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Put up Spring
pigs yesterday,

3 hogs.

1 sow.



A very fine day.

2 bush l Snows from garden to cellar_ &

1 bush l to Pigs_


22 bush ls Snows
to Pigs_

shower after n

5 gls beer____


100 lbs flour of Rob t





4½ bush ls Scotch from 12 Acre-feild.

7 bush ls peas__



Thunderstorm soon after dark_



Raining for 3 hours about mid-day.


Oats N o side Creekfeild .

2 bush ls Horses.

2 " Poultry_

8 " to Mill_




24 bush ls Snows
to Pigs_




A fine day.

George 14 lbs flour
on ac t rations & 16 lbs on the 24 th bal ce of rations _

138 bush ls Snows to cellar_

13 do_ do_ to pigs_


48 bush ls Rusties
to cellar-

A fine day.

82 bush ls Rusties to Cellar & 78 to Pigs.

62 bush ls Cups to cellar_


Snow till
noon, then rain

James 60 lbs flour
for rations_

George 30 lbs flour
for rations_



96 bush ls Blues cellar .

32 do_ Rusties Pigs.

32 do _ Cups to do _

102 do_ Blues to Cellar_

74 do_ do_ Pigs

8 do_ Cups do.


24 do Snows Cellar_

32 do- do- Old do- for Pigs.

54 do_ do_ do_ do_ do_ do.

96 do_ do_ cellar.

36 do_ Blue to cellar _

2 do- do- to Pigs-

Total tatoes_

To Cellar 684

To Pigs 400


14. Wednesday. James plough fallow; Muldoon, Casey, Toolie, Moran & Tayler take out tatoes; Payne
Griffin about sundries till 3 o'C, then about drain in clothes-yard; George about pigs &e, boil a pot tatoes & about sundries in garden___ Self at drain in clothes-yard_

15 Thursday. James finish plough fallow about 4 o'C, then to Edward's for new plough & to Luton for butter; Muldoon, Casey, Toolie, Payne, Moran & Tayler take out tatoes___ Griffin clean up drain in green-yard & finish do_ in garden by dinner, at sundries for a start, then to the feild for a load tatoes; George about pigs &e, change the place of cellar window in clothes-yard & about sundries__ Self side post for clothes line, about cellar window & drain__

16 Friday. James to Berry's with horse-cart for beer, cart dung into garden for next year's corn, house corn stalks & about sundries_ Muldoon, Casey, Toolie, Payne, Moran & Tayler at tatoes; Griffin about sundries; George about pigs &e, boil a pot tatoes, churn. & about sundries in garden__ Self finish post for clothes line, measure lumber, & about sundries.

17 Saturday. James plough S o end of 16 Acre-feild; Muldoon & Casey clean up wheat & peas till near 3 o'C, then at tatoes; Toolie, Moran & Payne take out tatoes; Griffin uncover drain between doors of Old cellar & repair it; George about pigs &e, boil 2 pots of tatoes, dig in garden & about sundries_ Self repair tongue of stone-cart, help about drain & at sundries.

18 Sunday. Church P.M. Self too Kate to see her Mother before dinner__

19 Monday. James plough till10½ o'C, thrash wheat till dinner, plough again; Muldoon & Moran at tatoes till near 11 o'C, then thrash oats; Toolie at tatoes & thrash wheat; Casey at tatoes & saw hardwood; Payne at do_ till 10½ o'C, then home; Griffin mow weeds in garden & help about sundries in Sawmill till dinner, then gather up weeds & spread dung in garden; George about pigs &e, boil a pot tatoes, kill a roaster, steam tatoes & saw wood_ Self about sundries in morn:, finish rig up water-gate of Gristmill.

