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N o 6

a W. lamb__









8 ½ bush.. to mill

3 do_ Old kitch..

11 ½ for stove_pigs_

on the 17 th

ground the

above 8 ½ bushls..

with 6 ½ do_

of toll










killed the

Glenny steer

a 3 year old__







W t .. of the

four quarters

448 lbs__









3 ½ bushl..

Blk Sea

to mill__

ground with

about_the same

quantity of

last 1

year's Scotch_





1 st thrashg..

of oats__

10 bush ls .._

Kitch.. garden one's



Snow last

night, off during the day.


2 bush l .. of new

outs to poultry.


Marked to sell

or kill 3 old ewes.

& a year old do_

the one called

the winter lamb _



Let go the



Calves put up

on Sunday.



11. Sunday. Church A.M. Self ill a_bed till near

sunset, then I got up a little better & dressed_

12Monday. James plough fallow, Muldoon finish plough pea_

_stubble in woodfield about 4 o 'C, then do_ oat

stubble N o side Old Pigfield, Peter to Aylmer___

Griffin up by the boat, killed a lamb did nothing $5_..

more, George about pigs &e, steam tatoes & mix 'em_

Self rather poorly, fasten top hoop on small wash_tub,

put an iron hoop on 2 nd sized tub, file meat_saw & at sundries__

13Tuesday. James finish plough fallow at 2 ½ o 'C, then help

plough N o side Old Pigfield for an hour, then at

sundries & sweep out Cow_loft, Muldoon finish

plough N o side Old Pigfield about 4 o 'C, then yoke

the oxen, cart peas to the mill & cart away one

load rubbish from dam, Peter at sundries & to Robt s ..

with stone_cart for a b l .. pork till dinner, clean up

peas & at sundries, Griffin ill, George about

pigs &e, help in Gristmill till dinner, help

clean up the peas____ Self grind till noon , then look about__

14Wednesday. James wheel shavings out of Sawmill in morn..,

help butcher steer till dinner, cart bark &e from

end of Kitchen on to Rings bridge, Muldoon cart

pea_straw in morn.., help at steer till hung up,

cart bark &e from end of Kitchen with horse till

dinner, then with oxen, Peter at home with sprain d .. ankle__

Griffin help with peas straw in morn.., butcher steer

till dinner, help load bark &e___

George about pigs &e, steam tatoes, mix 'em & at sundries__

Self not very well, only knock d .. down the steer & look d

about till dinner, then at sundries about back of new scullery__

15Thursday. James about sundries in morn.., cart a few load

chips up the lane, work Sawmill, wash out the

barn, Muldoon cart g .. chips from both yards on

to King's bridge, put 3 loads in field back of George's__

Peter at home, Griffin saw wood in morn.., saw

down the beef, & help cut up &e by dinner, help

load chips, George about pigs &e, wash barrels & salt

beef by dinner, help put it in cellar, repack a barrel on

accounts of spring g a leak___ Self help cut up beef______

16Friday. James to M rs Mertree's for waggon load tan_bark__

Muldoon draw wood for himself till noon , then

for George , Peter thrash oats, help clean up some

wheat, Grifin thrash 12 stakes Bl k Sea , clean it

up & at sundries, George about pigs &e, put on a

steamer of tatoes & about sundries___ Self poorly

all day__ did several small jobs__.

17Saturday. James at wood for himself till dinner, work

sawmill about two hours, then at sundries__

Muldoon spread chips back of George's in morn..,

cart rubbish from quarry on to lane, Peter

thrash oats & saw wood till dinner, cart down

oat_straw & clean up oats, Griffin thrash wheat

in morn.., help in Gristmill till dinner, then

help with oat straw & clean up oats, George

about pigs &e, finish steam tatoes, mix 'em & at

sundries___ Self work Gristmill till 1½ o 'C___,

18Sunday. Church P.M.

19Monday. James work sawmill, Muldoon at sundries

in morn.., to Brewery for yeast, cart down

a load straw, then cart stones to back of

waggon shed, Peter at sundries in morn..,

help sort sheep, then help at straw & stones,

Griffin about pigs &e, steam tatoes & mix 'em,

& about sundries, George paint g .. his house___

Self look about things till dinner, then take

out the peers , & about sundries_______

20Tuesday. james at sundries & work sawmill,

Muldoon cart stones & build 'em against

end of waggon shed, Peter help cart stones__

Griffin re_mix old mortar, fill tom_bark

in ice_house & at sundries, George fix g his

house till dinner, then to Aylmer__ Collins

finish studying ice_house, then nail on the lining





Muldoon 1 bush l ..

of snows_


Peter £6.._.._

$5_.. of Norman Ingle

on act.. of 4 ewe_lambs

@$3_.. each.




3/_ of M rs Bridges that

she owed for some pl t ..

A.L. Smith_

150 ft .. inch boards.

40 ft .. clap

1 scout.. 3X4

Muldoon 25 lbs flour..

George 30 lbs flour.







Peter 1 gl .. salt

Mick A'Hearn

3 bush ls lime

& 11 slabs_


M rs Mae

½ lb






M rs Berry & I

settled act s .. up to date.


By £1..5.._ to Mr Butler


In Cash 9..7.._ to Self


He also pd.. the 5/_ I

gave George on his act.._

Muldoon 1 lb tea.

James 2/6_ &

17 lbs flour.





George ½ gl.. salt

I owe Bradley for

3 removes on Major,

one of 'em his shoe__


R.Y. Greene 123 ft .. @3/_

Peter 1lb candles.

George 50lbs flour_

Muldoon 50lbs do_

James 50lbs do_

Do_ 1lb tea_







Muldoon £1.._.._


Berry for yeast 3d.._

Peter 1 bushl.. oats.

Sheep to winter__

26 ewes_

4 do_lambs.

1 two year old ram.

2 yearling rams_

2 ram lambs.





George 15/_