Page 116

Old red cow with the

bull on the 5 th __


Red cow's

heiffer of a

bull calf to

be fatted__




23½ bush ls Bl k Sea


from 13 Acre-


Total Bl k Sea


from same

place 53½ bush ls __








At Bate

5 lbs V.H. tea @ 2/6.

10 lbs green tea @ 1/10½.

2 lbs Bl k tea @ 2/6.

Crur d

4 lbs sugar @-/7½.

1 lbs raisins @ -/9.

1 lb currants -/7½.


On the 8 th

At Bates__

10 lbs tobacco @ 1/2__

15 lbs sug r 5 d

1 lb ground pepper.

47 lbs butter @ 9½ d __

2 bags salt @ 4/6.

1 g l syrup 3/-




2½ bush ls

oats to Poultry

from Mich :__

2½ bush: oats

to Horses

from Gran:



Booku at Brough's.

1 y d red

flannel _ _ _ 3/-


9½ yds print @ 10 d

Din g room & hall

Chim s & pipes



ktich: pipe clean d __

3 bush: peas from

Gran: to



Of Berry 5 gl s

2½ bush: oats

to Horses

from Mill.


Book d at Bate's.

1 lb tea _ _ _ _ 2/3.

corn-starch -/9.

2 lbs biscuits _ 1/3.

2 lbs rice @ 4 d -/8.

M Hay's

4 files = 3/5

At Grant's

A p r T. hinges @ _ _ _ 1/-

1 do_ do_ @ _ _ _ _ 1/6

Screws for bottle _ _ _-/

1 file for Peter _ _ _ -/6

A brass tap 2/-





At Jenning's

a comb 2/3_

½ lb resin -/2


Oats to Horses__

from Gran-

10 bush ls __



•  Wednesday. James about horses in morn:, help get

the barrel of pork down trap door, draw in

12 logs, Muldoon sundries in morn:, help down

with the pork, draw in soft-wood, Griffin

help with cow in morn; r [?scratched out], thrash wheat__
George about cattle &c___ Self about sundries___

2 Thursday. James about horses morn: & even g draw

in 12 logs, help burn Filo's lampas, break

road among boards with oxen, draw wheat

to Mill, Muldoon sundries till near 11 o 'C,

then help clean up wheat, Griffin thrash wheat

till near 11 o 'C, then clean it up, George about

cattle &c___ Self look about till near 11 o 'C, then

to Aylmer by Berry 's road & back to a late dinner__

3 Friday. James about horses in morn: help load & make

two tires with boards to Aylmer , Muldoon

help about horses in morn:, help with first load

of boards, draw soft-wood, saw wood & at

sundries, Griffin thrash peas, George about

cattle &c___ Self to Aylmer in cutter & back at 1½ o 'C.

4 Saturday. Jam v es not at work, let the horses

come home alone last night @ 10 o 'C.___

Muldoon about horses morn: & even g draw down

a load pea-straw, & saw wood till dinner, then

grind ax G v riffin v help down with the straw

then to Aylmer__ George about cattle &c____

Self to Ottawa in cutter___

5 Sunday. Church A.M. Self to A.L. Smith's before dinner.

after took children & Miss Butler for a drive in three

seated sleigh, then took Kate to Rob ts in Cutter___

6 Monday. James about horses morn: & even g , grind axes till

dinner, clean out & bed pigs, draw 2 load

straw to cow-loft & about sundries, Muldoon at

sundries in morn:, help grind axes, help with

straw & at sundries, G v riffin v not here__ George

about cattle &c___ Self file both wood-saws_____
7 Tuesday. James & Muldoon about horse in morn:,

fall & X-cut 12 logs, G v riffin v not here__

George about cattle &c___ Self to Bessborough

in cutter soon after breakfast, then at sundries__

8 Wednesday. James & Muldoon about horses in morn:,

full & X-cut & logs__ G v riffin v at home__

George about cattle &c__ Self to Ottawa in

double sleigh, took red cow's caff to sell____

9 Thursday. James & Muldoon about horses

in morn: then cut a new peice

of road & began a rollway__ Peter

sundries in morn: help cut road

&c, Gr v iffin v came at night____

George about cattle &c, sweep chim' s at

& help clean pipes__ Self at sundries &

to Streets with Kate till noon, clean pipes &c___

10 Friday. James & Muldoon about horses in morn:,

finish rollway & lay up 9 logs, Peter not here

till just after breakfast, then help at rollway &c___

Griffin about cattle &c___ Ge v orge v ill at home___

11 Saturday. James & Muldoon about horses in morn:,

then Do__ level new peice of road, full &

prepare for X-cut g , & Muldoon lay up

20 logs, Peter came at breakfast time, help

at do__, Griffin sundries in morn: thrash

peas George about cattle &c Self to Ottawa .

