Page 139

Total Snows to Cellar 100 bush ls & to
Pigs 42 bush ls _


Muldoon for rations,
30 lbs pork_



8 bush ls garden
Rusties to pigs_






8 bush ls Snows
to pigs__


16 bush ls Thompso ns
to pigs__



from Bates

4 lbs coffee__

from Jennings

½ lb licorice_












16 bush ls
peas to mill for pigs.

& from Gran:

11 bush ls oats_

& 2 do_ more_

Open d 2 nd b l pork,
weighed for use

59 lbs_


Put up to fat

6 spring pigs__




2 bush ls Snows
to Pigs__

34 bush ls
Cups to pigs__


2 bush ls more oats
from Gran: to
mix the Prov d
for the pigs ½ & ½.


15 bush ls garden Rusties
to cellar__

22 bush: Cups Cellar__

8 do_ do_ Pigs_

32 bush: Rusties
to Cellar_ & 5 to pigs_

100 bush ls Snows
to Cellar__ &

8 bush ls to Pigs_

24 do_ Cups to

Cellar, &

3 bush ls to Pigs.



10. Wednesday. James sundries in morn:, take out tatoes till near noon: put Peter across from Rob ts get back to a late dinner, help at repairs in Gristmill, Muldoon & Durick at tatoes, Peter at sundries & tatoes till near 11 o'C, then to Aylmer__ Griffin not here__ George about pigs &e, fill a steamer & about sundries__ Collins put g up back wall of passage___ Self repair g Gristmill___

11 Thursday. James pick paste off mill-stone in morn:, help about water-pipe till dinner, cart in a load tatoes & take out tatoes, Muldoon to Berry's in morn: take out tatoes, Durick at tatoes____ Peter back by the steamer, help uncover the rest of lead pipe, then at tatoes, Griffin not here, George about pigs &e, steam tatoes & mix 'em__ & at sundres, Collins finish put g up back-wall about noon, then get g out facings for windows__ Self take out upper end of lead pipe & help Ham at it till noon, then put it back in its place with a new block______

12 Friday. James at tatoes in morn:, cover up water-pipe, Muldoon at tatoes & help do_ _ do_ do_ for an hour, Peter at do___ till noon, help at do_ do_ for 2 or 3 do's, pick the stones for a start, at tatoes again___ Griffin not here, Durick take out tatoes, George about cows, pigs, &e, help cover up water-pipe for a start before diner, fill steam-box &e____ Collins put up facings to windows & doors___ Self finish fasten down water by dinner, then at Gristmill___

13 Saturday. James at tatoes in morn:, help in Gristmill & at sundries, Muldoon, Peter, Durick at tatoes, Griffin not here, George about pigs &e, steam tatoes, help in Gristmill for a little while, mix pigs-food___ Collins putting on base boards ready for clap-boarding____ Self at repairs in Gristmill till noon, then grind_____

14 Sunday. Church A.M. Hammy Hill up by the boat yesterday morn: he & the family were to have gone home in the afternoon; but were too late for the boat_

15 Monday. James about sundries in morn:, clean up & cart peas to mill, & at sundries till 3 o'C, then at tatoes, Muldoon Durick & Payne & Tom at tatoes, Peter clean up peas & at sundries till 3 o'C, then at tatoes, Griffin up by the boat but no work__ George about pigs &e, steam tatoes & mix 'em__ & at sundries___ Self put handles in two new shovels & repair yard for spring pigs___

16 Tuesday. James at tatoes in morn:, help put up & ring spring pigs, took Ham &e to Robts in a boat, help house corn, Muldoon, Durick, & Tom at tatoes, Payne at tatoes
Peter at do_ in morn:, help put up spring pigs at do__ again, George about pigs &e, about half filled steam-box, help at corn, churn_____ Griffin underpin new passage & about sundries__ Self to Wainman's by W m Monk's___

17 Wednesday. James, Muldoon, Peter, Durick, Tom, Payne finish take out tatoes about 5 o'C, then bring in some; Griffin at sundries in morn:, help in Gristmill till 3 o'C, then dam up arch of bridge___ George about pigs &e, steam tatoes, kill a roaster, mix pigs food____ Self work Gristmill till 3 o'C, replace the plank at arch of bridge_______

18 Thursday. James at his tatoes, Muldoon cart in tatoes, Peter, Durick help house tatoes, Griffin at sundries about Old house & fill in the bark_____ George about pigs &e, steam tatoes & mix 'em___ Collins came to breakfast, clap-board house___ Self look about till 11 o'C, then to Geo: Major's about a cow___

19 Friday. James wheel shavings out of Sawmill in morn:, fill up a muskrat hole in little dam, reap corn-stalks & help unload tatoes, Muldoon cart in tatoes, Peter, Durick, Payne fill up tatoes, Griffin fill in tan-bark.
George about pigs &e, finish house corn, help a start in Gristmill & at sundries, Collins clap-board old house___ Self down the Town till dinner, work Gristmill & look about



Peter ½ lb tobacco.


Muldoon 1 lb tobacco.






Peter's expences at

Aylmer 1/10½_



Mrs Jay 1/4 for eggs.



Peter ½ lb candles_




Muldoon 1 lb tea.


George ½ lb tea.








Muldoon 2 lbs

Collins 50 lbs flour.
half of it from
this year's wheat.








Nash's wife
p d the 1/3 she
owed for soap.



I owe Wainman
for 2 removes
on Doll_




2/2 of John Rider
a bal ce he owed.


George 50 lbs flour.

Do_ 2 lbs soap.

Do_ ½ lb candles.




Peter 1 lb tea_




James 50 lbs flour.


£2..10.. __ of Berry
on act:___


Peter ½ lb tobacco.