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Payne owe me 3/9 on the oat-meal.


30½ bush ls peas__


Total peas__

173 bush ls .

7 24 ¾

James for rations.

1 lb tea__





at Jennings ½ lb

condition powder 1/3.



took 15 bush l

Prov d ¼ of it peas,

to Ottawa___ Also,

4 bush l wheat,

a mixture of

toll & tailings__



Red Cow with the

bull yesterday___


3 bush l oats to

Poultry from






on 8 th ^ at Jennings

1 g l oil



On 8 th at

Hay's a

grassey the 3/9__


lent Peter a

small bottle of

high wines.

at Bates a g l

molassas for Ja v mes

at Hrough's 3 yds

[sothinnet] @ 3/3 for

Mu v ldoo v n



3 bush l

peas to Pigs__

from Gran:___



at Hay's

9 window fast np @ 2½ d

3 do__ do__ @ 6 d __

screws 3½ d __







2 lbs candles @ 9 d

for Ja v mes__

22½ bush l Scotch


from 13 Acre-





5 g l of Berry__


at Prows

one axe 7/6 p d

at T.M. Blasdel's

1 point 2/6__



at Bate's

3 bags salt @ 4/3__

1 g l syrup 3/-

at Brough's for

Self 4 yds sathinnet

@ 3/-


at Grant & Brot r

4 doz screw @ 2½ d

at Isaac's a 7f t x-cut


MARCH 1860.

•  Thursday. James about horses, to Aylmer with a load

of boards, got back about 3½ o 'C, to dinner, help


measure up peas, Muldoon & Peter at sundries in___

morn:, help load boards, grind axes, put a load

hay on horse-loft, Griffin clean up & measure peas,

George about cattle &c, help do_ do the peas________

2 Friday. James about horses in morn:, fall & X-cut 11 logs ,

Muldoon do_ do__ in morn: & even g , draw in last

of dry soft-wood, Peter saw wood in morn: help

at sawlogs, Griffin thrash wheat__ George

about cattle &c____ Self to Aylmer with peas,

got back to dinner , then about sundries____

•  Saturday. James about horses in morn: make a rollway

& lay up 10 bass-logs, Muldoon & Peter fill

up prov d & wheat in morn: help lay up the__

bass-logs, Gr v iffin v thrash wheat in morn:,

then to Aylmer , George about cattle &c_____

Self to Ottawa with Prov d & some wheat___

•  Sunday. Church A.M. Self got back about 12½ o 'C___

in afternoon drove the whole family & Miss Butler

to Streets, left M rs Greene at home on road back___

•  Monday. James about horses, draw in 4 pine-logs &

the 10 bass-logs, Muldoon about horses in morn:,

then cut fence-logs, Pe v ter v not here, Griffin about

cattle &c, thrash wheat, Geo v rge v ill___ Self at

sundries till dinner, then to Aylmer in cutter___
6 Tuesday. James about horses in morn: draw in 5 load

