13. Tuesday. James about horses & carry down beef in morn:,
draw 2 loads hay to Cow-loft, help saw off cattle's
horn, Mu v ldo v on not here, Peter saw wood, help
down with hay & about sundries, Griffin steam up
tatoes before day, wash out the barn, saw wood &
at sundries, George about cattle, pigs &c______
Self pack away mutton & some beef, saw Fanny's hoof__
14 Wednesday. James about horses in morn:, help cut up & salt
beef till noon saw wood, dust down horse stable &
at sundries, M v uldo v on thrash g his own oats, Peter
split g up large hard-wood junks up at barn, draw
them down, then draw soft-wood from canoe house
cut last summer 12 month, Griffin about cattle, pigs & at
sundries till dinner, then saw & split wood, Geo v rge
ill till noon, then saw wood, do up cattle & pigs____
Self cut up a side of beef; grind some knives after tea___
15 Thursday. James about horses in morn:, grind axes, then
cut roads among soft-wood piles, Mu v ldo v on
thrash & clean up his oats, Peter sundries in morn:,
help grind axes & cut roads, Griffin saw & split
hard-wood till dinner, the help Mu v ldoo v n with oats___
George about cattle, pigs &c, saw & split soft-wood___
Self make a new foremost peice to frame of soft-wood saw___
16 Friday. James about horses in morn:, help in Gristmill
till dinner, then about sundries, Muldoon &
Peter at sundries in morn:, then chop & draw
wood for Geo v rge , Griffin sundries in morn:,
help free Gristmill wheel & water-gates, then
saw wood__ George about cattle, pigs &c,
steam & mix tatoes____ Self help free Grist-
-mill & grind till dinner, then at sundries___
17 Saturday. Ja v me v s about horses in morn:, then to the
Interior, Mu v ldoo v n thrash g his wheat,
Peter thrash peas, remove last of pigs tatoes
from Cellar to Kitchen, Griffin saw hardwood,
help remove tatoes, sweep out Old Cellar &
about sundries, George about cattle & pigs,
put on a steam of tatoes, pull wool off skins__
Self file up 2 nd hardwood saw & at sundries__
18 Sunday. M r Butler dine at Rob ts got here after
every body had gone home____ Griffin took
the children & Miss Butler to Church on ox-sleigh__
19 Monday. James about horses morn: & even g , help butcher
the big pigs, Muldoon fodder cattle &c &
at sundries in morn:, help at pigs, bring up
water from river on the train, Peter to Rob ts
in morn:, help at pigs & at sundries, Griffin
at sundries in morn:, then butcher big pigs,
scalded them in stub bottomed by Tayler _____
G v eor v ge ill___ Self filing saws_____
20 Tuesday. James about horses morn: & even g , help
weigh & cut up pork till dinner, then
finish salt & put it in cellar, Muldoon__
bring his wife down on ox-sleigh in morn:,
help carry up pork, give a hand a killing
pigs & about sundries, Peter split g wood
in morn:, help carry up pork, help butcher
spring-pigs till dinner, then thrash peas___
Griffin sundries in morn:, then boil the
water & butcher the pigs by diner,
then clean oat the house & tub & at sundries___
George fodder cattle morn: & even g wash out
pork barrels & salt pork till dinner, then
help cut up 2 of the head, wash tubs for hams___
Self very poorly all day with shooting pain
under right shoulder & head-ach___ help cut
down, weigh & cut up pork___
21 Wednesday. James about horses noon: & even g help
carry up young pork & put it in the
Cellar, saw hardwood & about sundries___
Mu v ldoo v n thrash g his wheat, Peter thrash peas,
Griffin in sundries in morn:, help
up with the pork, wash tatoe bags___
George about cattle &c, pull wool off the
old ewe skin, saw soft-wood____
Self very poorly, laying on sofa in
dining room all day