Page 085

Total Churchfeild Bl k Sea 70 bush ls

thund r storm
last night_

Wind turn d
to N.W. yesterday
even g blew very hard
all night & to day__



N o bush ls of
wheat 232__




3 bush l peas
from Gran - to


George for rations.

16 lbs pork_

½ lb tea_


16 bush ls Horses.

4 do Poultry.












Bl k Sea__

21½ bush ls ___







the $20
ram died__
leaves 28 sheep__

George for rations,

60 lbs flour__

James for rations,
60 lbs flour_

18 lbs pork_

& on the 3 d
1 lb tea__














Finis Oats,
from Old Pigfeild
S o side drain_

42½ bush l Gran-

19½ do to Horses_
62 Total 140 bush l




20. Sunday. Church A.M. James drove Charley to Aylmer in even g , Griffin came back with him____

21 Monday. James about horses in morn - , help get Sawlogs off the road till near noon, then draw in 5 logs, Muldoon & Rider draw a load hay to Cow-loft in morn - , then lay up 20 logs___ Griffin thrash wheat, George about cattle &e____ Self not very well since yesterday morn - ___

22 Tuesday. James about horses in Sent R.S. Reeman
morn-, draw in 11 logs. a bal ce of 15/-
Muldoon & Rider draw by l tr p d & regist d
down a load straw in morn-, Also p d a
then fall & X-cut 20 logs & l tr of Miss Butler.
5 yestreday__ Griffin thrash
oats, George fodder cattle &e, saw wood. Self to the post, on to Berry 's for tape line, then to John Gibson's to look at oxen_____

23 Wednesday. James about horses in morn - , draw in 15 logs, Muldoon & Rider draw down a load straw in morn - , lay up 23 logs, Griffin sundries in morn - , clean & measure up oats till dinner, then thrash wheat, George fodder cattle &e, help at oats, saw wood_________________
Self to Aylmer in cutter____

24 Thursday. James about horses in morn - , draw in 14 logs, Muldoon & Rider draw 1 load hay to Cow-loft in morn- then fall & X-cut 20 logs, Griffin thrash wheat, George fodder cattle &e, saw wood &e___ Self in house all day, cold in head, throat & chest____

25 Friday. James about horses in morn-, draw in 22 logs, Muldoon & Rider at sundries in morn-, lay up 20 logs, Griffin finish thrash wheat about 4 o'C. then began to clean up wheat____ Self rather poorly all morn g , about 3 o'C went to Rob ts ____

26 Saturday. James about horses in morn - , draw wood for himself, Muldoon & Rider draw down a load oat-straw in morn - , then fall & X-cut 20 logs, Griffin sundries in morn - , finish clean up & measure wheat, then about sundries____ George fodder cattle &e, help with wheat &e_____ Self in house all day, not very well after dinner___

27 Sunday. Sent Muldoon to Ottawa with l tr to Ham about 4½ o'C., James with double sleigh for M rs Edwards, then for M rs Greene & Anna, Ham got here about 9½ o'C. went back about noon____

28 Monday. James about horses in morn - , lay up 20 logs, Muldoon draw a load hardwood from Barn to shed in morn - , then help lay up Sawlogs____ Griffin thrash oats & skin the Weatherby ram, George fodder cattle &e, help put wheat in Mill, carry in hams for Gran - carry flour up from Mill & at sundries____ Self hang up 2 nd batch of hams___

MARCH 1859.

1 Tuesday. James about horses in morn - , help load sleigh with old iron, then fall & X-cut 16 logs, Muldoon draw down a load oat straw in morn - , then help load old iron, & help at Sawlogs, Griffin help with the straw in morn - , help load iron, then thrash oats, George fodder cattle &e, saw wood___ Self to Ottawa with old iron____

2 Wednesday. James about horses in morn - , help load sleigh, grind axes, fall & X-cut 14 logs, Muldoon draw down a load oat-straw in morn - , measure up wheat, grind axes, help at Sawlogs, Griffin help with straw in morn - , thrash oats, help with a load hay to Horses, George fodder cattle &e_____ Self to Ottawa with all the tailings of wheat__

3 Thursday. James about horses in morn - draw in 26 logs, Muldoon draw down a load oat straw in morn - draw in 5 load soft-wood & draw down oats, Griffin help with straw in morn - clean up oats & at sundries, George fodder cattle &e, help clean & measure up oats_____



Exp d in Ottawa .

£ s d

1 gl molasses Mul. __ ..2.. __

G.T. Bate 2 lbs sugar James __ ..1.. __

Do ½ lb soda __ .. __ ..3

Do ½ keg oysters __ ..3..9

Workman 2 stove brush __ ..1..10½

Cunningham p r glasses __ ..2.. __

Beal castor oil __ ..1.. __

Do eau-de-cologne __ ..1..3

Hay a p r scissors __ ..1..10½

Offerd p r rubber Mary __ ..3..9

Sweet 3 removes Spring __ ..1..10½

Ham's man 6 d Tolls __ ..1..6

£ 1..2..1½

James 50 lbs flour_

Muldoon ? lb tobacco_

Rider do do__

15/- of M r Berry
for George, credit the latter with it.


Bartlet 1/3 for remove g
Filo's hind shoes___

£1.. __ .. __ of W ra Jerdon
on act.



James ½ lb tea__




2/- of John Glen
bal ce of the boards he got.













£1..11..10½ of Henry
Edwards bal ce of act.


Tolls -/7.

Exp d in Ottawa .

Robt [????] as act. 3.. __ .. __

G.T. Bate as act.
for tea & tobacco 1..10..9

Brough as act. __ ..17..6
100 lbs oat meal 1.. __ .. __
a wash basin __ ..1..6

at Offords a p r slippers Kate __ ..5..6
at Do a p r shoes Miss Butler __ ..7..6

Jenning's a sponge __ .. __ ..10

Tolls __ ..1.. __

£ 7..4..7

Griffin 100 lbs flour__



Exp d in Ottawa .

T.M. Blasdel as act. 3.. __ .. __

Brough 25 yds calico@9 d __ ..18..9

Do 10 lbs sugar @5½ __ ..4..7

Do 5 lbs white [???] 8 d __ ..3..4

Do 2 lbs coffee @1/2 __ ..2..4

Do a tea pot __ .. __ ..6
at Offords rubbers __ ..2..6

50 lbs oat meal

for George __ ..10.. __

Toll __ .. __ ..6

George ½ lb tobacco. £ 5..2..6

Do ½ lb tea for rations.

Robt 100 f t rough edge.

James ½ bush l peas_