12 Sunday. Church P.M. Self got back just after dinner,

let Muldoon take Griffin to Aylmer in cutter___

13 Monday. James about horses in morn: & even g , help

burn lampas in Poll, draw in 12 logs__

M v uldoo v n help about horses in morn:,

draw a load hart Cow-loft, then at

wood for himself, Peter help with hay,

then with Muldoon, Griffin thrash peas__

George about cattle &c__ Self to Aylmer__

14 Tuesday. james about horses morn: & even g

draw in 14 logs, M v uldoo v n about horses

in morn: draw wood for Peter, G v riffi v n to

Aylmer , George about cattle &c_______

Self to Aylmer , got back to dinner,

file saw for Peter & about sundries



Tom Ba v skin 11 soap

@5 d 4/7 this settle up

his act: to date.

Geor v ge ½ lb tobacco.

$5__.. of Payne on

act: of lame Fanny

Geo v rge ½ lb tea___

Exp d in Aylmer .


Thompson 2 ax helves 1/3__

£ 1 v ..19..6 of J.B. Mo v nk amt:

of his act: for lumber__



$12__.. of Pratt

for 2000 f t rough-edge

Jam v es 1/3__

Mu v ldoon 5/-

Do v __ 50 lbs flour.


Bartlet for sundry re-

-pairs & 1 new link in ax__

_chain 1/9

1/8 of Joe Smith for 30 f t

Ja v mes £1..5..__ of inch bd s


Griffin ½ lb tobacco__

£2..5..__ of Pat Lynch

on act:__ owes 2/6

Exp d in Ottawa .

£ .. s .. d

Brough to 31 Dec: 1866


Do___ 4 lbs mix d coffee __..5..__

Enwright for repairs __..__..6

Tolls _ __..__..7

£ 21..13..1½

Muldo v on ½ lb tobac:



Pete v r 1 lb tea___



Muldoo v n 1 lb tea.

Geo v rge 100 lbs flour.

Do__ v ½ lb tea___

£ 1..15..__ of Fr v ed Ba v skin

amt of his a v ct: for lumber.

£ 1..__..__ of Mulligan

for the calf___

Exp d in Ottawa__

Offord as receip t __..14..6


W m Cowan as act: for Geor v ge 13.._


Workman saw & rig for Peter v 5..__

Sweet [pincer e ] & lampasiron_ 3..__

Cunningham 1 doz bootlaces _..7½

Elliot's a box pins 3½ buttons 1 d __..4½

Thompson's hair pins _ _ _ __..5

Enwright new bottom ash pail_..1.._

£ 1..19..8


Peter v 5 lbs sugar__


George v 1 bush: oats.

Jam v es 100 lbs flour__

G v riffin v 100 lbs do__

James v 1 lb tobacco__

Do v 1 lb tea__ &


2 lbs bisc v uits 1/3, 2 lbs r v ice 8 d

Exp d in Ottawa .

Horn's rul d paper _ _ 7/6

Do__ ink powder _ _ -/5

Repair rubbers _ _ _ _ -/3

½ lb sweeties _ _ _ -/10

tolls _ _ _ _ -/9½

Ham's boy _ _ _ _ 1/-


Peter v 1 bush: peas. 10/9½

& a file v 6 d __


P d Toply for

repair 3 heim straps 1/5

a peice to halter shoulder -/10

£ 1..12..6 of D. O'Neil 2/3

on act: of note____

Expen d in Aylmer

James Thompson

3 ax helves _ _ _ _ 1/10½

10/- less 1½ d of Pratt on act:


of draw g the boards.

owes still 5/1½__