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At Bate's a scrub g brush 2/-

A very
fine day__
at Cunningham's

4 yds factory @ 9 d James

At Brough's

¾ lb thread @3/5_

2 yds canvas @1/4 James

Rainy even g

At Jennings_
blue ointment 3 d

30 lbs clover @6 d

At Bate's
box digby's 2/6 -

Cunningham's Ham

18 yds binding 6 lbs

A p r braces 1/- lamb.

Foggy morning,
turned out a very warm day _
The calf died Geo:
skined it_

5 gls beer_


2 bush ls peas from

Gran: to Pigs.


Oats off 2 acres
in Woodfeild_

13½ bushls Horses.

37½ " Gran:

51 2 Ewes lambed
both lambs dead -
warm day -
Bate's 1 f. port 13/9-

Do- 1 q t rum 2/6_

Jennings_ Ham 26lbs
mark g ink 7½ d lamb.
½ oz citric acid 2½ d
tooth brush 1/-

½ oz blue pill 4 d _

1 chamois 1/10½.


½ lb thread @3/6.

13½ yds drugget @ 3/3 .

N o 3
throw one away _

Spotted Fred
calved yesterday
a bull, it died a
day or two after _

3 year old Spotted
Fanny of a bull calf,
killed it May 12.

W. & J. McLean

75 lbs wool @1/6_
got of them a broom 1/-

12 lbs sugar @6 d _

Rainy morn:

Total oats from

96 bushels _

48 do_ for Acre-

N o 4 a lamb_



A fine day.

N o 5 a lamb.

P d Bartlet & Smith
a bal ce of £1..18..3
as ac t received__


N o 6
a lamb.

N o 7 twins,
throw one away.


N o 8 a lamb_

Began sawing
about 10 o'C____


APRIL 1863.

9. Thursday. James about horses in morn:, chop hardwood; Muldoon ill; Toollie about horses in morn:, then chop hardwood; Griffin thrash oats till near 9 o'C, help weigh & load hay of 21 hun d at Rob ts for Shirley till
3 o'C, thrash again; George about cattle &e_____
Self to Ottawa in double sleigh____

10 Friday. James about horses in morn: draw fence logs, Muldoon ill; Toollie about horses in morn:, Lamb's
help load fence-logs; Griffin thrash oats; George
about cattle &e,_____ Self to Ottawa in double sleigh_

11 Saturday. James about horses in &e till near 9 o'C, draw fence logs till dinner, draw a little load hay to calf-loft, & about sundries; Muldoon ill;_____ Toollie about horses & sundries till near 9 o'C, help load Do_ fence-logs till dinner, then saw wood & at sundries___ Griffin thrash oats; George about cattle &e_____
Self to Aylmer with double sleigh to bring 15 bush ls
home new single sleigh, got back to 2 o'C dinner, is
stow away flour, weigh up wheat for Old Symmes,
to the Brewery in even g Kate went with me____

12 Sunday. Church A.M. Self drove George ½ lb tea__
Kate in cutter to Bessborough & to Berry's in
even g , Self went on to Rob ts _______

13 Monday. James & Muldoon about horses in morn:
help weigh & load some of the hay at Rob ts &
draw the rest home; Toolie not here; Griffin
finish thrash the oats, clean & measure them up, 1000
stow 'em away, saw wood & about sundries__ George about cattle &e, help with the oats & at sundries___ Self weigh hay, stow away oats & at sundrie___

14 Tuesday. James about horses in morn:, draw wood for himself; Muldoon about horses in morn: chop up to
hardwood; Toolie saw wood in morn:, do_ Paid
do_ do_; Griffin at sundries in morn:, do_
do_ do_; George about cattle &e,______
Self to Ottawa with McLean 's buggy_____ Langford

15 Wednesday. James about horses in morn: chop hard-
wood; Muldoon draw wood at home; M c Cullough
Toolie & Griffin at sundries in morn:, chop Cressal
hardwood; George about cattle &e_____ Smith
Self returned about sun-set______ H.F. M c Carthy

Elisa went to Ottawa on Monday morn: & back next day
Elm scantling to be sawed 4X7____ at Griffins ½ lb

16 Thursday. James about horses in morn: to Aylmer till
3 o'C, then help cut up the side of beef & about sundries; Muldoon about horses in morn:,
draw wood for George ; Toolie saw wood En-Wright's
in morn:, chop hardwood; Griffin at sun- Workman
-dries in morn: do_ do do; George about
cattle &e_______ Self to Aylmer with hay- Geo: ½
rack sleigh to bring home the 2 nd cutter, got Do_ 2½
back to 3 o'C dinner, cut up the side of beef___ Miss

