Page 047

Total Snows to Cellar 168 Bush -



42 bush ls

Cups to Cellar__

74 Bush ls Snows

to Cellar__



10 bush ls

Snows to Cellar &

38 bush ls to Pigs___

26 bush ls Cups

to Pigs__

















Cleaned Con's

Hall chim - & pipe__

also Kitch - pipe__








10½ bush ls

Siberian to



20 Bush ls

Oats to Mill

for Pigs__












of Berry


5 gl s









Front Porches

put up__




Snow last night .

Rec d premium

money 29 th Oct. thus.

for 1856 £ 1 " 12 " 9

for 185% __ 1 " 12 " 18

3 " 4 " 9


a 3 d premium

owing me___

Snow off again,

rain all afternoon__



A little snow__

Cellar window

banked up___


Put up calves,

hat to them & Cows__


•  Sunday. Church A.M. by Boulton Read__

•  Monday. James & major about sundries in morn -

then draw in tatoes, O'Neil came at breakfast

time, then help in with tatoes____ George about pigs, bank

up N o corner of house & about sundries___ Self caught

cold yesterday, poorly all day, very unwell going to bed__

3 Tuesday. James about sundries in morn - , finish house g tatoes

a little before sun-sent, bank up men's house, Major

at sundries in morn - help in with tatoes, saw

wood, George about pigs, help in with tatoes, fill

steam box_____ Self in bed till 8 o 'C_idle all day___

4 Wednesday. Ja v mes taking out his tatoes, Major about

sundries & help in with Con's tatoes till dinner,

draw down a load oat-straw, then draw wood

for George from 3 o 'C till 5 o 'C____ Geo v rge about pigs, put

Con's tatoes in Cellar, help with oat-straw, about

wood for himself for 2 hours____ Self handle yard ax____

5 Thursday. Jam v es at the lodge, George about pigs, steam

tatoes, saw wood, help in Grist mill for a little while__

Self grind 53 bush ls Prov d for Rob t Fred & Edwards in

3½ hours_ rode to Edwards' in the even g ______

6 Friday. Ja v mes at home, George about pigs &e, steam tatoes,

mix food, wash tatoe bags, saw wood______

Self repair g large wheel barrow & at sundries___

7 Saturday. James thrash wheat, George about pigs, mix

food, saw wood & about sundries______

Self kill 2 roasters & at sundries till even g , ride to Edward's &e__

8 Sunday. a wet day_____ v 2 files by v Do v from Ottawa 2/-

9 Monday. James about sundries in morn - , then thrash wheat,

Geroge about pigs, steam tatoes, saw wood_____

Self finish repair large wheel barrow, grind

about 6 bush ls Prov d (toll) for pigs________

10 Tuesday. James about sundries in morn - , clean up wheat &

cart it to Mill by dinner, then trash oats,

Geroge about pigs &c in morn - help clean up the

wheat, then help Self work Grist mill_______________

11 Wednesday. James thrash oats till about 3 o 'C. then clean up &

cart to Mill, Geroge about pigs, steam tatoes,

& saw wood till dinner, help thrash 2 or 3 stukes of

oats, then help clean up_____ Self at repairs about

hinges of long garden gate, file both my wood saws____

12 Thursday. James sundries in morn - then plough in

Barnfeild, George about pigs, help in Grist-

-Mill, saw wood_____ Self grind 30 bush - prov d

for pigs, then to Ottawa by Aylmer____________

13 Friday. James

George about pigs, steam tatoes,

____________Self in Ottawa________

14 Saturday. James split long pine logs, thrash wheat

for a while, to Benny's in boat, saw wood,

Geroge about pigs, steam tatoes, saw wood,

dig up a bed parsnips & put them in Cellar_____

Self returned by Steamer, breakfasted at

Robt s , killed a roaster for dinner, sold Fan [J es ] Payne___

15 Sunday. James Self with Rob t & Benny to Smith's & Benning's ___

16 Monday. James about sundries in morn - thrash wheat

till dinner, then draw wood for George v __

George about pigs & sundries till dinner, then

help in Gristmill____ Self put up front porches

before dinner, then grind 44 bush - Prov d for Read & Rob t

17 Tuesday. Ja v mes remove to workshop, draw in his tatoes, &

some wood, George about pigs, mix food, saw

wood & about sundries_____ Self kill a roaster, bring

home from Woodfeild 3 axes, 1 pickax, 1 shovel, 2 Trish spades__

18 Wednesday. James thrash wheat, George about pigs,

steam tatoes, saw wood_____ Self on Dart as

far as A'Hearn's, got back to a late dinner________

19 Thursday. James thrash wheat till about 9 o 'C then cart

earth to repair dam & road, Mick A'Hearn

thrash oats till 9 o 'C. then help repair dam___

George about pigs, box up the grape-vines____

20 Friday. James cart earth to repair dam, Mick

repair g dam, George about pigs, split

wood, bank up lake-road house, mix pigs

food, bank up cellar window__________________

Self do some repairs to dam & about sundries____

Total Snows to Pigs 64 bush ls

Geo v rge 7 lbs beef @ 5 d

p d O'Neil bal ce due

up to this day 15/11__



Geor v ge 1 g l salt__



Jam v es 20 lbs flour__


George 30 lbs flour

& 30 lbs pork

both for rations__

& 1 lb tea for do_


Geo v rge 1/3___ the 1/3

Rec d of M r Sweeney for ½ bush l

of Con's apples___

P d off Ma v jor £ 8 " 18 " 1



•  S v mith 1 lb candles.





La v y ½lb candles_

Gear' Major's wife

1½ lbs wool @ ¼ is 2/- Rec d


James 22 lbs beef

for rations___








James 26 lbs flour

& 1 lb tea__ reations__


George 30 lbs flour

v for rations_


Geo v rge 30 lbs flour__

James 34 lbs flour

bal ce of rations

& 1 lb can v dles___


Exp d in Ottawa_

£ " s " d

Cunningham &c. 1 " 10 "5

C. T. Bale 1 lb tato v e __"1 " 6

Do 10 lbs suar 6½"5 "6

Freileigh little fulrlap __"11"3

Fennings fine co v mb __" 1 "3

Do envelopes_ __ "__"6


M c 'Gilvray's a p r

buck-skin mits Geovrge _"5"6


Cuzne's a p r

lace boots _ _ _ _ __"3"9

Emerald __"2"6

Holt's stage __"5"_


tea & bed at

Klock's _ _ __"1"10½

£ 3 "8"11½

took James Payne's

note for $6 " __ "___ pay ble

1 st Feb. next__ & for


£5"__"__ 1 st Jan ray 1859.

P d Elizabeth 4/7

bal ce wages_____




[lt r ] to Charles pre pd .


10/- of Wheeler for

330 f t bd s @ 3/-

1/5½ of Monahan's

wife for 1½ lbs candles.


-/6 of Mar gt Tayler

for l lb candles [owe d ] 6.

1/6 of M rs Sweeney 1½ lbs cam d

v M rs Ma v e 1 lb candles.

Geo v rge 9 lbs beef__

1/- of Peter Logan for cam d

lent him whiskey__