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N o 7
a W. Lamb_


A p r boots
for Arab
from Ramsay_


from Bate's by Rob t

4 lbs coffee @1/6_



4 load
peas from


On the 10 th

C.H.P. p d into bank_

J. Brown £42..17..10

Orman 11.12..3


[?] .





5 gl s beer.









N o 8
a ram lamb_


Edwards' bull,
with white
faced Pink_



78 stukes
Scotch from

2 load peas from


2½ bush: oats



2 load peas
from George's.

AUGUST 1865.

17 Thursday. James split & pile soft-wood in woods in morn:, at stumps till dinner, to the wharf for the
coal-tar till near 5 o'C, then bind wheat;
Tooley grind scythe till near 5 o'C, then cradle wheat; Tom & Jackson pile soft-wood in morn:, then
at stumps till dinner, bind wheat; Griffin kill a lamb in morn:, pile & help blast stumps till 4 o'C, then stuke wheat; George at sundries in garden & about house__ Self at sundries in morn:, to Rob ts in buggy till near 11 o'C, blast g a stump till near 4 o'C, then at sundries___ John, Con: & son up by the boat yesterday___

18 Friday. James split up stump in morn:, up the river
with J.H.P. in Berry's boat till near 2 o'C, then
house peas; Tooley help split stump in morn:,
cradle wheat & oats; Tom pile soft-wood in
morn:, to Berry's for boat till near 9 o'C, bind
wheat till dinner, cart in peas; Jackson pile
wood in morn:, bind wheat till dinner, then
strike it & mow peas; Griffin looking after
a boat in morn:, bind & stuke wheat, mow
peas, take Berry's boat back in even g ; George
about sundries till dinner, heap up peas______
Self at sundries & make yankee for ox-cart till dinner, then refit old 3 prong fork in same handle again__

19 Saturday. James, Jackson & Griffin mow peas till
noon, then bind & stuke oats; Tooley do_ do_
do, bind oats till 5 o'C, then cradle oats;
Tom to Aylmer; George at sundries in garden &
about house___ Self repair ox-yoke, to Brewery
in buggy & at sundries till dinner, sleep till 4½ o'C, then make a trussle to support tongue of ox-cart when left in barn with load on___ H.P.H up by the boat__

20 Sunday. Church P.M.

21 Monday. James came about 11 o'C, pile stumps till 5½ o'C, then turn peas; Tom & Jackson about sundries
in morn:, pile stumps till 5½ o'C, bind wheat;
Tooley cradle oats till 4½ o'C, at sundries till 5½ o'C; then cradle wheat; Griffin kill a lamb in morn:,
pile stumps till 5½ o'C, then turn peas; George at sundries in garden & about house, to the wharf with horse-cart & churn____ Self poorly all day_____

22 Tuesday. James mow peas till 11 o'C, then cart in wheat & peas; Tom mow peas in morn:, bind wheat till 11 o'C, then cart in wheat & peas; Tooley grind & rig up a new cradle-scythe in morn:, cradle wheat,
bind & stuke wheat for a start; Griffin mow
peas till 11 o‘C, bind & stuke wheat; Jackson do
in morn:, bind & stuke wheat; George at sundries
in garden & about house, lump up 1½ loads peas__
Self about sundries, help stow away wheat____

23 Wednesday. James & Tom mow peas in morn:,
cart in peas & bind oats till diner, then
finish mow peas; Tooley cradle wheat in morn:,
bind oats till dinner, help quarry drain;
Griffin mow peas in morn:, bind wheat & oats
till dinner, quarry drain; Jackson mow peas
in morn:, bind wheat & oats till dinner,
then help finish mow peas; George at sundries
in garden & about house____ Self at sundries__

24 Thursday. James mow old drain in Creekfeild in
morn:, help quarry drain N o side Creek, till dinner,
stuke wheat, bind & stuke some oats & at drain again; Tom & Jackson mow drain in morn:, then
bind wheat, stuke some in even g , Tooley cradle
what, help do_ a start in even g ; Griffin clean up old kitchen in morn:, quarry drain, stuke wheat, bind & stuke oats & at drain again; George at sundries in garden & about house; Self at sundries & paint hen-coupes, repair bars at workshop___


Jackson $5–“


George ½ lb tobacco.

& ½ “ candles.

Credit Rob t for

6 lbs blast g powder 6/–

A paint bruch 2/6_





George ½ lb tea_

Tom $2–“


On the 15 th

Paid R.H. Layer's
ac t of $16–63 for
oatmeal & flour.

Pielow Leansow cut

426 floats @$7 per hunk,
is $29–8




Tooley 25 lbs flour.

& ½ lb tea.





Jackson ½ lb sugar.


Griffin ½ lb tobacco

p d W m Ramsay
to date as act $6_
gave Constance 2/6.
lent Hammy 1/3

& gave him 7½ to pay
her steam-fare_

Jackson 25 lbs flour.


George 1 g l salt









Jackson ½ lb tobac:


Clara Butler 9/4
for 7 lbs wool @1/4_.