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E d Berry returned
me lb pres d nails_



James 9 lbs pork bal ce of rations includ g to day's___



Sowed about

3¼ bush: Scotch
on the gusset_

& about 7½ bush ls on the 4 Acres__







Sowed about

2¾ bush: peas on 1 ? Acre
S o end of Woodfeild


19 lbs pork
bal ce of rations_










30 lbs flour bal ce rations

& 50 lbs to be charged _


N o 16 twins_




12½ bush: oats
to Horses_

Sowed about

3¾ bush: Scotch on

2 Acres tatoe

Rainy afternoon__


Sowed about 9¼ bush: oats in

back of Tom's___

MAY 1865.

10 Wednesday. Tom about horses in morn:, plough the colts in 16 Acre-feild; Tooley do _ do_ do, plough in 16 Acre-feild; Griffin & Jackson X-cut pine logs in morn:, then at drain; George about cows &e, & about sundries in garden______ Collins making hen c _____

11 Thursday. James work samwill in afternoon; Tom not here till breakfast, then repair lane fence & help at drains; Tooley about horses in morn;, finish
plough the 4 Acres at near end of 16 Acre-feild by
noon, then began in Creekfeild; Griffin & Jackson
about sundries in morn:, then at drains; George
about cows &e, split & saw wood; Collins finish
making 3 d coupe______ Self about sundries yester-
-day, to day measure out tatoes & oats & at sundries___

12 Friday. James work sawmill; Tom help ring pigs in morn:, harrow wheat & grass-seed in the gusset by 2½ o'C, then help do_ do_ in the 4 Acres at near end of 16 Acre-feild; Tooley bout horses in morn:, plough in Creekfeild till dinner, harrow wheat in near end of
16 Acre-feild; Griffin help ring pigs in morn:,
sow wheat & seed down till dinner, sow wheat
again till 5 o'C, cart stones off gusset peice;
Jackson at sundries in morn:, cut tatoes till
5 o'C, help cart stones; George about cows &e,
cut tatoes & about sundries_____ Self help sow
grass-seed till dinner, help sow wheat & at sundries_

13 Saturday. Tom about horses in morn:, roll the gusset,
then harrow part of land for tatoes & began to
plough it; Tooley about horses in morn:, harrow
peas S o corner of Woodfeild by noon, plough in
Creekfeild; Griffin & Jackson spread dung in
morn:, cart a few loads stones off the gusset, then
finish spread dung & pile lumber till dinner,
cart stones off tatoe land & cart down a load hay
to Horse-loft; George about cows &e, cut tatoes,
help in Gristmill & at sundries____ Self sow
peas in Woodfeild & see to things till about 3 o'C,
then work Gristmill till 6½ o'C;______

14 Sunday. Church P.M. Tom ½ lb tobac:___

15 Monday. Tom about horses in morn:, plough for tatoes; Tooley not here; Griffin about sundries in morn:,
help take the colt to Streets & sort tatoes till dinner,
plough for carrots; Jackson at sundries in morn:,
do in Creekfeild; George about cows &e, plant corn,
cut tatoes_____ Self to Streets soon after breakfast, waited till 9½ o'C to see Headley, then at the funeral___

16 Tuesday. Tom about horses & plough for tatoes; Tooley not here; Griffin at sundries in morn:, sow wheat & grass-seed till 11 o'C, then cut tatoes; Jackson about horses in morn:, harrow wheat in 16 Acre-feild, plough in on Creekfeild; George about cows &e, cut tatoes & at sundries_ Self help sow grass-seed till 11 o'C, take Bessy to Berry's in buggy__

17 Wednesday. Tom about horses in morn:, plough & harrow for tatoes till dinner, then about sundries; Tooley not here; Griffin at sundries in morn:, sow oats
till near noon, cut tatoes, draw in 2 sawlogs;
Jackson about horses in morn:, plough one head-land
& harrow oats in Creekfeild by dinner, harrow for carrots, then about sundries; George about cows &e, sow the large beans

18 Thursday. Tom about horses in morn:, plough for tatoes; Tooley not here; Griffin cut tatoes in morn:,
dress up head-lands for carrots till about 5 o'C, then plant tatoes; Jackson about horses in morn:, make
drills for carrots, then open drills for tatoes; George about sundries in morn:, help sow carrots, help
at tatoes for a while, at sundries again_____

George 1 q t unions__

Collins 2 plugs & one on the 6 th makes ¼ lb tobac:
on my Act__

12/6 of F. Arimtage
to pay for the boards
he got April 22–1864.


George 27 lbs flour_


Thos O'Hara_

7 bush: tatoes 1/6 is 10/6

21 bush: oats @ 2/3 is 47/3

Nate at 3 months $ 11– 55

Collins 1/3 & ½ lb tea on ac t of work for me






George ½ lb tobac:







George 3/6 on ac t
of the dollar he
left in my care_


Collins 10 lbs pork_

50 “ flour_

& Cash 1/3 on ac t
of Church work_


George 1 bush: Cups.

Tom 1 do_ do_


Tooley £1.. __ .. __


10/– of J. Armitage
rent of pew to
May 24–1864__

George 50 lbs flour_

W m Headley 3/9 for altering Tom__

Power 10/– on
ac t of work_

Tom 7½ d __

Jackson 5 plugs & 1
on the 5 th makes ½ lb



Griffin ½ lb tobacco.



Tom 100 lbs flour_






Tom 1 g l salt__

George 2 “ “ __


Collins ½ lb tea

& 9 lbs pork
on ac t Church y d __