17 Friday. James about horses in morn: James 5/-
then at sundries; Muldoon Mrs McLaughan
about horses in morn:, edge a H.W. bl 6/3
an axe, draw down 2 small ¼ lb crackers -/2
load hay & a load straw to Cow-loft; then On 16 th
grind an axe & about sundries___ 41 lbs
Toolie saw wood in morn:, help with another
hay & straw grind axes & about sundries; is 7/1½
Griffin at sundries in morn: then off home___
George about cattle &e, shovel ice out of the
mill, salt the beef & about sundries_____
Swamp elm to be sawed 2¼X4___

18 Saturday. James at home; Muldoon about horses in
morn:, to Aylmer with Self till 3 o'C, then
put away some of the sleighs & about sundries_
Toolie about horses in morn: chop hardwood;
Griffin at home; George about cattle &e____
Self to Aylmer in cutter, got back about 3 o'C__

19 Sunday. Church P.M.

20 Monday. James about horses in morn:, draw a few logs to mill, grease & began to saw; Muldoon not
here; Toolie about horses in morn:, help with logs
to mill, draw 2 little loads hay to Horse-loft, cart up
some slabs__ Griffin not here; George about cattle &e, help down with hay_____ Self file millsaw &e


Waggoner 3 b ls flour @23/9 3..11..3

Lamb's 34½ lbs butter @10 d 1..8..9

Conway making Cons: jack: ..1..3

A jug 1/3_ & 1 @10 d __ ..2..1

½ doz yellow mugs __ ..1..3

2 wooden chairs __ ..5.. __

Isaac 1 ¼ lbs rope @1/6 __ ..1..10½

Self cheque Tolls __ ..1.. _ _

$ 20- £ 5..12..5½

Exp d in Ottawa_

22¼ lbs butter @8½ d __ ..16.. 9 ½

Ashfeilds ½ doz tumblers __ ..2.. __

Do_ A jug_ __ ..1.. __

Durie a slate & pencil __ ..1..6

Offord's rubbers Mary __ ..3..1½

Workman 13 inch file S.P . __ ..2..9

Isaac's a 14 inch file __ ..2..9

a half round file __ ..1..10½

Do_ 4 Stubs foles __ ..2..6

Ch s Symmes Tolls __ ..1.. __

Scotch @6/3_ £ 1..14..7½
£4..13..9 receiv d as under_

By 15 bush l tatoes £1..10.. __

" Cash this day 3..3..9

P d W.Williams £ 4..13..9
for repairs to plough 12/- &6 d for
a shoe put on last summer__

Muldoon 1 lb tobacco_

A man from Bristol 600 lbs hay

@7/6 is $9 received it__

Alexander McMullan

lbs hay @ 8/9 is $17-30 took
his note on demand__

George ½ lb tobacco_

& ½ lb candles_

Settled with Jennings as ac t

March 28 th by Cheque $29
assurance by do_ $28
Self Cheque $45 __..

Exp d in Ottawa__
for mak g & trim g trousers,
waist coat & repair g coat 1.. __ .. __
light calf boots 1..2..6
a p r booties __ ..2..3

2 doz short laces __ .. __ 7½

½ lb licorice __ .. __ ..11

[?] Lonagan a hair broom __ ..5.. __
rivets 7½ d home nails 6 d __ ..1..1½

Do_ an inch auger __ ..3.. __

Isaac's a small rule __ ..1..10½

Grant's a dust pan __ ..1..3
moth [???????] __ .. __ ..7½

½ lb horse nails __ .. __ ..6½

Do _ ½ lb ox-nails __ .. __ ..10
lb thread 1/6 Tolls __ ..1.. __
yds cloth @4/- £ 3..1..6½

Butler a chamois 1/10½

& a bt l medicine 1/3

P d Toply for rig: up plough lines 3/9

George 50 lbs flour__

Griffin ½ lb tobacco_
p d Capt Cumming for
steel @4½ d 15/6 & got
bar weighing 19 lbs @4½ d
p d on the 18 th as ac t received.

James 50 lbs flour__

Griffin 5/-

Muldoon 6/-

Paid Applelet
steeling 2 shaves 7/6

" 2 colters 2/6
point g 30 harrow teeth 2/6
repair axle of barrow 1/3
do_ point of colter -/3

2 chemises 1/3

Mary-Anne 5/- 15/3

13 eggs of H. Porter 2/6_

Griffin 100 lbs flour.

James 1 bush l Snows.

Do_ ½ lb tea_

George ½ lb tea_

Toolie 1 lb tea.

James 6 lbs soap.

Miss Butler 1/3__