Page 233

Total bush ls Scotch from 12 Acrefeild

48½ bush ls _


5 gls beer_


Oats from poorest
2 Acres in Woodfeild

18 bush: Mill_

2 " Poultry_

20 Ice taken right a-X last night_



A fine cold day.


11 bush ls Scotch from 12 Acrefeild_



Very fine day.



some snow fell
last night , N.W. wind today .

On the 16 th £3..3..7 ½ of

W m McLean
for hides as follows,

Major cow hide 50 lbs 12/6
the stag hide 100 " 25/-

N o 1 Leisson hide 67 " 16/9

9 lamb skins @ 7½ d 6/7½

3 calf do_ @1/3 3/9

£ 3..3..7½


Let go the pond of water & fixed gate for winter__


Cold east wind with a little snow in afternoon.





414 lbs; weight of N o 1 Seisson cow_

1 bush l oats to Poultry .

1 do_ do_ to Horses.
from mill_

Rainy day.



Heavy E. wind
with rain.

Mixed 4 bush l oats
& 2 bush l peas makes

6 bush: Prov: for Pigs.

Mixed 33 bush: oats & 11 bush: peas is 44 bush ls of Prov d for cattle_
strong N.W tr

& very cold.

Young sow with
the boar_

Oats from lay-land.

21 bushl to Mill.

26½ " Horses.

2 " Poultry.


A cold day.


M rs Mac: pick g fowls

George 17 lbs beef bal ce of rations_


Cold E. wind
with a little snow.


N o 12 a ewe lamb_

" 16 a W. do_


5. Saturday. James about horses in morn:, to the Brewery on foot for beer, then thrash wheat, Muldoon about horses in morn:, shift oat-straw in barn, clean &e oats till noon, split wood & at sundries; Moran thrash oats in morn:, remove straw & clean oats till noon, thrash again; Casey ill; Tooly thrash wheat; Griffin about cattle, pigs &e___ George out the line___ Self about sundries__

6 Sunday. Church A.M. E d Berry dined & teaed here,
Self walked to Rob ts after dinner______

7 Monday. James out the line; Muldoon about horses & carry up water from river in morn:, thrash, clean & measure up wheat; Tooly came about noon, help clean up the wheat; Casey help about water & horses in morn:, then saw & split wood; Griffin about cattle, pigs &e, steam & mix tatoes; George out the line____ Self to Edward's & on to Payne's about John's
ba till dinner___

8 Tuesday. James at home; Muldoon about horses in morn:, then out the line; Tooly at home; Griffin attended to cattle, pigs &e, George at home__ Self file 1 woodsaw & 1 handsaw__

9 Wednesday. James about horses in morn:, help butcher Little stag till dinner, thrash oats; Muldoon about horses in morn:, help a start with the stag, saw & split wood; Griffin sundries in morn:, butcher do till dinner, then split wood & saw down the beef; Tooly saw wood in morn: help about the stag till dinner, thrash oats__ George about cattle, pigs &e, fill steam-box, clean out pig houses___ Self took Kate in cutter to see Anne before dinner, file soft-wood saw___

10 Thursday. James about horses, cut roads for softwood, saw wood & about sundries; Muldoon at
home; Griffin ill; Tooly about horses in morn:,
help cut roads for softwood, thrash oats; George
about cattle, pigs &e, miz pigs-food, refill
steam-box_____ Self file new hardwood-saw__

11 Friday. James about horses in morn:, help butcher cow till dinner, saw hardwood & about sundries; Muldoon at home; Tooly help at horses in morn:, help with cow till dinner, thrash oats; Griffin saw wood in morn:, butcher g cow till dinner, then saw soft-wood,
saw down the beef & about sundries; George about cattle, pigs &e;_____ Self about sundry jobs___

12 Saturday. James about horses in morn:, help cut up the hindquarters of beef, saw wood & about sundries; Muldoon at home; Griffin to Aylmer; Tooly thrash oats; George about cattle, pigs &e, mix pigs food, refill steam-box & about sundries____
Self weigh beef, cut up the hind quarters____

13 Sunday. M r Butler came, but had no service; E d Berry & Miss Butler drove in a sleigh to the Parsonage yesterday even g ___

14 Monday. James about horses, help bring up a trip of river water, & free Gristmill wheel & mix prov d till 10 o'C, help work do_ till 3½ o'C, then about sundries__ Muldoon about horses, clean & measure up oats till dinner, draw 'em to mill, then to Berry's on foot about a boar till 4 o'C, saw wood & about sundries; Griffin not here; George about cattle &e, steam & mix tatoes_ Self help free the wheel &e & work mill from 10 'C till 3½ o'C__

15 Tuesday. James about horses in morn:, help cut up & salt the fore-quarters of beef & about sundries till dinner, then finish clean & measure up oats; Muldoon about horses in morn:, to John Wilson's with Berry's horse & sleigh for a boar 11 o'C, take home the horse &e & back to dinner, clean & measure up oats; Griffin not here__ George about cattle, pigs &e, fill steam-box & at sundries. Self cut up beef & about sundries____

16 Wednesday. James about horses in morn:, bring down oats on hand-sleigh via mill-dam, saw hardwood
& about sundries; Muldoon about horses in
morn:, help down with the oats, thrash peas___
Griffin not here; George about cattle, pigs &e, steam & mix tatoes__ Self about sundries & sell hides__

17 Thursday. James about horses in morn:, help butcher lambs, split hardwood & about sundries; Muldoon at home till 11½ o'C, then thrash peas; Griffin returned in after noon; George about cattle, pigs &e, steam & mix tatoes & about sundries_____
Self butcher two lambs by dinner, then poorly___

On the 16 th Ins t

Kate p d M rs Mac:
for attend & some
washing $2.

James 5/-






Tooly 4/3


George ½ lb candles_

¼ lbs fleece wolol.

¾ lbs pulled do_





Payne ½ lb tobacco
& Rent ½ pail salt_




M rs Mac
5 lbs soap__


George 100 lbs flour_


Muldoon ½ lb tea.


Tooly ½ lb tobacco_


Payne -/7½



Muldoon ½ candles.


George ½ bush: salt.

& ½ lb tobacco_


H. Edwards

44 f t @ 6/-

155 f t @ 4/-



Griffin 15/-

James 100 lbs flour.

John Neilly £5..1..7½
for the butter_


Muldoon 3/9_

Tooly 1 lb tobacco_

& Cash $9 __..


Muldoon 50 lbs flour.


George ½ lb tea.

& ½ lb candles.


Payne ½ lb tea.




Muldoon 6/9½

& ½ lb candles.


P d taxes by

Cheque $35 __ 35
to Tho s Armstrong

& he paid me for
the boards he got last
summer £1..8.. __


Muldoon ½ bush l salt.


P d W m M c Lean 1/3
for the broom

I got on the 25 W lt _


James ½ lb tea.