Page 174


Oats from


11 bushls horses_

2 do_ Poultry_








4 bush ls oats from
mill to boil
for Pigs__



19½ bush ls Scotch
from 12 Acre-feild.


Ram with flock
this morn:__




4½ bush l peas
from mill
to Pigs_

2 bush ls peas
from mill
in soak.

2 bush ls oats
from mill
to boil for Pigs_


2 bush ls peas
from mill
in soak__

2 bush: more peas
in soak.

Snow g all day

No 7
a W. lamb_


Peas Woodfeild.

8 bushl to mill.

1¾ do_ to Pigs.





2 bush: peas from
mill in soak.


2 bush l oats from
mill to boil for Pigs.

& ½ bush l to



16. Saturday. James diging up appletrees, to Berry's with boat for my luggage, heap up dung in front of stable & saw hardwood, Muldoon about horses in morn: help root up appletrees & heap up dung till dinner, then cut brush off banks of drain in Woodfeild, Peter cart slabs from mill till dinner, then cut brush in drain, Griffin thrash wheat__
Moran thrash oats, George about pigs &e, boil oats, saw soft-wood____ Self returned by the boat, breakfasted at Rob ts , looked about till dinner, then filed 2 nd hardwood saw & about sundry jobs_____

17 Sunday. Church P.M.

18 Monday. James saw wood in morn:, help down with 2 loads straw & catch g lambs till dinner, clean up oats & at sundries, Muldoon about horses in morn:, clean up drain in Woodfeild, peter saw wood in morn:, cart down 2 loads straw, clean up drain in Woodfeild, Griffin thrash wheat & help catch lambs till dinner then home__ George about pigs &e, boil oats, saw wood, help clean up oats____ Self started for Aylmer, too late ______

19 Tuesday. James about horses in morn: cart down oats, cart a load dung from calf house to horse stable__ wheel away shavings &e from sawmill, Muldoon & Peter at sundries in morn:, then at drain______
Griffin back by the boat, but no work__ George about pigs &e
Self taken ill yesterday even g , in bed all to day___

20 Wednesday. James Muldoon about horses in morn:, then grind axes & at stumps in Woodfeild, Peter at wood for himself, Griffin thrash wheat____
George about pigs &e, boil oats, saw wood, shell some corn_____ Self better, but in house all day___

21 Thursday. James about horses morn: & even g clean up, & cart wheat to mill, cart down a load straw, Muldoon help at horses in morn: then at stumps__ Peter saw wood in morn: thrash peas, went to the post, mend flail, Griffin sundries in morn: help clean up the wheat, help with straw, mend a flail____ George about pigs &e, saw wood, shell some corn__ Self a little better, went out to look about in afternoon_

22 Friday. James & Muldoon about horses in morn: then at road below precipice for sawlogs, Peter thrash peas in morn: at sawlog road too, Griffin thrash wheat in morn:, saw wood, mix some morter & paint workshop, George about pigs &e, boil oats, churn & about sundries____ Self only look about things___

23 Saturday. James & Muldoon about horses in morn:, bring home the foal & cattle by dinner, rig up
an end of Old cattle shed for pea-straw, put 1
load in it & about sundries__ Peter saw wood
in morn:, thrash peas till dinner, to the post,
saw wood & at sundries_ Griffin thrash wheat, George about pigs &e, boil oats, refil ash
barrel & about sundries____
Self mending; did not go out; repair flails___

24 Sunday. Church A.M. Miss Butler & the girls to the do__ in the cutter; Muldoon drove Kate to Rob ts after dinner______

25 Monday. James about horses in morn:, help bring up wash g water, saw wood, put Griffin a-X & clean up peas by dinner, then measure 'em up, saw soft-wood, draw down the peas on ox-sleigh__ Muldoon about horses in morn: then at road__ Peter saw wood in morn: then at road___ Tayler at road; Griffin at sundries in morn:, kill a lamb, then to Aylmer__ George about cattle, pigs &e, help clean up peas, Self out after dinner; measure lumber, rig ox-sleigh____

26 Tuesday. James about horses in morn:, thaw & help at water-wheel of Sawmill, Muldoon about horses in morn: then at road, Peter & Tayler grind ax in morn: then at road, Griffin back by the boat, but no work, George about cattle, pgs &e, boil oats, saw soft-wood___ Tom Cook repair g water-wheel of Sawmill, had a friend with him____ Self not very well, out most all day look g about the wheel & measur g lumber


W m Lewis 300 f t @4/- 12/-



Peter 1 lb candles_

James 1 gl molassas.

Do_ 2 lbs sugar 5½ d

Do_ 1 lb tobacco

Do_ 4 y ds cambrick 4 d

Do_ a paper pins 1/-

George 3 lbs sugar_


Muldoon ½ bush l salt.

George 45 lbs flour_

Griffin 1 bottle rape oil 1/½

Do_ 5/-

James £2.. __ .. __ Mrs Lay_


$12 of W m Richardson
for 3 yearling ewes__

$10 of Gord n Richardson
for 4 ewe lambs__

10/- of Jane M c Mullin
for the hat I brought Mary


Mick Nash for Church

400 f t inch boards 16/-

43 f t 2 inch pl k 6/- 2/3

4 scant lg 3x4 14 f t long 2/6



Tho s Armstrong 25 ft @5/-


James 1 lb candles_

John Glen work d in Oct:

6 days @2/- is 12/-

P d for as follows_

15 Oct. ½ lb tobacco -/10

7 Nov. slabs & boards 4/-
this day in Cash 7/2

a lt r post p d _

John Tayler 30 slabs 2/6
pays up bal ce
on 5 days work__


James 50 lbs flour.

Muldoon 50 lbs do_

Peter ½ lb tobacco.


Rob t the 2 year old ram $5

Peter 1 bush l oats_


George 25 lbs flour_

Muldoon 1 lb tobacco_


Griffin ½ lb tobacco_

Do_ 10/-

Moran 325 f t @6/- is 19/6

Do_ 402 f t @4/- is 16/-

1 lb tobacco_ 1/8

2 lbs wool @1/-

James A'Hearn a ram
lamb, owes 12/10 on it.

Peter 18 lbs flour_

James 1 bush l oats_

Muldoon 3 lbs soap_




450 f t @4/- 18/-

450 f t @3/- 13/6

20 f t @6/- 1/3


Oct: 7 by Cash __ ..1..3

took his note for the
above payable Jan: 1 1862.