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2 nd roaster__

10 bush ls Rusties \

10 Pigs__ &

2 bush ls Cellar__

1 st thrash g of


16 bush ls to Pigs

5½ do Horses


21½ Put up 6 big

Pigs to fat__


Cleaned up stairs

pipe & Chim -



8 bush ls Rusties

to Pigs__











orphan heiffer

because she got

badly hurt______


33 bush ls Rusties

to Pigs_



W t of beef

360 lbs







Put up

7 spring pigs

to fat_






4¼ bush ls


to Mill__


2 bush - Rusties

to Pigs___



2 bush ls

Rusties to


Elizabeth retrun d

late this even g ___



8 bush ls

Snows to Pigs_








8 bush ls

Snows to Pigs__


60 bush ls Rusties

to Cellar &

7 bush ls to Pigs___



84 bush ls Snows to

Cellar & 6 bush ls

to Pigs__


15. Thursday. Ja v mes at sundries in morn - , plough Lay's horse

till 11 o 'C. then of fhome ill, Major about house in morn - ,

at tatoes till about 3½ o 'C, then thrash wheat, O'Neil at tatoes

in morn - , gave up ill soon after breakfast, Payne at tatoes

till about 3½, then thrash oats, Tom thrash oats__ Geo v rge at

his tatoes____ Self repair both wood horses, put up tatoe steamer_

16 Friday. Jam v es at home till dinner, then plough with Poll,

Major about house in morn - , cart 6 bags Rusties from feild,

boil a pot & fill Steambase, help clean up oats & at

sundries, O'Neil & Payne at tatoes, tom help fill the

6 bags tatoes & trash oats till dinner, then clean 'em &

give a start at tatoes___ Ge v orge at his tatoes___ Lay

put new floor in large tatoe bin____

17 Saturday. James at sundries in morn - , plough Lay's horse

till dinner, then Poll, Major about house in morn - ,

then at tatoes, ploughed some after breakfast & again

after dinner, O'Neil, Payne take out tatoes, Tom

at tatoes___ George about sundries___ Self grind prov d ___

18 Sunday. B v iddy off before dinner, Ellen____ came in Even g __

19 Monday. James about sundries & thrash wheat till dinner,

then plough Lay's horse, Major came 7½ o 'C.

at sundries & thrash wheat till dinner, then hunting

after Poll till near sunset, O'Neil not here____

George about house in morn - , to Benny's with [lt r ] &e,

steam tatoes & about sundries___

20 Tuesday. James about horses in morn - , finish plough in 13 Acre feild

about noon, then began in Barnfeild N o side drain,

Major saw wood in morn - , plough some tatoes & take 'em out,

O'Neil not here, Tom take tatoes____ George about

pigs &e, mix the Steamer, take g out Con's tatoes_______

21 Wednesday. James sundries in morn - , plough in Barnfeild,

Major 2 hours after a drag wood for George , saw

hard-wood till dinner, draw in 11 bags Rusties, Tom

not here till 8½ o 'C, help butcher till dinner, help fill tatoes__

Geo v rge 2 hours after wood in morn - help butcher till dinner,

then about sundreis & pick g apples____

22 Thursday. James about horses in morn - , then take out tatoes,

Major about sundries in morn - , plough & take out

tatoes___ George about pigs, steam tatoes, help cut up

beef & salt it & about sundries____

23 Friday. Ja v mes at his brother John's, Mafot about sun-

-dries in morn - , plough & hoe tatoes, Payne at tatoes,

George about pigs, mix food, finish take out Con's

tatoes___ Self file pig rings, mend wooden shovel____

24 Saturday. Ja v mes at home, Major & Payne help ring

spring pigs in morn - , then take out tatoes,

George about pigs, steam tatoes & at sundries__

Lay make slip cover of Kitch - table & square up

a piece pine to put under rag-wheel shaft_____

25 Sunday. Rob t here till dinner, M rs Green dined with us___

26 Monday. James about sundries in morn - , then take out tatoes,

Major at sundries in morn - , plough & hoe out tatoes,

Payne after his wheat till breakfast, then at tatoes_____

George about pigs, steam tatoes, help clean up wheat till

dinner, then in Gristmill___ Lay file meat saw, put

hinges on Cow stable window, make post for the bars at Mac's

27 Tuesday. James about sundries, at tatoes for a start & about horses &

waggon till dinner, then at tatoes, Major at sundries

in morn - , plough & hoe tatoes, O'Neil split wood in morn - ,

then at tatoes, Payne not here in morn - , then at tatoes &

his two sons picking up__ Ge v orge at his tatoes_______

Self to Ottawa in waggon, start d about 1 o 'C______

28 Wednesday. James, Major, O'Neil about sundries in morn - ,

then take tatoes, Payne & his two boys at tatoes,

George about pigs, steam tatoes, saw wood_____

Self got home about 8 o 'C at night______

29 Thursday. James saw wood in morn - then take out tatoes,

Major draw wood for George till breakfast, then

plough & take out tatoes Do- about pigs & at tatoes

Self rode to J- Streets in the even g then to Robt s took tea there__

30 Friday. James not here in morn - , then help finish take

out tatoes, Major, O'Neil about sundries in morn - ,

then help finish take out tatoes, Payne not here in

morn - , then at tatoes___ George about pigs & in garden__

Self about sundries, saw a log into [seanthing]_______

31 Saturday. James, Major, O'neil, Payne about sundries

in morn - then draw in tatoes___ George

about pigs, dig as start in garden till dinner, then fill

a steamer, mix food & about sundries_____

Total Rusties to Cellar

66 bush ls __ &

to Pigs 66 bush ls __



b r to Con - post p d __














Geo v rge 1 lb candles__


Bi v ddy 2 lbs wool @ ¼

& Ca v sh 19/-











b r from Con - p d ___


Roe d 1 st weekly transcript__




Subscrip - O'hara's

school-house 5/-



Eliz v abeth £ 1 " 2 " 1

pages till to night__


Geo v rge 25 lbs flour__


Ma v jor 1 lb tobacco__

John Ba v skin

257 f t boards @ 4/-






Benn v ing 14 lbs lamb_


Ja v mes 20 lbs flour__





La v y 1/2 lb candles.

Ma v jor 2 lbs wool__

John v Baskin 252 f t @ 4/-



9/3 of Norris for 250 f t of

rough edge 19f t bd s

& 9 f t 2 inch pl k ___


Lay v 50 f t 2 inch pl k

2/6 of Norrie A'hearn

for 6 lbs soap @ 5 d ___

1/- of Taylor 's wife for

1 lb candles___


Exp d in Ottawa__

Chitty as ac t _ _ _ _ _ _ 9/2

John M c 'Carthy 2 gl s H.W. 8/6

Sweet repair g 6 links -/7½

Toll _ _ _ 1/3


Se v lf £ 10 _ _ _ 19/6½

from Estate_

A. S v mith 1lb candles.

Geor v ge 20 lbs flour_

Con's girl 10 lbs do_


O' v Neil 1 lb toba v cco 1/6_

Geovrge 1/3__

3/- of M rs Sweeney for

3 lbs candles__


Pay v ne in cash 19/6½__

Geor v ge 1 lb candles))

1/10½ for 3/4 bush l of Con's apples__