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About the 20 th
from Bate's
by Hammy

20 lbs C.A. @7½ d

10 “ moist sugar @ 6 d _

4 “ coffee @1/6_








5 gl s beer.

2 loads hay off old part in Woodfeild West corner__

4 loads of west corner of 12 Acre-feild_____

2 bush: oats to

N o 4
a W. lamb___


4 load off

Old Pigfeild

S o die drain.


another load
from Old Pigfeild_


5 load from near
end of Woodfeild.


A p r
boots ½ soled by Ramsay for Self.


1 load from near
end of Woodfeild_


3 load from far
end of Woodfeild
first crop__


4 load more
from the
above place__


N o 15
a ram__


2 load from
center of Woodfeild, next woods__

JULY 1865.

12 Wednesday. Tom, Tooley & Jackson mow till near 10 o'C, about sundries till dinner, finish mow in Old Pigfeild by 6 o'C, at drain; Griffin ill; James mow & about sundries; George about sundries till dinner,
help in Gristmill till 5½ o'C, at do_ again______

13 Thursday. James & Tooley quarry drain; Tom & Jackson dig out drain; Griffin ill; George about sundries in garden till about 11 o'C, rig up part of shed in clothes-yard for fattening chickens___ Self at sundries till noon, then take Mary, Arab, Hamnett & H.P.Hill to in waggon to Bessie's wedding, got back about 9 o'C___

14 Friday. James quarry drain in morn:, help rig up horse-rake, & make hay in Woodfeild till dinner, then rake with horses; Tom, Tooley & Jackson at drain in morn:, then rake up & put hay into cocks; Griffin ill; George at sundries in garden till 11 o'C, help make hay in Woodfeild till dinner, then at sundries again about house & garden___ Self rig up horse-rake & do a little at making hay______

15 Saturday. James quarry drain till dinner, rake up with horses & help cock hay; Tooley, Tom & Jackson at drain till dinner, then at hay; Griffin ill;
George about cows &e, & about sundries in garden___

16 Sunday. Church A.M. Self took tea at Rob ts __

17 Monday. James & Tom at drain in morn:, turn over
the cocks till 9 ½ o'C, then draw in; Jackson at
drain in morn:, help at hay till dinner, then
mow; Tooley not here till 11 o'C, at hay till dinner,
then do_; Griffin ill, went home by the boot;
George about cows &e, help at hay for a start & to the Brewery with horse-cart till dinner, then churn,
help a start at hay again & about sundries____
Self help at hay; Ham, Mary Anne &e up by Steamer_

18 Tuesday. James & Jackson mowing; Tom & Tooley help catch a lamb & mow in morn:, draw in a load
hay & mow till dinner, draw in another, mow for a
while, then draw in two; Griffin at home; George
about sundries & to the wharf with horse-cart till
dinner, at sundries again____ Self kill a lamb
in morn:, help at hay_____

19 Wednesday. James mow in morn:, rake up till dinner,
mow again; Tom & Tooley X-cut dry pine &
fork off a load hay in morn:, make hay for a start,
then cart it in, mow a start in even g ; Jackson mow
in morn:, help at hay till dinner, mow again; lent Griffin at home; George about cows &e, help at hay
most of the day____ Self rake after cart_____

20 Thursday. James mow & rake up about a load till dinner, mow again; Tooley & Tom mow & cart in a
lad in even g ; Jackson mow g ; Griffin returned
in morn:, no work; George about cows &e, saw
wood & about sundries___ Self paint g hen-coupes,
file a buck-saw & about sundries_____

21 Friday. James mow till dinner, rake it up till near 4 o'C, mow again; Tom mow in morn:, shake out for
a while, mow till 3½ o'C, then cart in; Tooley mow
till 4 o'C, then cart in; Jackson mow in morn:,
shake out for a while, mow again; Griffin at
sundries in morn:, shake out some hay & pull
mustard out of peas till dinner, then at hay;
George at sundries about house & garden____
Self at sundries & drive Ham to Berry's gate.

22 Saturday. James mow in morn:, rake up & help at hay; Tom & Tooley at sundries in morn:, shake out
som ehay, then cart in; Jackson mow in morn:, at hay
till 6 o'C, mow again; Griffin kill a lamb in morn:,
then make hay; George at sundries in garden & about house____

Jackson 5 lbs pork

& ½ lb tobacco_


Tooley ½ lb do_









Tom 100 lbs flour








Tom ½ lb tobacco.


Tooley 100 lbs flour

& Cash 2/6

3/6 of Rob t for the
pens his man got.

Griffin 10/–


Tom 1 lb tea

George ½ lb do_



100 lbs oat-meal of

R.H. Sayer


George 75 lbs of it.


6/3 of H. Smith
for 210 f t @3/–




Jackson 5/–

2/6 of Collins
for 18 lbs flour__


H. Edwards 17/6



Tom ½ bush: tatoes.

George ½ lb tobacco

& ½ lb tea.

& ½ lb candles.



George 50 lbs flour.


Jackson 50 do___


George ½ lb candles.





Jackson ½ lb tobacco.


Tooley 1/3