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26½ cord last years wood.

31 do this time leaves

2½ cord short_


15 bush s

mix seed wheat to

S tm .. mill got

612 lbs flour_

Topply 150lbs flour

for 2 booth collars 25/--

prov d to S t .. mill 10 bush thus,

1/ ½ bush s oats

2 ½ do peas.



Mc'Ron the baker.

2 lbs.. flour 7¼ is..

£ 3..12..6

Reed.. £ 2..7..6 of it.


6 bush s g lbs failings,

got 250 lbs flour.


8 bush s Cups

to Pigs_


10 bush s Cups 21/6

Reed. in Cash 11/51

& 1gl. molasses

3/6 for George__

Rlock 10 bush s

peas 23/__ is

£ 1..10.._Rec d ..__


1 st .. last Cow a

heifer calf to

be kept__

of Mc'Ren on act..

£ 1.._._

owes me 5/_



Agreed with Tom in

Aylmer last Monday,

211 do lbs per month till

the middle of Oct.. or

till tatoes are dug_



Young Sow pigged

one died

9 leaves 8





8 bush s

Cups to Pigs_

Old Sow pigged


1 st April Exp d .. in Ottawa

Jennings 2 lbs epsom salts, 1/-

Do rubber rings ½ [orrispow]- /8½

En_ Wright for repairs.-/ 7½

Mc'Dougal [eir] Single web 3/

of Father 5/4

APRIL, 1856.

T.M Blasdel settled with up to this date__

2. Wednesday. James about horses, draw in 3 loads

hardwood for Father & 1 load to pay self__

John sundries & load sleigh in morn.,

then took his wife to Aylmer , did up cattle &e

at night, Griffin sortd.. tatoes ___ Self to

S t .. Mill & on to Ottawa , Con.. with me___

3Thursday.James about horses draw down 1 load hard

_wood for Father, then draw 3 loads wheat_

straw, 1 load hay to sheep_loft 1 Cow_loft

John about horses & help down with of rows of hay_

Self to S t .. mill with Prov d .. & Payne's wheat, brought

back my bran & 62 lbs flour __

4Friday. James about-horses, help saw off

oxen's horns, put up the Sows

take straw from cellar doors & at sundries till dinner,

then grind axes, John fodder cattle &e in morn..,

about sundries till dinner, then help grind axes___

Self saw off oxen's horns, make 2 bars to fasten up Sows,

& at sundries till dinner, then to S t .. mill with baitings__

5Saturday. James about-horses & sundries, draw down the

last of the soft wood vis_a_vis work_shop by

dinner, then measure up tatoes, draw down wheat

straw, John fodder cattle &e, stream tatoes, help get

tatoes ready for Aylmer , help down with straw &e___

Self at sundries, out to W. Boucher's & back to dinner,

then to Aylmer with tatoes, brought back the flour__

6Sunday. Church A.M. Self to Rider's after dinner round by

Rob ts .. home by lake_road___

7Monday. James about horses, began to chop cord_wood,

John fodder cattle &e, then at cord wood ___

Self measure up peas in morn.. to Aylmer & back

by dinner, began an ax handle, repair a pigs trough,

about sundries & help do up some of the cattle___,

8Tuesday. James about horses, chop cord-wood, John

fodder cattle &e, chop cord_wood, both do up

the things at night___ Self to Aylmer in the

cutter, get a little carriage of Fenwick and

went on to Ottawa_____

9Wednesday. James about horses in morn.. help ring pigs, then

chop cord_wood & help do up some of the things

at night; John about house in morn.. help ring

pigs, chop cordwood, do up some of the things___

Self fodder some of the cattle in morn.., ring the pigs,

then about the sundries, finish the ax handle & put

it in ax by dinner, put hinges on trap door of

our meat cellar, make 2 ax handles & help do up___

10Thursday. James about horses in morn.. edge up new

ax, chop cord_wood, John fodder cattle &e

in morn.. turn grind stone, chop cordwood

both do up things at night___ Self sundries

in morn.. put an old handle in big ax, & handle

James' axe, file both father's saw's by dinner, then

about sundries & file my hardwood saw, help do up__

11Friday. James about horses, chop cord_wood, help do up at

night, John about cattle&e in morn.., chop cord_wood

help do up at night__Self at repair about sawmill

water gate &e, help do up the things at night_____

12Saturday. James about horses in morn.. help at repairs about

sawmill flume, repair a leak at mouth of race,

split some wood, bring down a load of hay to Cow loft,

John about cattle&e, steam tatoes, grind an old ax

saw wood, help down with hay, help do up the things___

Self repairs sawmill water gate & flume, help do up do__

13Sunday. No Church __ Self very poorly all day___

14Monday. James about horses in morn.. then draw in

wood for himself, John about cattle &e in

morn.. chop cordwood, Tom began after breakfast,

at cordwood__ John Rider chop cordwood for Self__

Self repair water gate of gristmill, file mill saw___

15 Tuesday. James about horses in morn.., shut up winter

road across & the fields, repair a leak in big dam,

about sundries in Sawmill till dinner, began to

saw soon after dinner, John about house in morn.. then

chop cord wood, Tom saw wood in morn.. draw in wood for Mae..

till dinner, then at sundries, roll logs to mill, draw away slabs__ John Rider chop

cord wood in Tom's place ___ Self put in mill saw & about repairs__

John 5/_ h d .. it

of Father_

Exp d in Ottawa .


Mc'Cullough as act.. 1..3..1½

A Mewat as do 3..10..__

O'[Meara] for a coat 1..10.._

En_Wright tight dipper _.. 1..3

Seat ½ lb cowfeet.. _.._..10

Tall. ._.._..6

Rams man. ._.._..7½



Griffin off p d him 10/_x

bal on 8 days worth @2/_

he owes for ½ lb tobacco__


from desk _..14..6

of father 6..1..10


& £ 1..7..4 spent

it as follows__


x5/_ of it soap money_

¼ lb crackers-/2½ desk

John Street - £1.._.._

for sundries to show fair_desk

James 6¾ lbs pork


John a bottle essence of

ginger -/9 desk__


Exp d .. in Ottawa_

Jennings ½ castile soap _/1/½

box castor oil 1/_2oz pepper.. 1/8

Brought 1yd calico. ._/10½

Do 1 cotton handkerchief

for John.. _/7½

Do 1 for Self.._1/_

John Blyth&co belt for baby 1/9

1 tooth plugged _5/_

in Aylmer 33t.. hats - 3/9

Toll .. _/7½



cash -- ..2..4 ½


of Father £--..18..3½



James 6¾ lbs pork

Mc'Mullin 50 lbs


John 50 lbs flour

& 5 ½ lbs pork


Sold John Baskin

Old Fly for £ 7.._.._

two years time at

8 per cent interest__


John 1 lb tobacco ¼

p d Joe Taylor 2/6

for a butter tub

made last fall__

John a candle_

Tom 50 lbs flour