20 Tuesday. James plough g S o end of 16 Acre-feild; Muldoon ring pigs in morn:, drive oxen for about an hour in garden, then at tatoes; Casey saw wood in morn:, then at tatoes; Toolie, Moran & Payne help ring pigs in morn:, take out tatoes; Griffin spread dung in garden & plough it by about 11 o'C, then clean up oats & about gate-post of little pigfeild; George about pigs &e; dig in garden, prune plum-trees, clean & measure up oats__ Self ring pigs in morn:, then at sundries & about post of Pigfeild__

21 Wednesday. James take out tatoes in morn: then cart in tatoes; Muldoon cart down oat-straw & oats in morn:, finish take out tatoes by dinner, then help fill bags, Casey help with straw in morn:, help fill up tatoes; Toolie finish take out tatoes by dinner, then do_ do_ do; Griffin finish fasten post of Pigfeild in morn:, do_ do_ do; Moran & Payne take out tatoes in morn:, then do_ do_ do; George about pigs &e, steam tatoes & about sundries___ Self enlarging tatoe bin in N o 3 cellar__

22 Thursday. James about sundries in morn:, cart in tatoes; Muldon to Ottawa; Toolie, Griffin, Moran, Casey & Payne about sundries in morn:, fill up tatoes; George about pigs &e, kill a roaster, steam tatoes & about sundries in garden_ Self repairing tatoe bins in N o 1 & N o 3 cellars___

23 Friday. James plough till noon, then thrash wheat; Muldoon not here_ Griffin ill; Toolie dig about apple trees in morn:, thrash wheat; Moran about sundries in morn:, thrash oats; Casey saw wood in morn:, wheel stone &e out of cellar till near 4 o'C, then at do_ again; George about pigs &e, churn & saw wood__ Self excavating in No 1 cellar till near 4 o'C, take out furs__

24 Saturday. James draw wood for himself till noon, cart in tatoes_ Muldoon, Toolie, Casey & Moran fill up tatoes & cart in. Griffin ill; George about pigs &e, help Gristmill, steam & mix tatoes, kill a roaster___ Self work do___ till about 11 o'C, then making a bin for tatoes in N o 1 cellar_

25 Sunday. Church A.M. Self walked to Rob ts in the afternoon__

26 Monday. James cart in tatoes; Muldoon & Griffin about sundries in morn:, fill up tatoes; Toolie thrash wheat
in morn:, help at tatoes; Moran thrash oats in morn:, Casey saw wood in morn:, then both help fill up tatoes___ George about pigs &e, kill a roaster, boil tatoes & about sundries__

27 Tuesday. James saw wood in morn: cart in tatoes;
Muldoon & Moran thrash oats in morn:, fill up tatoes__ Toolie thrash wheat in morn:, fill up tatoes; Griffin
dig g in garden in morn:, then do_ do _ do_; Casey saw wood in morn:, help fill up tatoes; George about pigs &e, boil & steam tatoes, saw wood & about sundries____


W m Smith 16½ lbs pork @ 4½ d 6/2 Rec d _



Muldoon 15 lbs flour .



George ½ lb tobacco .

Muldoon ½ lb do_

26½ lbs butter
from Luton_


A.L. Smith

104 f t inch boards

153 f t 2 inch pl k


R.Y. Greene

153 f t inch boards_

32 f t 2 inch pl k _

217 f t rough-edge_

4 Scant 3X4 15 f t long .

James 15 lbs flour.

George 15 lbs do_


1/6 of M rs Monk.
for 2 lbs cnadles__


Payne a plug tobacco.

George return d me 10/-



James Read

350 f t 2 inch pl k



Griffin 2 plugs_

lt r to Ottawa p d _

Constance $2 for birth-day present.



Mrs Muldoon 1/8 & the 5/10 that she
left in my hands.


James ½ lb tea.

Payne 1 plug tobacco .


Toolie 1 plug do_.


Muldoon 5/-





150 f t @3/- is 4/6.

54 f t @4/- is 2/-




George ½ lb tea.






Mix d 8 bush l oats
with 4 " peas makes 12 " Prov d __

& ground it__




borrowed 12 plugs of Rob t

Moran ½ lb tobacco



Muldoon ¼ lb do_


George 10 bush ls Snows_.