Page 021

Total Cups to Pigs
142 bush s __



5 bush s extra
Pigfield Snows
to cellar, &
10 bush s to Pigs.

A fine Ewe died















17 bush s
Siberian to Mill___


Killed the


W ht of the
4 quarters
655 lbs.___





Charley shod
at Wainman's
3 removes &
1 new shoe, not p d .











40 bush s
Rusties to Pigs___

Glenny £7 ..__..__
for a cow__ out of money rec d for cattle___

of Rob t 3 lbs. shingle-nails & 5 lbs. a few days ago___

22 bush s Rusties
to Pigs___

22 bush s to
Cellar for Pigs__

Returned A. Smith
7 lbs. shingle-nails by Graham yesterday


26 bush s Rusties
to Cellar for Pigs__


½ bush s unions of A. Smith




Total Barnfield Snows to Pigs 116 bush s & Pigfield Snows to Pigs 26 bush s ___

1 Saturday. James about sundries in morn - , finish harrow pealand about 11o'C, then began plough it, John about pigs, steam tatoes, help in with last of the Snows, thrash wheat for a start & about sundries, O'Neil at sundries in morn - at tatoes till noon, then thrash wheat___ Self sain dead sheep, at repairs about lime-house & about sundries___

2 Sunday. Church A.M. M rs Greene & Anna to dinner___

3 Monday. James about sundries in morn - then plough pealand, John about pigs, steam tatoes, help pull hair off a roaster, repair a flail, thrash wheat, O'Neil came to breakfast, take up the Cows, help kill a roaster, then thrash wheat___ Self kill 2 roasters & look about till dinner; work gristmill____

4 Tuesday. James about sundries in morn - then plough, John about pigs, steam tatoes, thrash wheat, O'Neil saw wood in morn - put Cows in Woodfield, carry scaffolding up to John's, thrash wheat, hunt up beef cattle___ Self look about___

5 Wednesday. James about sundries in morn - , then plough, John about pigs in morn - clean up wheat, put it in Mill, mix pigs food & feed them by noon, help butcher the Staf, O'Neil saw wood in morn - help clean up wheat & about sundries till noon, then help butcher the stag___ Self about sundries till noon, then butcher the big stag___

6 Thursday. James at Durrough's, John about pigs, steam tatoes, salt beef till dinner, wash out barn, cart down 2 load wheat-straw, O'Neil sundries in morn - , then salt hide, help bring down beef, finish take fat off inside & saw wood till dinner, then help carry beef next door & help down with straw___ Self cut up beef, head aching all day

7 Friday. James not here, John about pigs, steam tatoes & about sundries till noon, then at home plaster g O'Neil thrash peas___ Self to Rob ts & Luton till dinner, then to Wiggin's about a plasterer, got back at 8 o'C___

8 Saturday. James about sundries in morn - finish plough pea-land by dinner, then bank up back of the lake-road house, John about pigs & repair bank g & drain back of his house, O'Neil saw wood in morn - , cart 2 load stone to the lake-road house, thrash peas___ Self put on new bolt g cloth & work gristmill till dinner, then look about___

9 Sunday. Church PM. Self rode to Jay's and Glenny's after dinner

10 Monday. James about sundries in morn - , to Rob ts in boat for morter -pan, then house tatoes, John about pigs, steam tatoes, help in with tatoes___ Self about sundries & to Glenny's about a cow till dinner, then help pick some tatoes, to Rob ts after tea___

11 Tuesday. James about sundries in morn - put cows above road, saw wood, help take hair off a roaster, then cart in tatoes, John about pigs, steam the last of the Snows, then help in with the tatoes____ Self about sundries, kill a roaster & measure bd s &e till dinner, then do - do.. & look about____

12 Wednesday. James about sundries in morn - put cows in Woodfield, saw wood & finish cart in tatoes by dinner, then cart stones off this end of 16 Acre-field, John about pigs, steam tatoes, help in with tatoes till dinner, then help with stones___ Self new handle a pail from next door & about sundries till dinner, take off our bed & at sundries______

13 Thursday. James about cows in morn - , cart stones out of 16 Acre-field till dinner, then drill a stone, John about pigs & help at stones till dinner, then plaster g his house___ Self about sundries & repair hen-yard door____

14 Friday. James about sundries till 9 o'C, then finish draw stones off this end of 16 Acre field with crutch , John pigs, steam tatoes, help load stones, Griffin saw wood, load stones, drill 1 stone____ Self about sundries, iron hoop pigs food-box till dinner, then blast 2 stones___



Total Rusties to Pigs 108 bush s



O'Neil 2/6 of [?]

P d it back on the 11 th _

John 1/3 desk__


George 1 bush Snows



£4..7..6 George O'Brian for broken horn 3 year old redheifer___

John 5 lbs. Pork.

Lent Payne 12 lbs. Flour (Rec d )

George 20 lbs. Flour


2/- of Monahan
for 50 f t board.


M rs Mae 2 lbs soap.


Rob t 2 lbs soap

James ½ lb candles


Jay 12 lbs flour


Martin the

17 lbs beef @ 4½d is 6/4½ rec d 5/-




Rob t 8 lbs. soap


John 1 lb. candles

Of M. Read 7¼ lbs butter @

Mrs. Mae ½ lb candles


Jay ½ lb candles

George 25 lbs flour


M c Adam 13 lb flour pail included___

James 6 lbs beef__

Jay 150 f t p lk 26/- 9/-

Payne 17 f t p lk 25/-

Do ret d the 32 lbs flour

£3..9..3 of Rob t bal es of hay

£2..14..9 of it to Father

Father p d me the 2/6 I lent him for Jay. I p d it Con -

Jay 290 f t ld s @ 3/-

16 f t 2¼ inch p lk
20 f t inch ld s @ 4/-

6 [?] ean l 3X4

John 5/- h d of Father

George 1 bush l Snows


1/4½ of shoe-maker balance on beef__


Honnor 10/- desk

John 20 lbs flour__