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Making Creek cost £6..5.._ not reckon g ..

Powder & Fuce.._


Young sow

pigged 5/_


Heavy rain

last night


2 bush.. Snows

from field

to Pigs_


Premiums as under_

2 nd mare &e saddle.. $3

1 st .. saddle horse.. 4

1 st .. draught team ..4

1 st .. ram lamb .. 4

An overplus of 18-40




From Kate's by Rob t ..

5lbs green tea @2/6

2 .. tobacco @1/_

1lb starch

“ whole bl k .. pepper.





Heavy showers_

from about 11 o 'C,_


Rec d .. Premium money,

as above $15-40



Hall stove brought


2 bush.. snows

from field to Pigs_

Rain till

noon, sleet rest of day_


N o 8 ram lamb.

4¾ bush.. Scotch_


1 st .. thrash g .. white oats_

2½ bush.. Poultry_

7½ “ Horses

14½ “ to mill_



Put up to fat_

4 hogs_

1 Old sow_


8 bush.. Snows

from field to Pigs








16 bush.. Snows

to Pigs_



on the 25 th .. of

John Nelly

a tub of butter

77 lbs gross W t .._






gave him $11_..

on act.._ @10½ per lb.



5 gl s .. beer_




16 bush.. Snows

to Pigs_







October 1864

1.Saturday. James & Hogan cart g .. dung; Tooly & Griffin

blast g .. creek; George about cows &e, saw wood,

& about sundries____ Self repair g .. the pump

till dinner, then put in several panes of glass & at sundries__

2Sunday. Church P.M.

3Monday. James & Griffin about sundries in morn.., take out

some field tatoes, boil & mix ‘em, point under some

of the window sills back part of house_____ Self to Rob ts ..

& Berry 's till noon, measure lumber & about sundries__

4Tuesday. James spread manure till near 10 o 'C, then rig out

horses & plough; Tooly not here, Griffin spread dung;

Hogan came to dinner, then spread dung; George about

cows &e, repair ceiling in dining room, then about

sundries in flow_garden____ Self see to things & to

Rob ts .. till dinner, then at repairs about dam____

5Wednesday. James plough in manure; Hogan spread

manure; Griffin spread manure in

morn.., then take in corn; Tooly came at night;

George about sundries till 9 o 'C, about ceiling till

noon, then help with corn___ Self to Orchid's

forge till about 3 o 'C, dinner, Horace with me, then

to Luton in even g .. & Mary with me________

6Thursday. James about sundries in morn.., plough till noon,

split big logs in shed, plough till 4 o 'C, thrash oats,

Griffin thrash oats; Tooly & Hogan spread manure

till near noon, thrash wheat; George about cows &e,

scrape up manure at gate of cow_yard, saw

hardwood______ Self measure lumber, repair flails_

7Friday. James plough till noon, draw wood from river

for George ; Tooly & Hogan take out tatoes;

Griffin thrash oats till about 9 o 'C, then repair

tatoe baskets; George about cows &e, churn, boil

a pot tatoes, saw wood & about sundries_____

8Saturday. James thrash oats till about 3 o 'C, then clean up oats;

Tooly do wheat & clean it up by 3½ o 'C, thrash again;

Hogan thrash & clean up wheat by 3o'C, help clean up oats;

Griffin kill lamb in morn, repair tatoe baskets

till noon, then off home by the Steamer; George about

cows & till near 9 o 'C, help in Gristmill till dinner,

saw wood, help put up pipes in Hall & about sundries__

Self at sundries till near 9 o 'C, work Gristmill till

dinner, put up pipes in Hall & about sundries____

9Sunday. James cart down oat straw in morn.., cart dung;

10Monday. Hogan help with do_ & cart dung till 2½ o 'C,

then at tatoes; Tooly & O'Hara thrash wheat in morn..,

then at do_, Griffin not here; George about cows &e

pigs saw wood & at sundries; _____

Self repair floor of fattening pigs house & at sundries,

11Tuesday. James, Tooly, Hogan, O'Hara take out tatoes;

Griffin not here; George about pigs &e,

help repair slash fence, boil & mix tatoes, trim the

grass banks & about sundries____ Ellen began today_

Self rig up clothes_line & about sundries till

dinner, joint two plank, repair sheep_yard fence_

12Wednesday. James spread dung in morn.., at tatoes for a

start, split hardwood till dinner, spread dung

Tooly & Hogan spread dung in morn.., in morn..,

at tatoe for a start, thrash wheat till dinner,

spread dung, O'Hara & Moran spread dung

in morn.., at tatoes for a start, thrash peas till dinner

at dung again; Griffin back by the boat, but no work;

George about pigs, & Cows saw wood till dinner,

help in Gristmill___ Self repair floor in Old

Kitchen & at sundries till dinner, work Gristmill_

13Thursday. James help finish spread dung in morn.., catch

horses & plough; Tooly Moran, O'Hara spread dung

in morn.., take out tatoes; Griffin & Hogan cart

up slabs in morn.., do_do_do; George about pigs &e,

saw wood & about sundries_____ Self rigging up

tatoe steamer till about 3 o 'C, then repair g .. a bed_sted___

14Friday. James plough down manure; Tooly, Hogan,

Griffin Moran & O'Hara at tatoes; George about

pigs & take up tatoes in garden, finish take g .. in corn__

15Saturday. James saw wood in morn.., finish plough down dung

about 9 o 'C, plough pea stubble in 16 Acre_field;

Tooly Hogan thrash wheat in morn.., Griffin Moran thrash peas in morn..,

O'Hara at sundries in morn.., then all at tatoes; George about pigs &e, steam tatoes &e____

Pump rod & kitchen

tongs repaired by




Tooly 10½ lbs pork.

Hogan 7/6_

On the 6 th .. p d .. Fred 1..1..9

for the butler had of

him on 30 th .. Sept..



Mr.. Smith 800ft.. @4/_


Cheque R.Y. Green

for self $40_..



Hogan ½ lb tobacco_


Paid Miss Maria

for the 13 lbs butter

I got on the 13 th .. Sept.

& 5 d .. over__

I got 21½ lbs more



John Street 500ft.. @3/_

&500ft.. @4/_


Robt.. 100ft.. sqr.._ edge


Mary M c Cready 5/_

for 4 ducks @ 1/3_


M rs .. Tracy cheque $80_..

he got 375ft.. boards is 3_..

All on act.. of what $83_..

I owe him for Nance & Liz



Griffin £1..5..7½

$4 of O'Hara on

act.. of 2 lambs @16/3



Tooly 6lbs soap_

& ½ lb tea_

George 100lbs flour.

& ½ lb tea_

George 100 lbs flour.

& 1lb candles.

James ½ lb tobacco.

J.H.T. 320ft.. @6/_


James Read 268ft.. @3/_ 8/6

& 24 slabs… 2/_

as act.. sent by Tanny- 10/6






Paid Racheal 4..6..11

balce on 6 months 25 days

@17/6 after deduct g .. 32/8

for sundries & cash she

got during that time

$4 of M rs .. Major, amt..

of his note all but 2/4

which I allowed for a

bal ce .. on shingles had of

him some time back_

He gave me $1 for 200ft..

inch boards_ culls____






Alice mended 8 tatoe


Berry 3 scant g .. 4x4


James 100lbs flour_

Hogan ½ lb tobacco_

Tooly ½ lb do_


Griffin ½ lb do_


James 1lb candles_

Hogan 15/_

Tooly 6/10½