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Red 2 year old heifer
got its

thigh broken
out on the road,
skinned it____


Robt. sowed about

4 bush s peas, which
makes in all
9¾ bush s sowed
on 1 st peice Ley__
in 16 Acre-field_
measurg 4¼ Acres.

In soak for Pigs
1½ bush s peas___

Peter sowed 4½
bush ls Scotch wheat
on about 2¼ teres
back of George's__


3 bush s oats Horses_

Robt sowed
4 bush s Bl k Sea
in Barnfield N o side-
of Berry
5 gl s beer &
6 d worth of yeast_







6 bush s Oats
to Horses__

Ground for Sows,
7 bush - oats with
3 do peas__








George sowed
another bed of peas_
for salt to Con -


little pigs
7 hogs.
1 boar.
5 sows.
13 in all. &


Cut the Major



Robt sowed
about 7¾ bush ls
oats in Old Pigfield
S o side drain__













6 bush ls
Oats to Horses__

MAY 1857

14 Thursday. James work Sawmill, Griffin about house & draw logs to Mill in morn - , skin the heifer, plough in Barnfield for wheat, Peter about horses & roll logs to mill in morn - , then harrow in peas in 16 Acre-field with a reverse scrape after giving the land one scrape before sowing___ Self at sundries all day_

15 Friday. James saw for an hour in morn - then roll peas & wash wheat till dinner, harrow wheat till near 7 o'C. then saw again, Griffin about house & put on a pot of tatoes in morn - , finish plough back of white Barn by dinner, then about sundries till near 6 o'C, then began to plough in Old Pigfield S o side drain, Peter about horses, finish plough back of George's by dinner, sow g wheat till near 7 o'C. then harrow it___ M c Mullin dig for tatoes, & plant it for me, help wash wheat & to Rob ts by dinner, then to Edward's for 1 bush l wheat & at sundries__

16 Saturday. James work Sawmill, Griffin about house & cut some tatoes in morn - plough in Old Pigfield, Peter about horses & saw wood in morn - , finish harrow wheat back of George's 10 o'C. then harrow wheat back of white Barn by 6½ o'C. then plough in Old Pigfield__ M c Mullin cart wheat to field & on to Berry 's for beer___

17 Sunday. Church A.M. M rs Greene here to dinner, Kate & children went home with her in the even g _ left Constance with her Aunt____

18 Monday. James work Sawmill, Griffin about house & draw 4 large logs to Mill in morn - then cart dung to Churchfield, Peter about horses & help roll logs to Mill in morn - , plough in Old Pigfield, Tom saw wood & help roll logs to mill in morn - , cart dung to Churchfield__

19 Tuesday. James work Sawmill till dinner, cut some tatoes, help in gristmill & at sundries till about 6½ o'C. then began to open drills in Old Pigfield, Griffin about house & draw logs to Mill in morn - , plough Con's garden, cart dung to Churchfield, Peter about horses & roll logs to mill in morn - , finish plough in Old Pigfield S o side about 3½ o'C. then harrow N o side for tatoes, Tom sundries in morn - , then cart dung to Churchfield__ George sow parsnips__

20 Wednesday. James work Sawmill in morn - , finish open drills about 11 o'C. then plant g his tatoes till about 5 o'C. then saw again, Griffin about house & cut tatoes in morn - plant tatoes in Old Pigfield till about 6 o'C. then at sundries, Peter about horses & cut tatoes in morn - , then help plant till about 6 o'C. & cut again, Tom saw wood in morn - , cart dung to Churchfield___ Self repair g whipple-tree irons, rein-ring &e_____

21 Thursday. James work Sawmill, help with bull, file the saw, Griffin at sundries in morn - , help weigh hay, help throw bull, finish plant Rusties in Old Pigfield soon after dinner, cart a load hay to Horses, then cart stones out of Churchfield, Peter about horses in morn - , then same as Griffin, Tom to J. Streets with the Grey in morn - , then cart last of the dung by sun-set_____ Self cut little pigs & the bull; M c Mullin took Charley to Ham.

22 Friday. James work Sawmill in morn - , help load some large stones in Churchfield & fill up holes till dinner, bring 6 or 7 sawlogs to Mill-landing with boat, over the river for George, spread dung in Churchfield, Griffin sundries in morn - , draw stones out of Do __, fill up holes till diner, then draw the sawlogs out of the water, finish fill holes, spread dung, Tom not here, Peter about horses & at sundries in morn - , cart oats to field, harrow oats in Old Pigfield S o side drain, empty ashbarrel & refill it at noon___ Self about sundries____

23 Saturday. James work Sawmill in morn - , spread dung in Churchfield till dinner, then saw again, Griffin plough in Churchfield, Peter about horses in morn - & spread dung till dinner, then began to plough in Churcfield for a few turns, had to leave it & go to Barnfield on act. of Dart not going well enough, Tom not here___ Charley & Con - up by Steamer___

24 Sunday. John Pinhey rode the Beuning horses up last night.

25 Monday. James about horses & sundries in morn - , plough Paddy & Spring till dinner, then plough Dart on the offside in Churchfield, Tom not here, Griffin saw wood & at sundries in morn - plough a few furrows to finish grassland in Churchfield, then spread dung, Peter began to spread dung about 9½ o'C._____ Charley & John went across about sunset_____

Put hams into lime this afternoon
after hanging in

gran - since
















Put 100 lbs flour in
Con - ' stone-room__


6 d of Murdock
for ½ lb candles__





James 3 dollars


Payne 2 Cwt hay



George 25 lbs flour.


Berry 48 f t l ds @ 4/-




Tom ½ lb tobacco.



James 2 bush ls of


Peter ? lb tobacco 6 d





Rob t ¼ ton hay








James 50 lbs flour


Exp d by Anna
in Ottawa for us £..s..d

Bryson & Phillips __..1..5

Brough as act. 1..4..10½


Anna owes 3/8½
out of the 6 dollars____

Rec d it 10 July___


James 5/__ had
of Charles time
I was ill__






Peter 100 lbs flour
for 7 days work