hardwood, Muldoon draw water from

river in morn: at roads among cordwood___

Peter v at home, Griffin thrash wheat___

George about cattle &c___ Self cut the line___

7 Wednesday. James about horses, draw in load of

hard-wood, Muldoon sundries in morn:,

draw a small load hay to Sheep, then 3 load of

hardwood, Peter v at home, Griffin thrash wheat__

George about cattle &c___ Self about sundries__

8 Thursday. James about horses in morn: fall & X-cut 16

logs, Muldoon do in do__ help at logs___

Peter v at home, Griffin at sundries & clean

up wheat, George about cattle &c help at

do do__ Self to Ottawa with double

sleigh, took Maria home & P d her £ 2..5..6 / ½h d

9 Friday. James about horses; / for 3 months & 1 day @ 15/-

draw in 5 load hardwood, Muldoon at

sundries in morn: draw in

wood, Peter v at home, Griffin at sundries

in morn: thrash oats, George about cattle &c__

Self to Ottawa in cutter, brought up the girl with

one eye______ P d M c 'Gaire for Geo v rge 3/-

10 Saturday. James about horses, draw in load hard-

-wood, Muldoon help at horses in morn:,

draw in load hardwood, Peter v at home,

Griffin about sundries, thrash oats, George

about cattle &c___ Self to Ottawa___

11 Sunday. Church P.M. 12/- of Durrough for 3 bush: peas__

£2..­­__ v ..__ of Mu Edw v ards at

12 Monday. James about horses in on act: ______

morn: draw in 2 load P v eter 1 pint bra v ndy_

hardwood by dinner, then chop & 4 lbs beef v ___

fence logs, Muldoon water from river in

morn:, draw in 2 load hardwood by noon:,

then chop cedars, Peter v at home, Griffin

thrash oats, George about cattle &c______

Self to Aylmer , back to dinner___

13 Tuesday. James & Muldoon about Prentis 3 bush: timothy

horses in morn:, finish Do__ 22 lbs clover

a rollway & lay up 6 logs___

Griffin & George about house &c, clean up

oats, Peter v at home___ Self to Ottawa____

14 Wednesday. James & Muldoon about horses in morn:,

lay up 14 logs, Peter v at home, Griffin

sundries in morn:, measure & stow away

oats till dinner, then thrash oats, George about

cattle &c, help about oats___ Self to Ottawa

at Jenning's brought up the Quio girl__

1 bottle gargling oil 2/6 & a bottl 1/3__

parsnip seed 6 d caulie-flower 3 d __

x-cut 25/- at M c 'Culough's 1 p r [kipsboots] $5__..


Bartlet 500 f t @ 3/-

Rec d of Pratt 5/- less 2 d __

Jamves ½ bush l oats.

Geo v rge ½ lb tobacco.


Hill 1000 f t rough-edge

for painting cutter &

mak g a pair shafts_

Bready for 3 removes

& 1 new shoe 3/1½____

f t

Kennady 200 @ 5/- is 10/- Rec d

Jamevs ½ bush l peas.

£ 4..__..__ of Campbell .

for 20 bush: peas @ 4/-


G v riffin v ½ lb tobacco.

Exp d in Ottawa .

Offord's a p r rubbers _ _ _ _ 3/1½

Enwright 1 doz patty pans 1/4½

Booth repair g 4 snaps 2/6


Repair g tub & keg _ _ _ -/10

Polls 1/6_ ham's boy /1- 2/6

v Miss Bultler v a knife 1/9- 10/4


G v riffin v 100 lbs flour.

Peter v a bottle of por v t 3/9

Richie 321 lbs beef @ 25/-

per hund. £ 4..__..3

& 66 lbs mutton @ 3 d __..16..6

Charais for £ 4..16..9


4 removes on Filo 2/6__


W m Be v rry 100 f t pl k @ 6/-

dinner at Hoppers 1/3___

£ 1..10..__ of James Armstrong


for 750 f t bd s @ 4/.

9/- of Rolston for 225 f t of

inch boards____

Geo v rge ½ lb candles__

7/3 of Ham: Edw v ards

am t of act: for lumber.


Pete v r 1 lb tea__

Do v __ 2 lb s oatmeal

Ja v mes ½ lb butter__

Do v __ a p r boots 7/6__

Exp d in Ottawa__


quills 1/- & ¼ h d 1/10½ _ _ _ 2/10½

Lanford mak g trousers 6/3

Do__ a p r new pockets 1/3

4 load hard-water tap repair d 1/-

M c 'Lean repair g 2 tubs _ _ _ _ 1/10½


A churn Tolls _ _ _ _ 1/-

for Ge v org v e 6/3­­__ 14/3

v Muldo v on a waist coat 8/9.


Jam v es 1 lb tobacco__

Do v __ ½ lb candles___

Exp d in Ottawa__

gloves for Kate _ _ _ 2/2

at Loux ½ doz egg cups 1/3

at Thompson's ½ doz plater 1/6

Do__ a jug 1/- & 1 @ 7½ d _ 1/7½

Enwright's tin saucepan _ _ 1/-


A'Hearn peice g 1 colter _ _ 3/9

Heney repair g a strap _ _ _ -/7

Tolls _ _ _ -/7

Peter v 15/- 12/5½


on the 10 th Exp d in Ottawa

Workman 10 lbs oakum _ _ _ 6/3

rubber for Self _ _ _ 5/-

workman 2 bolts with screws 2/4

@ 17/6. 2..12..6 Tolls _ _ -/7

seed _ _ 1..2...__ 14/2


Muldo v on 1 lb tea.


P d M rs Half for 5 days

Geo v rge 1 doz herrings 2/6

Exp d in Ottawa

3 lemons 7½ d ½ lb acid drops 1/5½

at Smith's boots 5/3 & 3/9 __9/-


M c 'Lean wash tub _ _ _ 6/-

Enwrigth for repairs -/10

Tolls _ -/7

Gvrffin ½ lb tobacco__ 16/10½