16.Sunday. Church P.M. Mr.. Butler did not come_
Self walked to Berry 's after breakfast to see how he was
17.Monday. James sundries in morn.., thrash wheat till 10½ o 'C, at tatoes till
dinner, then plough; Tooly not here; Griffin kill a lamb in
do_, thrash wheat do_do, then at tatoes; Moran at tatoes in morn..,
thrash peas till about 10½ o 'C, then do_ do_; George about pigs &e,
steam & mix tatoes, saw wood & wood & at sundries_____
18Tuesday. James plough in 16 Acre_field; Tooly, Griffin , Hogan, Moran
take g .. out tatoes; George about pigs &e, manure & dig
tamato bed, take out some tatoes______ Self repair a pail,
& give soft_wood saw a great fixing by diner, then at sundries___
19Wednesday. James plough in 16 Acre_field; Tooly, Griffin , Hogan,
& Moran take g .. out cups; George about pigs &e, finish
take out tatoes in garden, wheel manure of pea_bed & about sundries__
Self about sundries & measure lumber till noon, then out the line on horse back_
20Thursday. James plough till 11 o 'C, to the wharf with horse & cart, then
to Power's with Spring, plough again; Tooly, Griffin ,
Hogan & Moran finish take out Cups about 9 o 'C, then
began an Peach Blossoms; George about pigs &e_______
21Friday. James finish plough pea_stubble in 16 Acrefield;
Tooly, Griffin , Hogan & Moran take out tatoes;
George about pigs &e, wheel some manure into garden;
22Saturday. James began to plough oat stubble in 16 Acre_field
So end; Tooly, Griffin , Hogan, Moran take out
tatoes; George about pigs &e, steam tatoes & at sundries___
23Sunday. No service, Mr.. Butler ill_____ Self in Ottawa
since Thursday, J.H.P. drove me up to Aylmer in even g ..__
24Monday. James plough till noon, to Berry 's with
horse_cart for the things, plough again;
Hogan, Moran take out tatoes;
came at noon, went at tatoes; Griffin about pigs,
steam & mix tatoes; George at home____
25Tuesday. James plough g ; Tooly, Hogan & Moran take out
tatoes; Griffin ill, George about pigs &e, partly
fill tatoe-steamer & at sundries_____ Self at sundries__
26Wednesday. James plough g ..; Tooly, Hogan, Moran at tatoes;
Griffin ill; George about pigs &e; steam &
mix tatoes____ Self to Bradley's forge & back to 3½ o 'C,
dinner, then to Luton with butter tub, Kate also____
27Thursday. James plough g ..; Tooly, Moran, Griffin take
out tatoes; Hogan, O'Hara, Peter house tatoes;
George about pigs &e, kill a roaster, saw wood &
about sundries;_____ Self renewing floor of a tatoe bin__
28Friday. James plough till near noon, saw wood, help in
Gristmill; Tooly take out tatoes till noon, then
thrash wheat; Griffin do_do_do_do , then nearly
make a basket; Moran do_do_do_do, then thrash
peas; Hogan help house tatoes till 11 o 'C, then do
wheat; O'Hara do_do_do_do_do_ then do
peas; Peter cart in tatoes till 11 o 'C, then saw
hardwood; George about pigs &e, steam tatoes,
saw wood______ Self measure some lumber, then to
Berry 's & measure lumber till dinner, work gristmill___
29Saturday. James plough g .. Tooly, Griffin & Moran take g ..
out tatoes; Hogan, O'Hara & Peter house g ..
tatoes; George about pigs &e, kill a roaster,
steam tatoes, saw & split wood_____
Self repair g .. porch & about sundry jobs_____
30Sunday. Church P.M. George Major 206 or 216ft.. @5/_
Do_ Do_ 100ft.. @3/_
31Monday. James cart in tatoes; Peter & O'Hara help house
tatoes; Tooly & Moran take out tatoes, Griffin
kill a lamb in morn.., at sundries for about an
hour, take out tatoes; Hogan not here; George about
pigs &e, steam tatoes & at sundries____ Self repair g ..
tatoes bins & to Brewery till dinner, then at sundries___
George 60lbs flour
for rations.
1Tuesday. James & Peter take up & cart in the carrots; Tooly ,
Hogan at home; Griffin no work; George about pigs &e,
steam tatoes, saw wood____
2Wednesday. James sundries in morn.., cart in tatoes; Tooly thrash
wheat in morn.., fill up tatoes; Hogan cart soft_wood
over from old yard in morn.., do_do_do_; Moran & O'Hara
x-cut an old butter nut login mill_yard into fire_wood in
morn.., help fill up tatoes; Griffin thrash wheat in morn.., dig a bed in garden
cut & house corn_stalks; George about pigs &e, kill a roaster & about sundries__