Page 039


Constance let
Baby fall about
3 o'C. yesterday, got
his left arm broken
just below shoulder_












l tr from Charley in
Ottawa p d ___















on the 10 th
l tr from Con - 3 d






5 gls
of Berry .



[???] at Grant's_

2 scythes

1 snagth 3/9-


M r Egan
's funeral took place
about 4 o'C today__


Booked at Brough's.

8yds bl k [???] @ 7 d

2yds white cotton @6½ d


6 long stay laces_

7yds red flannel @2/4

8yds striped shirting 10 d

2 yds bl k coburgh @1/3.





Con's Cow's heifer
with the bull_
also the white
faced one a few
days previous__

great thunder
storm in morn - ,
& several of 'em
during the day___

JULY 1857.

7 Tuesday. James finish plough tatoes about 10 o'C. hoe his own till near 4 o'C. then work Sawmill, Major hoe tatoes till 11 o'C. then to Ottawa with a l tr to Ham, Griffin hoe tatoes & put Major over the water till dinner, finish hoe the tatoes by 3½ o'C, make a small draw from end of lower house to river, across for Ham & took him back after tea, O'Neil help put Major over about 11½ o'C. then same as Griffin____ Self returned from Ottawa with Miss Dyer____

8 Wednesday. James mix wheat & about sundries in Gristmill in morn - , help in Grind till dinner, to the woods to cut logs for posts of flume & to John Streets with the mare, Griffin finish pick up chips &e about fence till dinner, then mould the new ridge of tatoes in Churchfield with hoe, Major pile brush in new chopping till dinner, then help get the posts for flume, O'Neil help pile the brush till dinner, mould new ridge of tatoes with hoe_ Self shorten bolt g strap in morn - , grind last of wheat by dinner, then in woods about some logs___

9 Thursday. James mould g Churchfield tatoes with plough, took M rs Greene & Anna home in boat in the even g , Griffin & O'Neil hoe tatoes, Major draw in one Sawlog from woods & make ax-poke in morn - , hoe g tatoes & help down with boat to Rob ts . Self rode the Grey out to Lewis' corner_____

10 Friday. James finish plough tatoes about 10 o'C. draw in the 3 Sawlogs, harrow kitchen garden, at sundries & saw, Griffin mould tatoes till dinner, help in Gristmill & at sundries till near 6 o'C. then plough kitchen garden, Major mould tatoes till dinner, pull mustard out of peas, cart stones out of kitchen garden & at sundries, O'Neil mould tatoes till dinner, then off home____ Self to Rob ts before dinner, rode Dart out to J. Wilson's__

11 Saturday. James & Major grind scythes & began mowing old meadow in the Woodfield, Griffin finish plough kitchen garden about then grind scythe & mow____ Self had an early breakfast, rode to M rs Bridges borrowed her buggy & went to the Cross about sell g carriage__

12 Sunday. No Church, Rob t brought M rs Greene & Anna up in boat after sunset___

13 Monday. James at Orange lodge, Griffin about sundries & mow in morn - , take up hay, make up tatoe hills , Major about sundries in morn - , make up hay & help fix up tatoe's rooted by Benning's pigs___

14 Tuesday. James to Ottawa in waggon, then to the Cross with the Carriage & back to Hams on horseback, Griffin & Major took Self to Aylmer in Rob ts boat,

15 Wednesday. James got back about 4 o'C.
Griffin , Major & Fred mowing_____
Self in Ottawa_____

16 Thursday. James rig up scythe, then mow, Griffin mow & about sundries, Major, Fred & Payne mow g ,_____ Self returned from Ottawa this morn g _ Kate & Baby to Aylmer , Con's girl with her___ George to Ottawa with l tr to Ham______

17 Friday. James mow till 4 o'C. help rig up horse-rake, then at hay, Griffin about sundries & mow till 4 o'C, help take hind wheels off waggon, then at hay, Major, Payne mow till 4 o'C then at hay, Fred no work till about 10 o'C, then mow & at hay___ Self look about, rig up horse-rake________

18 Saturday. James mow till about 9½ o'C, rake with horse till about 4½ o'C, then went to sleep, Griffin saw wood &e in morn-, mow a while, then at hay, Fred mow till 9½ o'C, then about hay, Major, Payne mow do do , help make do & draw 1 load_____ Kate & Baby returned, Charles pulled 'em up in Rob ts boat & took it back in after-noon with Anna__

19 Sunday. J. Pinhey came across last night; advanced George 3/9
he & Charles went over this morn -
before breakfast to feet Pet, Major 7 yd s red
got caught in the thunder storm____

Exp d in Ottawa .

At Holts beer &e __ .. __ ..4½

boots for Hamnet __ ..4.. __

6 p r boot laces __ .. __ ..6

Stove & Steamer __ ..6..3

Stage &e for
Major __ ..1..8½

£ __ ..12..10

£1..12..0 of Steamer
for the 8 bush l Snows
they had 18 th June.

Credit Edwards
with -/4

Rations to James

60 lbs of flour,

30 lbs of pork_

1 lb of tea_
ought to have
given it out
last monday_


£10..0..0 of Ham
in place of the
mare that died.



Anna ret nd
me the 3/9



Lunch &e at
Hoppers _/10½



J. Street pd me
on act. of his bro-
ther Henry's act.
£6..10..0 of thus £..
subscrip n Show fare 1.. __ .. __

in Cash .. 5..10..0

£ 6..10..0

Exp d in Ottawa_


Jennings &

McCarthy £ s d
for oils &e as act. __12 .. 3

James McCarthy for
2 lbs pork @£5..8..9. 10..17..6

J. Chitby for high-
avines &e as act. 2..2..10

1 p r patent leather slippers __ ..5.. __

John McCarthy for
3 straw hats @ 1/6 __ ..4..6

& 6 earthen milk pans __..3..9

Enwright for teakettle __..8..9
tin horn __ .. __ ..7½

& tin skimmer __ .. __ ..7½
bind g dictionary __..3..__

soda drink __..__...4

4 scythe stones __.. 1.. 8
expenses to & from
Ottawa by Aylmer __ ..6..3

Tolls __ ..2..3½

£ 15..9..4½



Kate's expences at Aylmer
M rs Smith for sundries 3/5
biscuits -/2½

M rs Smith for lodg g 7/6

Steamer 6/3




James 50 lb s flour.

8 yd s striped shirting

@ d is

2 yd s bl k coburgh @1/3

Flannel @ 2/4.