4 Saturday. James dig g pit for turnips till dinner, put ‘em
in & partly cover in; Tooley at sundries till
about 9 o'C, then catch horses & plough; Tom at
sundries till about 9 o'C, prepare & cart up slabs
to cover the pit till noon, help in with turnips &
help do-up; Jackson & Griffin at sundries in
morn:, help pit turnips; George about pigs &e,
weed asparagus, dig manure into flower banks__
Self make chimney for turnip pit, new handle an axe__
5 Sunday. Church A.M. M r Butler did not come___
6 Monday. James at home; Tooley & Tom saw & split wood in morn:, edge up axes, cut roads &e, lay up
6 logs; Jackson saw, chop & split wood; Griffin
saw & split in morn:, help finish cover up turnips,
at wood again, bring home fattening cattle, cut
some turnips and about sundries; George about
pigs &e, steam tatoes, saw & split wood___
Self file long X-cut, rig up place for fatten g cattle__
7 Tuesday. James at home; Tooley & Tom about sundries in morn:, lay up 10 logs; Jackson do_ do_
in morn:, catch horses & help rig out wood-sleigh
by about 10½ o'C, bring in 3 trips hardwood; Griffin ill; George about cows, pigs &e, fill tatoe steamer, saw wood____ Self rig out wood-sleigh & to woods with Jackson for a load till dinner, weigh up sundries & measure lumber, to Luton & Berry's in cutter__
8 Wednesday. James at home; Tooley & Tom X-cut dry pine in morn:, lay up 4 logs, then chop & draw
in dry pine, Jackson about horses in morn:,
draw in 5 loads hardwood; Griffin split wood
in morn:, cut roads about cordwood till noon
then off home; George about cows, pigs &e,
steam tatoes, saw & split wood, help put in all
the large double windows___ Self to Peter Logan's
& O'Hara's in cutter till 11 o'C, look about till 2 o'C, then put up all double windows in stone house__
9 Thursday. James at home; Tom drawing wood for
himself; Tooley help about horses in morn:,
draw up 2 drags drift wood for Jackson, bank
up old cellar window, take out the parsnips,
saw wood & about sundries; Jackson about
horses in morn:, draw in 5 loads hardwood;
Griffin at home; George about cattle, pigs &e in
morn:, to Power's about the old X-cut till
11 o'C, cut turnips, fill steam-box &e____
Self regulate things in race & flume & about sundries till dinner, file old X-cut, dust stable windows, H.F.
to Rob ts with flour & side saddle in cutter___
10 Friday. James at home; Tooley & Tom grind ax A spool
in morn:, fall & draw in dry pine,
Jackson about horses in morn:, draw in Smith
4 loads hardwood & at sundries; Griffin [????]
at home; George about cows, pigs &e, steam
tatoes, churn & about sundries_____ Do_ a
Self to Ottawa in cutter by land___ En-Wright
11 Saturday. James at home; Tooley & Tom cut &
draw in wood for George ; Jackson at
horses in morn:, draw in 3 loads hardwood
by dinner, then saw & split wood; Griffin Rec d of
at home; George about cows, pigs &e___
Self returned about 6½ o'C in even g ___
12 Sunday. Church P.M. B. Read preached__ Self to Street's in cutter before dinner & again in even g __
13 Monday. James at home; Tooley X-cut dry pine in morn:, fall dry pine till dinner, then to Ottawa__; Tom about horse in morn:, draw in dry pine; Jackson
help X-cut dry pine in morn:, then out back; Griffin back, but did nothing; George about cows, pigs &e__
on bringing the 2 cows up____