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March 1856

Makes 102 bushes thrashed up to this time

3. Monday. James about horses, thrash wheat, draw 1 load hay to horse - loft, John fees pigs and draw water from river in morning then at sundries, saw and split wood till dinner, then to Benning's for hay knife and help down with hay - Self fodder cattle in morning to Robt..'s for Mr. green , then up to A. Smith's after hay -kinfe till dinner, then to Edward's after it, then drew in 2 load hard wood -


4. Tuesday. James about horses, draw down a load straw, clean up wheat and put it in mill, John feed pigs at sundries in morning, help with straw and wheat --- Self fodder cattle and morning, then to the Fair at Bousher's and back about 2, then did little or nothing


5. Wednesday. James about horses in morning, then about sundries and thrash wheat, John ill - Self fodder cattle in morning, then finish draw the hard wood cut by Sam and John in 5 trips = 4 loads, help do up the things-


6.Thursday. James about horses, thrash wheat, John at sundries in morning and thrash wheat, do up cattle etc., Self fodder cattle in morning then draw in 3 load of hard- wood for Father


7. Friday. James about horses in morning then about sundries, draw down straw, clean up wheat and put it in mill John steam tatoes, help with straw and clean wheat - Self fodder cattle in morning then to Aylmer mill.


8. Saturday. James about horses in morning saw some wood and draw down 2 load hay to Horses by dinner, then clean up oats, saw wood for little parlour, John sundries in morning, help down with hay, clean up oats and saw and split wood - Self fodder cattle in morning, repair floor in Charley's tall, store away wheat and at sundries


9. Sunday. Ham and John came up last evening.. and went back this afternoon - Self took Kate and Mrs. Greane to Robt's. went on to John Wilson's picked them up onmy return, took Em.. to A. smith's in the afternoon ---


10. Monday. James about horses in morning, then to Aylmer, John audries in the morning, about house and thrash oats, Self fodder cattle inmorning then to Inglee's frand about cattle, got back a little before sunset and up to A. Smith's


11. Tuesday James about horses in morning then draw in wood for MC Mullin, John about house and thrash oats -

Self to Biechmond Fair about evening -


12. Wednesday. James about horses, clean up oats, draw one load hay to Cow - loft,

John feed pigs and saw wood in morning, help clean up oats and help down with hay, then saw wood -

Self fodder cattle in morning, then to the sundries by John Wilson's about a girl, up to the Carp Fair, From that to Mrs. Beakie's and home ---


13. Thursday. James about horses and sundries, sort Cups in Cellar, John to Ottawa --- Self to Ottawa about a girl


14. Friday. James about horses in morning then attend thrash and mill, John sundries abd attend

do , do ------ load the two [founy]

Mc Addan's helping and Mc Mullin also -

Self to fodder cattle in morning help thrash ---


15. Saturday. James about horses inmorning, then about sundries and clean up wheat, John steam tatoes and help down wheat --- Self fodder cttle in morning then at sundries and down to Berry's before dinner, then about sundries, salt Horses and some of the cattle


16. Sunday. Ham, Charley and John came up last night went back this evening, brought us up a girl ---

Self to Alex Beatries to learn the oxen's names, got back at 3 0,c had dinner, took Kate and c for a drive ---


17. Monday. James about horses, finish clean up wheat , put it in mill, draw down 5 load straw, John feed pigs and get up river water in morning then help James ---

Self to Aylmer to get Charley's and spring shoes removed, got back to dinner about 2 ½ o,c. Then at sundries


18. Tuesday. James about horses inmorning, then off home with John and his horses till dinner, then sort snows, John about house and thrash wheat -

Self to Ottawa , brought up a little grave stone.