Page 287

Total snows to cellar 260 bush ls .. &

230 bush.. pigs.


Alice 2 papers

of spools @1/3_


N o 9 a ewe lamb__


At Jenning's

2b ls .. castor oil @ 1/_& 6 d _..

1.. Hyroon fluid 1/3_

2 p k .. worm

lozenges @6 d .._




C. villeneuve 331ft.. @3/_

for bal ce .. on stock of hay___



1 bush ls .. snows

to Pigs_

& 2 bush.. to Cellar .

at Kate's_

1gl.. brandy 17/6.

1lb pearl barley 5 d ..

5 .. green tea @ 2/6

8 .. Japan @3/1½

3 .. tobacco @ 1/6.

5 .. sugar @ 6 d .. M rs .. Mae..

25 .. do_@do.

.. starch @ 12 e ..

1 .. blk pepper 1/_

3.. coffee @ 1/6_

A scrub g .. brush 2/_

4 doz clother, pins @ 2½ d .._

2 bush l .. snows

to cellar__





18 bush ls ..

snows to Pigs_




Alice Mendel 6 grain


20 bushls.. snows

to Pigs.

106 bush ls .. snows

to cellar &

15 bush ls .. to Pigs_



George 1lb tea.

for rations &

30 lbs pork_

Returned Berry 5¼

lbs white lead includ g .. tin .

10 bush.. Snows to Cellar.

& 3 do_ do_ to Pigs.

26 bush ls .. Rusties cellar —

James 1 lb tea rations.

& 30 lbs pork _

54 bushls.. Rusties cellar_

50 .. Cups to do__

Ram with the flock

on Thursday &……


No 10 a ewe

lamb __






5gls.. beer of Berry 's__

Returned him 5lbs..

white lead_Total of.

wharf I had borrowed _

12 bush.. Cups cellar_

88 .. Snows do_

8 .. .. Pigs.






cart loads of carrots__



bush.. snows cellar


.. .. Pigs.

cart loads of carrots_

bush.. snows cellar.

.. .. Pigs.

6.. blues cellar


16.Sunday. Church P.M. Mr.. Butler did not come_

Self walked to Berry 's after breakfast to see how he was

17.Monday. James sundries in morn.., thrash wheat till 10½ o 'C, at tatoes till

dinner, then plough; Tooly not here; Griffin kill a lamb in

do_, thrash wheat do_do, then at tatoes; Moran at tatoes in morn..,

thrash peas till about 10½ o 'C, then do_ do_; George about pigs &e,

steam & mix tatoes, saw wood & wood & at sundries_____

18Tuesday. James plough in 16 Acre_field; Tooly, Griffin , Hogan, Moran

take g .. out tatoes; George about pigs &e, manure & dig

tamato bed, take out some tatoes______ Self repair a pail,

& give soft_wood saw a great fixing by diner, then at sundries___

19Wednesday. James plough in 16 Acre_field; Tooly, Griffin , Hogan,

& Moran take g .. out cups; George about pigs &e, finish

take out tatoes in garden, wheel manure of pea_bed & about sundries__

Self about sundries & measure lumber till noon, then out the line on horse back_

20Thursday. James plough till 11 o 'C, to the wharf with horse & cart, then

to Power's with Spring, plough again; Tooly, Griffin ,

Hogan & Moran finish take out Cups about 9 o 'C, then

began an Peach Blossoms; George about pigs &e_______

21Friday. James finish plough pea_stubble in 16 Acrefield;

Tooly, Griffin , Hogan & Moran take out tatoes;

George about pigs &e, wheel some manure into garden;

22Saturday. James began to plough oat stubble in 16 Acre_field

So end; Tooly, Griffin , Hogan, Moran take out

tatoes; George about pigs &e, steam tatoes & at sundries___

23Sunday. No service, Mr.. Butler ill_____ Self in Ottawa

since Thursday, J.H.P. drove me up to Aylmer in even g ..__

24Monday. James plough till noon, to Berry 's with

horse_cart for the things, plough again;

Hogan, Moran take out tatoes;

came at noon, went at tatoes; Griffin about pigs,

steam & mix tatoes; George at home____

25Tuesday. James plough g ; Tooly, Hogan & Moran take out

tatoes; Griffin ill, George about pigs &e, partly

fill tatoe-steamer & at sundries_____ Self at sundries__

26Wednesday. James plough g ..; Tooly, Hogan, Moran at tatoes;

