild till dinner, cart a few hun d
hay from sheep-loft to cow-loft, cart a load earth to dam, then plough again; Tooly about horses in morn:,
harrow land with the colts till noon, help with hay,
finish harrow the land about 5½ o'C, began to plough
in 16 Acre-feild; Griffin back by the boat, no work;
George about cattle &e, finish dig bed for peas,
sow rows, dig for parnips & began to dig
for tatoes