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Took the boar home___


Rea d 24 th Nov.


Father h ­ d all
but 6 dol s I lent MacAdam__

Upstairs pipe cleaned & the chimney______

Peas to Gran -
14½ bush ls __



Dart &
Spring shod all
round by Donahue ,
my own shoes __ 5/- p d __



F_ Baskin
took home his sheep, & the ewe lamb he was to have in
place of the
ram lamb I
killed 21 st July__


14 bush ls Horses_


Charly shod at Donahue's
4 removes__


Kitch - pipe clean d __

of Berry

5 gls. Self_

5 do Father_

left him
10 lbs hops__













Sheep to winter.

20 old ewes.

6 ewe lambs

1 year old wether

1 wether lamb

2 rams

30 in all


20 Saturday. James about horses & help repair his hearth & fireplace, John about sundries, Griffin fodder cattle in morn - , saw all sorts of wood & about sundries____ Self about sundries_____

21 Sunday. Church P.M. Self very poorly all day___

22 Monday. James about horses in morn - , about sundries till dinner, then harness horses, help catch boar & draw down a load pea straw, John to Ottawa, Griffin fodder cattle morn - & night, saw wood & at sundries till dinner, help catch the boar & help down with the straw___ Self about sundries till dinner, then take the boar & crotch home____

23 Tuesday. James about horses in morn - , McAdam re t me clean up peas & draw them down, the £1..10..__ also 1 load hay form old logbarn to Cow- Father hd. it__ loft by dinner, then 2 load White barn hay to horse loft, John saw wood in morn - , help clean up peas, then thrash oats, Griffin fodder cattle & saw wood in morn - , then about sundries & help down with peas & hay____ Self clean stove-pipe & about sundries_____

24 Wednesday. James about horses in morn - , then about cattle &e & saw wood till dinner, draw down oat straw & 1 load hay to cow-loft from white barn, John sundries in morn - , thrash oats till dinner, then help with straw and hay, Griffin to Aylmer___ Self to Aylmer by Merrie-feilds & back by the ice____

25 Thursday. James about horses, John about Honnor 7/6 cattle &e____ Self refitting little parlour 2/6 of this double window, Charley, John & wife on act. of Julia's Dyer came up, I drove her home____

26 Friday. James about horses in morn - , then at sundries & clean up oats till dinner, draw them down & 1 load white barn hay to cow-loft & at sundries, John about cattle morn - & even - , steam tatoes & clean up oats by dinner, then help down with them & the hay, drive home the bull from Edward's___ George to Ottawa with J. Pinhey in cutter_____ Self put up porch next-door, caulk up cracks in my oven, put up front double window in parlour___

27 Saturday. James about horses in morn - , then about sundries, saw wood & bring down a load oat-straw, John fodder cattle & to Rob ts on Charley in morn., then thrash oats____ Self about sundries & repair little Parlour pipe about the elbows, down to Berry's, Rob ts & John Streets in the evening_______

28 Sunday. Church A.M. Mrs Greene & Anna dined with us, Self took them home in evening & went on to Luton with Kate & the children______

29 Monday. James about horses morn - & even g , help with thrashing mill, John sundries in morn - , help at do_ do _ & put up cattle &e at night, Griffin fodder cattle &e in morn - , help attend thrashing-mill____ George & young M c Adam help at Do _ do - ____ Rider help stow away straw after dinner_____ Self help at thrashing-mill____

30 Tuesday. James to Ottawa, John help with horses in morn - draw in a drag for George & 1 load straw to Cow-loft by dinner, then remove Pigs rusties in Cellar, Griffin about cattle morn - & even g , help with straw & remove the tatoes____ Self to Ottawa with Constance & Mary______

31 Wednesday. James & John about horses in morn - , then at wood for themselves, Griffin fodder cattle morn - & even g , saw wood & about sundries_____ Self took Anna home & brought back Mrs Greene, then to Jay's repair a little lock, repair soft-wood saw frame, do up horses, drove to J. Street's & to Luton__

£2..5..__ of Payne
on act. of the bl k Cow & 5/- on act of the 7/6 I lent him___


P d Rob t 5/- for
my watch_ desk___

John £1..5..__ h d
it of Father.

George 2 bush - Snows
Rec'd @ 2/6

Payne a ewe lamb 12/6

James a candle___


of M_ Read 63 lbs butter__ W t of
tub & butter 71 lbs___


Julia 3/3 desk__

Johan a candle__


Griffin £2.__..__
h d it of Father__

John 25 lbs flour__

Exp'd. in Aylmer .

2 lbs sugar . . . .. . .1/3

2 brooms . . . . . . . .1/3

Conroy boot laces. __ /1½

Thompson do . . . . __ / __ ½

Canes . . . . . . . . . . --/1

of Father__ 2/9

an extra desk 1/3

hand of Father 1/6










James 25 lbs flour.

M rs Henderson for needle-work 2/6 desk.


on the 29 th James £3..16..__ of Father.

Exp'd. in Ottawa .


Brough & Sons act. 2..15..11

Do for flannels 2..19..__

Bryson &

Philip's act. 3..3..6½

Mowat for

pants&wastco 1..17..6

Blyth & Kempt

as act. __..4..7

Waddle& Macnee __..5..5

John McCarty a

pr. leather slippers __..3..9

Gibson __..3..4


repair tea kettle __..1..6

stools __..__..5½

chity 1 lb pepper __..__..10

John Henderson __..5..__

Toll __ .. __ ..6

Maria Read 80 lbs 12..6..1

butter @ 9d 3..__..__


John ½ bushel Snows_

Nora A'Hearn for
1¾ lbs down @ 5/- __..8..9


the 10 dol. gold peice 2..10..__

of Father 13..4..10