Griffin ill; George about pigs &e; steam &

mix tatoes____ Self to Bradley's forge & back to 3½ o 'C,

dinner, then to Luton with butter tub, Kate also____

27Thursday. James plough g ..; Tooly, Moran, Griffin take

out tatoes; Hogan, O'Hara, Peter house tatoes;

George about pigs &e, kill a roaster, saw wood &

about sundries;_____ Self renewing floor of a tatoe bin__

28Friday. James plough till near noon, saw wood, help in

Gristmill; Tooly take out tatoes till noon, then

thrash wheat; Griffin do_do_do_do , then nearly

make a basket; Moran do_do_do_do, then thrash

peas; Hogan help house tatoes till 11 o 'C, then do

wheat; O'Hara do_do_do_do_do_ then do

peas; Peter cart in tatoes till 11 o 'C, then saw

hardwood; George about pigs &e, steam tatoes,

saw wood______ Self measure some lumber, then to

Berry 's & measure lumber till dinner, work gristmill___

29Saturday. James plough g .. Tooly, Griffin & Moran take g ..

out tatoes; Hogan, O'Hara & Peter house g ..

tatoes; George about pigs &e, kill a roaster,

steam tatoes, saw & split wood_____

Self repair g .. porch & about sundry jobs_____

30Sunday. Church P.M. George Major 206 or 216ft.. @5/_

Do_ Do_ 100ft.. @3/_

31Monday. James cart in tatoes; Peter & O'Hara help house

tatoes; Tooly & Moran take out tatoes, Griffin

kill a lamb in morn.., at sundries for about an

hour, take out tatoes; Hogan not here; George about

pigs &e, steam tatoes & at sundries____ Self repair g ..

tatoes bins & to Brewery till dinner, then at sundries___

George 60lbs flour

for rations.


1Tuesday. James & Peter take up & cart in the carrots; Tooly ,

Hogan at home; Griffin no work; George about pigs &e,

steam tatoes, saw wood____

2Wednesday. James sundries in morn.., cart in tatoes; Tooly thrash

wheat in morn.., fill up tatoes; Hogan cart soft_wood

over from old yard in morn.., do_do_do_; Moran & O'Hara

x-cut an old butter nut login mill_yard into fire_wood in

morn.., help fill up tatoes; Griffin thrash wheat in morn.., dig a bed in garden

cut & house corn_stalks; George about pigs &e, kill a roaster & about sundries__

On 21 st .. Charly for the

tatoes & soap he had of us

last winter £2..2..6_

Rec d .. road in st .. £1..11..3

county prizes $19-


22 nd cheque self $20_..


Mrs.. Mae..

A b tl .. castor oil 1/_

2 pk.. worm lozenges @6 d ..

A p r .. boots_ _ _ _ _ _ 6/9


George ½ lb tea_

Janes a pr.. boots 6/9


Miss Butler $21_..

Castor oil …. 6 d ..

Hyperion fluid 1/3


Exp d .. in Ottawa_

G.W. Smith as act.. 1..15.._

Preston heel 1 boat _..1..3

Honn & Hope 2 slates _..1..3

Rodden A tilt lamps &e _..2..6

do_ 1 chimney .. _..1.._

Tongue & Co some rope _..2..5

M'Carthy pipe varnish _..1..3

do_ A paint brush _..1.._

En_Wright iron pan _..1..3

Do_ 3 tiny dishes _..1.._

Workman paper sach _..1..6

Do_ ½ doz lights _..3..0

green's A pr.. copper toes_..3..6

Do_ A do shoes Baby _..1..9

Blythe 2 leather belts.. _..1..9

2 pr.. yarn socks @10 d .. _..3..8

Steamer 1/3.. M'Crow 2/6 to lish

Returnd.. Mary-ann 1..10.._

£ 4..15..7

George 2yds cloth @4/6

Do_ ½ lb tobacco_

James 8 yds shirt g .. @1/4

&½ lb tobacco_

H.Bradley for 2 shoes

2 removes on Nance 3/6

sqr.. up a point -/6


Berry 300ft.. @6/_

850ft.. @4/_

& 4 scant lg .. 4x4

2 pk.. of shingles____

Griffin ½lb tobacco_

Hogan ½ lb do_

J.G. Street 250ft.. of 2 inch.


Paddy Molly 600ft.. @3/_












Tooly ½ lb tobacco_


Rob t .. 250ft.. @3/_


Tolly 15/_


Norman Inglee

a ram lamb for

the $5 he gave me as

earnest money on

4 ewe lambs on the

12 th Nov.. 1860__








5 days work of

Peter___Paid for

by an old saddle &

3/6 in cash____

George ½ lb tobacco

less hald a plug.


1 new shoe on Spring

by Power_