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Total Old Pigfeild Scotch 63 bush:


At Bates_

3 lb tobacco @2/3_

5 lbs tea @2/9_

1 g l molassas 2/-

5 lbs sugar @5½ d _



3/8 bl t silicia @10 d _

4 yds gingham @1/-



5 gls beer_



At Bates'
on the 8 th

12 lbs sugar @5 d _

6 lbs rice @3 d _

1 lb figs 10 d -
at Hay's on act:
hinges 7 ct
screws 7

14 ct

Dark sow
with my boar_
time up 28 th April.


George ½ lb tea
bal ce of rations_


1½ bush ls
peas from mill
to Pigs_

James ½ lb tea
bal ce of

13 bush: Scotch

Old Pigfeild

S o side-

at Brough

1¼ yds drab
silicia - @11 d
sold M c Lean

3 hides 180 lbs @25/- 2..5.. __

1 do_ 20 @50/- __ ..10.. __

25 sheep skins @9 d __ ..18..9

3 calf do __ ..7..6





about 2 inch s
of snow fell__
day even g _


13½ bush ls Scotch
off tatoe land

P d at

Cumming's forge
tail-nuts &e for
rods of sleigh box 1/4_


Toply for repair g
halter &e 1/-
some snow
with strong wind
last night-

James for rations

15 lbs pork

23 lbs beef.


Rain last night
most of the snow
gone again__

1½ bush l peas from
Gran: to Pigs
yesterday at noon__



1. Thursday. James about horses morn: & even g about sundries till dinner, split & saw hardwood, Muldoon
about horses in morn: then no work, George about cattle
&e, & about sundries______ * Tho s Collins repair floor of
Self at sundries till dinner, then about double sleigh__
* he began about 9 o'C__

2 Friday. James & Muldoon about horses in morn:, then chop fence-logs, Griffin at home, George about cattle
Self to Ottawa in buggy_____ of Charley road inter st $5 __..

3 Saturday. James & Muldoon about horses Bank dividend in morn:, lay up fence logs____ James
Griffin at home, George about cattle &e,____
Self about sundries till dinner & until sunset , to Brewery &

4 Sunday. Church A.M. Self & Hamnett there__ on the 2 nd

5 Monday. James about horses in morn:, about sundries "
till dinner, draw down 2 trips pea-straw, "
Muldoon clean out horse stable & about cattle &e in
morn: about sundries till dinner, help with pea-straw,
& do up the things, Griffin at home, George ill____
Self about sundries & to Rob ts in even g for his boar__

6 Tuesday. James about horses in morn:, help grind an axe, ring pigs & take Rob ts boar home by dinner,
thrash g wheat, Muldoon about horses in morn:,
help ring pigs & about sundries till dinner,
then thrash wheat, Griffin at home; George
about cattle &e, point Spring pigs house & colt' stable
with cow-dung___ Self about sundries & ring pigs
by 11 o'C, repair divition between colts, file 6 fast-
X-cut & about sundry jobs________

7 Wednesday. James & Muldoon about horses in morn:,
then thrash wheat; Griffin at home; George
about cattle &e, saw wood____ Self fitting up
table in Old kitchen as a work-bench, repair 2 flails_

8 Thursday. James & Muldoon about horses in morn:, clean
& measure up wheat, cart down 2 load straw
thrash again in the even g ___ George about cattle &e,
saw wood; Griffin at home____
Self to Ottawa in buggy____

9 Friday. James about horses in morn:, help weigh hides &
load sleigh & e till near 9 o'C, to Aylmer till 2 o'C,
then get dinner, stow away wheat in mill, harness
horses & to the woods for a trip hardwood, Muldoon
about horses in morn:, help weigh & load up hides
till near 9 o'C, yoked up oxen to bring in some wood,
soon returned, found road too slipperry, thrash wheat,
Griffin not here, George about cattle &e, & sundries__ Self to Aylmer & back to 2½ o'C dinner, to the woods
for ½ a load hardwood_______ 8 gls

