Page 319











5 gl s beer_









Bl k oats_

18½ bush: mill

–½ do_ Tom_

2½ do_ Poultry

12½ do_ Stale_


Jane came





Tom for rations,

30 lbs pork_






15 bush: Scotch
to McRay's mill,
got 630 lbs flour_
also 24 bush ls prov d
a ¼ of peas__






at Cunningham's
7½ yds table linen @4/6 –
at Bate's

3 lbs sugar @7½ James

2 “ soda biscuit 1/3 Do_

5 tobacco @1/6

5 “ green tea @2/3

2 “ currants



Tom for rations.

60 lbs flour_


George's rations

60 lbs flour__


10 loads turnips
in cellar,
is about

150 bush ls __


27 Friday. James at home; Tom at home; Tooley stable horses & X-cut dry pine in morn:, plough in manure; Griffin thrash wheat in morn:, spread manure; Jackson X-cut dry pine in morn:, then do_ do_; George about pigs &e, steam tatoes & about sundries___ Self measure lumber & at sundries__

28 Saturday. James at home; Tom X-cut dry pine in morn:, to Brewery for beer & thrash oats till 10½ o'C, finish spread manure about 3½ o'C, chop hardwood back of slash-fence; Tooley stable horses in morn:, to Power's with a point till 10½ o'C, then plough; Jackson X-cut dry pine in morn:, saw wood till 10½ o'C, spread manure, chop hard-wood; Griffin thrash wheat; George about pigs &e, steam tatoes & about sundries____ Self mend a saw frame,
file & set the saw & about sundries_____

29 Sunday. Church P.M.

30 Monday. James thrash oats till near 3 o'C, then clean up oats & about sundries; Tooley about horses in morn:, finish plough in manure; Tom at sundries in morn:,
draw in several trips hardwood on crotch; Jackson
saw wood in morn:, fall & trim up hardwood; Griffin at sundries in do_, thrash wheat till near 3 o'C, help clean & measure up oats; George about pigs &e, steam tatoes, saw wood___ Self in woods show g the men where to cut maple till 10 o'C, at sundries till sunset, then to Rob ts on foot___

31 Tuesday. James at sundries in morn:, clean up wheat
till diner, bring back Doll's buggy from
Berry's gate, help pull a load turnips, fill
up wheat, Tooley at sundries & clean up Ham's
horses till dinner, then to Ottawa with him per boat,
Tom draw down 2 loads straw, draw dry hardwood
from old yard to shed, then draw green hardwood &
dry pine from woods; Jackson at home till noon,
take trunks to the wharf in cart, help at turnips,
saw wood; Griffin at sundries in morn:, Magee &e
clean up wheat till dinner, pull turnips, Do_
measure up wheat; George about pigs &e____ Do_
Self & Mary to Ottawa by the boat__ Skinner 2

Do_ 2 sponges

NOVEMBER 1865. Mortimer

1 Wednesday. James at sundries in morn:, fill up Workman
prov d , help load waggon, pull turnips, Do_ 2½
Tooley in Ottawa, Tom at sundries in morn:,
help fill up prov d , to Rob ts for his mare, then Humphries
load waggon & off for Ottawa; Griffin not En-Wright
at work; Jackson saw wood in morn:, Do_
pull turnips; George about pigs &e___ Smith

2 Thursday. James, Jackson & Griffin sawing Do_
wood in morn:, pile hardwood A'Hearn
in woods, pull a few turnips; Tooley back
by the boat, help pile wood, went home; White 2
Tom got back a little after dark; George Self
about pigs &e_____ Self in Ottawa_____ Tooley's

3 Friday. James & Jackson at sundries in morn:, Self
cart in turnips till noon, finish pull
& snag turnips; Tooley came from home in P d Ham
morn:, help at turnips; Tom at sundries
in morn:, do .. do..; Griffin at do_
in do_, pull turnips for a while, On 2 nd cheque
then attend tatoe steaming & saw wood till dinner,
at turnips again; George about pigs &e,
steam tatoes, churn, empty flour out of On 2 nd
the bags, mix pigs food____
Rec d Country premiums $7–“

M rs Mac: 3 factory @17 c is 51 c ts
1 spool 7½ Jane 10 print @22 c is 11/–
0.58½ Do_ 1 factory 20 c is 1/–
She gave me 0.57
She owes me 1½

Tooley ½ lb tobacco_

Griffin ½ lb do_

Tom 25 lbs flour_

George 20 lbs do_

J.H. Pinhey

569 f t @3/– & 542 f t @ 4/–



Tooley ½ lb tea.








George ½ lb tobacco.

Griffin 3/9


Exp d by Mary
in Ottawa_

2 p k envelopes 1/3

2 quiz paper 2/–

A book –/6

1 y d beraixe 3/6

1½ “ do_ @1/9 2/7½


6 spools @7½ 3/9

Toll –/7½

Boat –/7½






Exp d in Ottawa__

29 factory @23 c 1..13..4

7½ canvass @1/1 –..8..1½
sundries as ac t 1..10.. –½
combs 1/3 & one 9 d –..2.. –

2/9 1 lb salt –/6 –..3..3


1 oz glychrine –..1.. –

2 handsaw file –..1..8
doz lights @1/6 –..3..9

Do_ 5 lbs putty –..1..3
repair buggy –..7..6
lid & pipe –..2..9
men's teapot –..–..4
boots Jane –..6..3
slippers Kate –..3..9
repair buggy –..1..3

Toll on waggon –..1..3
removes Spring –..1..3
toll a-X bridge –..–..3
expences –..6..7½
& Mary's do –..4..4½

£ 6.. –..–

$7–80 to bal ce ac t

Tom / Tooley $6–“

James $1–“

C.T. Bate $74–73
to bal ce ac t up
cheque Self $20–“

Jackson ½ bush;
of Blues 1/


George 5½ yds flannel @ 2/9
is 15/1½