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2 bush: oats to Poultry from mill.


An easterly gale with snow about 10 o'C, & rain in even g __

At Crosby 's

2 p r copper toes @ 5/-

& 1 doz cotton laces 5 d

Fine day.

Mix d 3 bush: peas & 6 bush: oats = 9 bush:
of Prov d _ ground it_



Fine day.

At Brough's

2¼ yds serge @3/3.

at Cunningham's

1 y d slate colour
cotton 1/6_


Fine day.


George on ac t

13 lbs beef_

10 " pork_

Oats N o side Creekfeild__

19 bush: Mill.

4 " Horses.

2 " Poultry.

25 *

12 bush ls Scotch
from 12 Acre-feild _

James for rations.

16 lbs pork. A

22 lbs beef. wet

60 lbs flour. day.

1 lb tea.

George for rations.

60 lbs flour.

1 lb tea.

A fine

A raw
day, some snow
in even g __


Stabled the 3
young horses__




Raw east
wind, snowing
all afternoon_


Brought home
all the cattle_




Mixed 6½ bush ls
peas & 15 bush ls oats is 19½ do_ Prov d
& ground it__


Raw east


12½ bush ls Scotch from 12 Acrefeild.



A warm day

20 bush ls Peas
to mill___

Mixed 3 bush: peas

& 6 bush ls oats
is 9 " Prov d

& ground it__


24. Tuesday. James about pigs &e in morn:, work sawmill till dinner, then at drain; Muldoon about sundries
in morn:, steam & mix tatoes; Griffin not here___ Tooly & Casey about sundries in morn: then at drain; Moran came about 10 o'C, at drain; George at home__
Self in Ottawa___

25 Wednesday. James about pigs &e in morn:, pile lumber & about sundries till dinner, then help in Gristmill; Muldoon thrash wheat; Tooly & Moran about drain; Casey at drain till about 11 o'C, then saw & split wood__ Griffin not here; George at home____
Self returned, look about till dinner, work Gristmill___

26 Thursday. James draw wood for himself, Muldoon cart down straw in morn: about sundries till dinner, help
in Gristmill; Casey at sundries in morn:, help bring home the foal, saw wood & about sundries, Tooly thrash wheat; Moran thrash oats; Griffin not here__ George about cows, pigs &e, steam tatoes, mix 'em, split wood & about sundries____ Self about sundries till diner, then work Gristmill______

27 Friday. James about horses in morn:, work Sawmill till about 3 o'C, then clean up oats; Muldoon cart
down straw, pile cedars for posts & help draw soft-wood from old yard till 2½ o'C, then to Rob ts with horse & cart for a load turnips; Griffin not here; Casey help with straw & cedars, then draw soft-wood
over from old yard; Tooly thrash wheat; Moran
thrash oats, help a start with oat-straw, clean & measure up oats; George about cows pigs &e, steam
& mix tatoes, split wood & about sundries______
Self rig up ox-sleigh & about sundry jobs____

28 Saturday. James about sundries till noon, then work Sawmill_ Muldoon draw down straw & oats in morn:, clean & measure up wheat till dinner, then cart it to the mill & to Rob ts for a load turnips; Moran thrash peas; Tooly thrash in morn: clean up wheat by dinner, thrash more wheat; Casey saw wood & about sundries____ Griffin back by the Steamer, did nothing; George about pigs &e, steam & mix tatoes, help put up pipes & stove in dining-room &e___ Self about sundries___

Total oats N o side Creekfeild *
70 bush ls

29 Sunday. Church P.M.

30 Monday. James about horses & sundries; Muldoon & Casey about sundries in morn; then at wood for George ; Moran thrash peas; Griffin thrash wheat in morn:, help bring fattening cows from Woodfeild & to the woods for souples till dinner, thrash again; Tooly at home; George about cows, pigs &e, saw wood & about sundries___ Self about sundries____


1 Tuesday. James about horses, pile lumber & about sundries___ Muldoon draw down straw, remove tatoes from cellar for pigs, wash stable lamp & about sundries___ Casey help with straw & tatoes, saw wood & about sundries; Moran thrash peas; Griffin about cows in morn: thrash peas; Tooly thrash wheat; George about pigs &e, steam & mix tatoes___

2 Wednesday. James about horses, help in Gristmill till noon, saw wood, help stow away straw & about sundries__ Muldoon about horses in morn:, grind axes till dinner, then draw down 3 loads straw & about sundries; Casey saw wood in morn: help grind axes, help with straw & at sundries__ Tooly thrash wheat; Griffin & Moran thrash peas; George about cows, pigs &e,____ Self grind g till 11½ o'C____

3 Thursday. James about horses in morn:, cut out road to sawlog bush & part of road to hardwood; Muldoon about horses in morn:, clean up wheat & peas; Griffin thrash peas in morn:, help clean up wheat & peas; Moran thrash peas in morn:, help at roads__ Tooly thrash wheat in morn:, Casey saw wood in morn:, then both of 'em at roads; George about cattle pigs &e____

4 Friday. James about horses in morn:, cut roads through cordwood; Tooly thrash wheat in morn:, help in Gristmill till 11½ o'C, level tatoes in cellar till dinner, thrash again___ Casey ill; George about cattle, pigs &e, steam & mix tatoes__ Self work Gristmill till11½ o'C, then about sundries______

Exp d in Ottawa £..s ..d

Magee &e as ac t 1..2..8

Do_ for 3 mats __ ..14..9

A p r buck gloves __ ..12..6
expences out & home __ ..6..3

Hamly __ . __ ..7½

£ 2..16..9½


Mary-Anne Casey_

4 yds bl k Coburg@1/3 5/-

4 " " wadding@4 d 1/4

4 " lining @6 d 2/-



M rs Mac: 5 yds canvass @ 11 d



George ½ lb candles_


Robert 200 f t rough-edge


Tooly ½ lb tobacco_

Of John Neilly

1 tub butter weighing 78 lbs

1 " " " 37 "

lbs 115

Called it 87 @8½ d 87
is £3..1..7½ 28

Wright of 2 tubs 20

Settled for 22 Aug st of Rob t 15 bush: turnips_


George ½ lb cut nails__


Griffin ½ lb tobacco_


Muldoon A p r boots 20/-




Miss Butler 7/6+


Rec d per Charles M c Nab my premium money
$10 __ 50








George1 bush l blues_


Do_ ½ lb cnadles_







Moran ½ lb tobacco_


Cattle to winter_

4 oxen.

7 cows.

1 two year old hieffer.

1 " " " steer.

1 yearling do_

1 bull calf.






Sheep to winter.

1 ram lamb.

19 ewes.

3 do lambs.

22 in all.