10 Saturday. James & Muldoon about horses in morn:,
thrash wheat, Griffin here, but no work,
George about cattle &e, saw & split wood____
Self poorly, screw on iron knees &e to table___

11 Sunday. Church P.M. Self to Ottawa in 3 seated sleigh, brought home the girls_______

12 Monday. James about horses in morn:, draw in 4 trips hardwood & 1 of soft-wood with Doll & Major__ Muldoon about horses in morn: clean & measure
up wheat by dinner, draw down 2 load straw
& thrash again, Griffin thrash in morn:, clean up &e
wheat, help with the straw, thrash again, George
about cattle &e, saw wood & at sundries_____ A book
Self nail g tin on mouse-roads in store-room,
finish pack away meat & about sundries_____

13 Tuesday. James & Muldoon about horses in morn:,
then making road for sawlogs; Griffin thrash wheat;
George about cattle &e_ Self to Aylmer in double sleigh_

14 Wednesday. James & Muldoon about horses in morn:,
then at road for sawlogs; Griffin about P d
cattle &e, saw wood & at sundries; George ill__
Self look about & to Berry 's & Rob ts till a late dinner,
then salt horses , cattle & sheep ___

15 Thursday. James & Muldoon about horses in morn:, On 13 th
then explore for sawlogs below Presipice on " 19 th
No 23__; Griffin about cattle &e, saw wood &
about sundries; George at home____ Collins came
at 8 o'C to breakfast, repair the colts' stall & make
3 troughs for cattle shed by 4 o'C, then off home___
Self look about till 3 o'C, then took Kate for a drive till sunset


James ½ lb sugar_

M rs Muldoon
a p r boots 7/6

& 3 lbs sugar 5½ d 1/4½

Spring's stall by dinner.

Exp d in Ottawa_

W m Ramsay bal ce 5..2..9

En-Wright repairs __ .. __ ..9
an almanac __ .. __ ..2½

Tolls __ .. __ ..11½

$40 __.. 5..4..8

4 yd s gingham @1/-

1 g l molassas 2/-
the Post 2 lbs sugar @ 5½

G.H. Pinhey cheque 280

" " " 320

" " " 600

George 1 bush: cups_


Muldoon 1 lb tobacco

James ½ lb do_


Soldier Collins took
away his 100 f t boards @ 4/-

Mary p d M rs Humphrys
for mak g &e 3 jackets

George ½ lb candles_


George 100 lbs flour.


Exp d in Ottawa .

M r S. Blasdel as act: __ ..8.. __

Proulx for axes 1..3..9

Citizen to Dec 31 st next __ ..7..6
Blythe for cotton &e 1..11..9

Roberts ½ g l fluid __ ..3..3

Isaac 2 gls coal-oil __ ..7..6

Tolls 1/- Pat 1/- __ ..2.. __

£ 4..3..9

James 10/-


Cumming's forge
for 3 removes 1/6
bolt in shoing -/7½
p d 2/1½
of M c Lean on act: hides
coal-oil last Fall __ ..16.. __
in Cash 2..5.. __

£ 3..1.. __

James 1 bush: cups.

George 1 do_ do_

Griffin 10/-
on the 13 th of M c Lean

£1.. __ ..3 bal ce on hides


M rs Mac: 4½ lbs soap_

Exp d by Miss Butler_

8½ yds diaper @ 1/- 8/6

3 p r stockings 6/-

3/9 Children's paper 1/- 4/9


Tooly 100 lbs flour_

James 100 lbs do_

George ½ lb tobac: 1/1

Griffin ½ lb do_ 1/2½


Charais for draw g ax 1/3
do_ shorten ice saw &
stay wheel-barrow 1/3


of McLean 1 g l coal-oil

" " 4 g ls do @3/9



M rs Mac: ask s thread.