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5 gl s
of Berry .








young white
sow died__














largest yearling
with Read's
time up 13 th
of May__








N o 2 a
ram lamb__




Spring pigs
rung, 9 in N o _












Old pigs rung
7 in N o _






50 Stukes

Scotch off

4 Acres in

12 Acre-feild_



50 Stukes

Scotch from
same place_



AUGUST 1859.

10. Wednesday. James fasten posts of dam with stones & help on with stringers, Muldoon cart rubbish from dam till dinner, then cart stones off new land, Peter sundries about dam till dinner, then help cart stones, Griffin do do___ George about house &e, wash buggy at river, weed g garden___ Welsh X-cut posts, make 2 inch pins & fit 1 st stringer___

11 Thursday. James help at dam, Muldoon at dam in morn:, then plough in new land, Peter to Aylmer, Griffin mow thistles in morn:, at dam & sundries till dinner, repile 2 inch pl k & rise stone in 12 Acre-feild___ George about house & at work in garden____ Welsh fit on 2 nd top stringer & prepare some posts with a foot-peice___ Self put 2 iron bands on pounder______

12 Friday. James help rig out posts for dam till dinner, then help make timber, Muldoon plough for a while before dinner, then at timber in woods for dam, Griffin & Peter chop g down some of the trees in 12 Acre-feild till dinner, then brand up stumps in new land s ,____ George about sundries____ Welsh prepar g posts___ John Armitage side g timber in afternoon____ Self double plate lower finger of new cradle____

13 Saturday. James help bring timber out of wood in morn: do at dam till dinner, then at sundries, Muldoon & Griffin out the line___ Peter draw home timber till dinner, then plough new land___ George about house & at work in garden___ Welsh at dam till noon then to Ottawa___ George ½ lb candles

14 Sunday. Church P.M.

15 Monday. James dig at dam in morn: & till near 10 o'C, then help fix stringers___ Muldoon no work till noon, then brand up stumps, Peter plough new land till dinner then do do ____ Griffin no work_____ George at sundries till noon, then home ill_____ Welsh up by the boat, went to work about 10 o'C__ Self to Ottawa & home again___

16 Tuesday. James at dam & sundries about house____ Muldoon & Peter brand up stumps____ Griffin ill went home by the Steamer___ George ill at do____ Welsh laying foundation stringers of dam___
the Bishop preached & held confirmation at 3 P.M.

17 Wednesday. James help at dam, Muldoon at sundries till about 10 o'C, then bind & stake wheat, Peter at sundries in morn:, grind cradle scythe, cradle wheat till dinner, then bind____ Griffin at home, George at home ill___ Welsh plac g posts & fix g stringers__ Self ring spring pigs in morn: rig up the cradle___ rode to Rider's & home by Allen's____

18 Thursday. James at dam in morn: then bind wheat, Muldoon draw planks to dam in morn:, then bind wheat, Griffin at home___ Peter cradle do___, George about house & sundries. Welsh fix up a stringer in morn:, then file his saw & began to put on plank______

19 Friday. James help ring pigs in morn:, bind wheat till new cradle broke, then cradle with old one, Muldoon bind & stuke, Peter help ring pigs in morn:, cradle till he broke it then bind__ Payne bind wheat, Griffin at home___ George about house &e____ Welsh plank g dam___ Self to the forge & on to Fred Rickindson's___

20 Saturday. James cradle wheat & help in with 2 load, Muldoon & Peter bind & stuke__ Griffin not here____ Payne brought back the cart about 5 o'C, carted in the wheat___ George about house &e, & weed g garden____ Welsh plank dam___

21 Sunday. Church A.M. Benning came in during dinner lame___

22 Monday. James reap, cradle, bind stuke & help house wheat, Muldoon reap, bind, stuke & help house wheat___ Peter reap, bind & stuke wheat ill about 6 o'C, then cradle oats____ Griffin not here___ George abotu sundries___ Welsh plank g dam____



Peter £1.. __ .. __


lent Payne 463 ft of
rough-edge to
be taken out of his
logs when sawed_ &
lent him 5 lbs 3 inch

20/6 of Neilly for
515 f t inch boards.


Griffin ½ lb tobacco.


Muldoon ½ lb tea.

James 1 lb tea_

Do 1 lb candles.


13 th Griffin 20/-


10/- of Oliver Major
for 333 f t @3/-.


Berry 's act: for beer &e
of £8..12..6 bal cd by
my act: for lumber £8..3..10
& by new purchase __ ..8..8

£ 8..12..6

Sold N o 1 pew North side
to W m Berry for $80_
Rec d thus___ bal ce
between his act: & mine __ ..8..8
by paying M r Butler's 1..5.. __

by Dr Hill's & Charles'
subt ion for shingle Church 2.. __ .. __

by Cash 16..6..4

Exp d in Ottawa . £ 20.. __ .. __

Grant repair g coral __ .. __ ..7½

Jennings as act: oil __ ..5..3

½ doz Footner's ale __ ..5.. __

James M c Carthy a broom __ ..1..4

Starke's 10 lbs spikes 3 d __ ..2..6

Isaics 10 lb do @3½ d __ ..2..11

Grant 10 lbs do @4½ d __ ..3..9

Offord 2 p r little boots __ ..7.. __

* £ 1..8..4½

George ½ lb tea &

1 q t salt__

James 100 lbs less 5
of flour__ £..s..d

* 1..8..4½

Sweet remove
Poll's hind shoes __ ..1..3

& repair scythe __ .. __ ..7½

£ 1..10..3

Jay ½ lb tobacco.
lent Muldoon a
bottle H. Wines.

Wainman 1/3 for
2 removes on Spring
& repair halter chain.








Peter 1 pint raw oil.


Do ½ lb candles_