Page 018

Con.. 19lbs pork__





done at McCullough lately

1 pr.. [rempld..] soled.. Self 8/_

do do do [Constara] 3/6

a pr.. new ones Do

a pr.. do do Mary




1 p r .. new footed

calf.. skin Self.

1 p r .. ½ soled Self.



Took 10½ bush s ..

Siberian wheat

got 420 lbs flour__



of T.M. Blas-del

4 long bolts

3 short do for sawmill

weighing 10 lbs__


1/3 of Rider

for screw to

gun_look &

5/2 ½ for

the yrds shirting

T bt.. him___



return d ..

the 19lbs pork_


4/_ of Miss Emma

for the 6lbs

C. sugar


5 g l s .. of Berry

about this time

for Father___










No. 5

a W. lamb.

leaves in yard.

16 lambs

27 sheep








1 st .. fire

in do place

this autum__






of John A'Hearn a spade 6/3 owing for X

X p d .. 15 th .. Oct.

17.Wednesday. James sundries in morn.., thrash wheat

till dinner, then at fence, John at home,

Tom at sundries & thrash peas till dinner, then

at fence____ Self repair flails & at sundries.

till dinner, then about fence____

18Thursday. James finish drill stone in church field in morn..

to woods for 6 bottom logs till noon , then at fence,

& sundries, John at sundries in morn.. then get

horses & plough Churchfield, Tom at sundries

in morn.. draw in 2 load fence logs & at fence___

Self sundries & at fence till dinner, stop a leak in

dam & at fence again____

19Friday. James load waggon, at sundries in morn..,

then cart stones off further end of 16 Acrefield,

John about horses & sundries in morn.. then help

pick up stones, Tom sundries in morn.. then

at stones___ all hands help in with water wheel

of sawmill for about 2 hours after dinner____

Self to Ottawa with waggon___

20Saturday. James thrash wheat till near 10 o 'C. then cart

stones, John thrash peas in morn.. then at

the stones, Tom sundries in morn.. then thrash

peas a while & help at the stones___ Self returned__

21Sunday. Church A.M.___ __just at dark__

22Monday. James to Aylmer , John sundries in morn..,

after sally rods till dinner, then ploughs

in Churchfield, Tom about house in morn..,

uncover water pipe, about sundries & recover it__

Self at sundries in morn.. then clean water_pipe__

23Tuesday. James at sundries in morn.. then plough in

Churchfield, John at wood for himself, Tom

about sundries in morn.. repair dam N. side

of stone bridge till about 3 o 'C, then help at

Churchfield fence___ Self about sundries till

3 o 'C, then finish lay bottom logs & make up East corner of fence.

24Wednesday. James at sundries in morn.., finish plough

churchfield by dinner, then at sundries till 3 o 'C, then

began to plough in Barnfield So.. side drain, John

help sort lambs in morn.., at sundries a start, then at

stones in 16 Acrefield, Tom help sort lambs in morn.., to

the woods for a piece fine for Sawmill, then cart stones___

self sort lambs, to woods for a piece pine & at sundries in

morn.., try Sawmill & settle with millwright.

then started for show pair on horse back___

26Friday. James about sundries in morn.., then cart

stones in 16 Acrefield, John at sundries in

morn.., then help at stones, Tom no work__

Self put old ring & staple back into yoke, pin

posts of gate going out of 16 Acrefield onto, road

to fence by dinner then fixing things under sawmill__

27Saturday. James about sundries in morn.., then cart

stones in 16 Acrefield, John the same

Tom no work___ Self mark 5 ewe lambs,

& yake ram in morn.., then butcher a

lamb, then remake pigs' shed at upper end

of Old lower house___

28Sunday. Church P.M. Self, Kate & children to Luton in

waggon before dinner, then out riding with Con.. & John___

29Monday. James & John about sundries in morn..,

then cart stones off the wheat stubble in

Woodfield, Tom not here___ Self hoist flag

& fire the guns, then see about shingle Mac's

house & to Rob ts .. & back by dinner, then at sundries__

30Tuesday. James about sundries till about 10 o 'C. then to

Wainman's with Charly__ had no coals, John

at sundries in morn.., then to the woods for

s-allie rods & repair baskets, Tom not here___

Self poke about till dinner, then put old handles in

2 hoes & dress down my ax handle____



Payne 4 lbs wool 1/3

John 1lb wool @ 1/3

James £1.._.._ of Pa


of A. Smith £2..5.._

amt.. of act.. for boards_

Father h d .. it.


Exp d . in Ottawa .

Eagles on bag salt_ _..6..3

chilty 4 lbs coffee ½ _..4..8

Brough & Co for teas & c 1..10..8

Jenning 2 tooth bushes _..2..6

Do__ a fine comb. _..3..9

Do__ ¼ lb pep ts .. _ _..1..3

Blyth & kemp for sundries_ _..19..2

Bryson & Thilly 2 doz butts.. _.._..2

McGilvray 20lbs sugar @ 6½ _..10..10

Holy 2 copy books.. _..1.._

White a little book.. _.._..2

Waddle a straw hat.. _..1..6

M rs .. Calder ½ lb confoe_ _..1.._

A p r .. boots for Baby.. _..3..6

Ham's boy 7 ½ _ Tall 1/3 --..1..10½


balce.. of M rs .. Mae's money --..1..1


from desk.. _..2..6

h d .. of Father £ 4..4..8½

Mc'Mullin 50lbs flour.

the 1 st of the new crop__

Honnor 2yds Orleans @ 1/3 2/6

Do__ 4 papers basting @ 3d.. 2/8

James 12yds.. factory @5d.. 5/_

in Broughs.. in p d .. act..

James 8 ¾ lbs pork.


John 50 lbs flour.

& 1 postage 3d..__

£2..10..0 of James Arm_

_strong for 4 Ewe lambs.

Father h d .. it.

James ½ lb candles.


Kate to pay G. Monk

for some things 7/6 from


Lent Payne 7/6

from desk.

Tom 2/6 h d .. of Father.


£1..5..0 of Lessons for

2 ewe lambs kept it


John 1 ½ lbs wool.

Mc'Cullough for repair

his wife's boots 1/6_


Returned Arm_

_strong his money

for the lamb_






Mc'Mullin 1 bush l .. of

snows 1/10 the 1 st ..

John ½ bush l .. Snows 1/10

Mrs.. Mae 1lb soap.


Settled up to

this date__ beginning

from Nov. 10 th 1856_

By crediting her with 3/6

for work charged A. Glen

18 th . March

And for 2 days while 2/6

Anne Courtney was in 6/-

Ottawa 16 th June_