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W ht of new


21½ lbs_







2 ½ bush ls

oats to stabke_

10 bush ls .. oats

mixed with

2 ½ bush ls peas

for pigs____
























688 stakes


43 stakes Bl k Sea

from Churchfield__
























25 Stakes

Bl k Sea from









Total stakes


Bl k Sea 208__










3 loads

peas S o side


25 Stakes Blk Sea,

from Churchfield__




115 stakes Bl k Sea




AUGUST 1858.

13.Friday. James grind cradle scythe in morn..,

cradle Siberian till 5 o 'C, then bind &

Muldoon reap, bind & stake Bl k Sea till dinner,

then bind after cradle, Tayler turn grind_stone

in morn.., reap &e Bl k Sea till dinner, then

bind &e after cradle__ Griffin ill___ George

about house & do some work in garden___

Murphy dress g .. mill_stones____ Self at sundries.

14Saturday. James cradle Siberian by noon , then bind &

stake, Muldoon, Tayler reap & bind Bl k Sea

till dinner, help bind & stake the Siberian, then

strike the Bl k Sea___ Griffin ill__ George.

about house & sundries____ Murphy at stones__

Self at sundries till dinner, after hole in crane

for new screw, mix prov d .. ready to grind__

15Sunday. Church P.M. Self took Kate in buggy to

Alicia's in the even g ..__

16Monday. James, Tayler, Muldoon reap, bind & stake

Bl k Sea____ Griffin about house & sundries

till dinner, then reap & bind Bl k Sea till about

6 o 'C____ then at sundries____ George ill____

Murphy finish dress g .. stones about 10 o 'C, then

about fixing sprindle & lowering stones____ Self

cold chisel & file some off top of spindle &e______

17Tuesday. James, Tayler, Muldoon reap bind & stake

Bl k Sea , Griffin about house & sundries till

about 10 o 'C then help reap Bl k Sea____ George ill__

Murphy balance g .. stone with some pieces of iron &

run in some lead & at sundries till near noon , then

off by the boat____ Self help in gristmill & grind

12 ½ bush ls prov d .. by 12 o 'C_____

18Wednesday. James & Muldoon reap Bl k Sea till breakfast,

house wheat till dinner, then mow peas___

Tayler, Griffin reap, bind & stake Bl k Sea

till dinner, then mow peas____ George

about house &e, pick seed peas & clean up the beds__

19Thursday. James repair slash fence in morn.., finish

reap churchfield by dinner, reap Bl k Sea

in Kitch.. garden till about 5 o 'C. then cradle

Scotch wheat in Old Pigfield, Muldoon help fix

slash fence in morn.., reap, bind & strike

churchfield Bl k Sea till 3 o 'C, reap in Kitch.

garden till 5 o 'C, then reap some scotch wheat

& bind after cradle, Tayler, Griffin mow

peas in morn.., finish reap churchfield by

dinner, reap in Kitch , garden till 5 o 'C

then mow peas,__ Fred mow peas in morn..,

the help at wheat___ George about house &e,

& pull weeds in garden till dinner, then

help repaint bridge at waste gate &e____

20Friday. James reap & cradle scotch wheat in Old Pigfield

till about 3 o 'C, cradle oats for a start, then mow

peas, Tayler & Griffin mow peas in morn.., reap,

bind & stake Scotch wheat till near 4 o 'C. then at

peas again, Muldoon & Fred reap & bind

Scotch wheat till about 3 o 'C. draw in a load of

wheat, then at peas____ George about house &e,

Self to Rob ts after breakfast, shorten fingers of new cradle__

21Saturday. James mow peas till dinner, cradle Scotch

wheat in 16 Acrefield, Muldoon mow peas

till dinner, then bind after cradle, Tayler &

Griffin help finish mow peas in 16 Acrefield, Muldoon mow peas

till dinner, then bind after cradle, Tayler &

Griffin help finish mow peas in Barnfield by

noon , then at peas in 12 Acrefield_____ George

about house & in Gristmill till dinner, turn peas

& about sundries____ Self sundries & work grist_

_mill till dinner, measure boards & at sundries__

22Sunday. Church A.M.

23Monday. James & Muldoon mow peas till dinner,

then house peas & wheat, Tayler & Griffin

mow peas___ George about house till near

noon , then turn peas___ Self rig g .. up Benning's

cradle till near 11 o 'C, turn peas till dinner, then lump up__

24Tuesday. James finish mow peas in morn.., cradle a little

scotch wheat & oats till 10½ o 'C, draw in wheat till

4 o 'C, cradle oats, Muldoon help mow peas in morn.., reap

oats till 10 o 'C. draw in wheat till 4 o 'C, reap wheat Tayler & Griffin

help finish peas in morn.., reap & bind oats till dinner, then reap Bl k Sea .

George about house & turn peas till dinner, saw wood & at sundries___



Payne 2 reap g .. hook 2/9.


lent Con's Mary 10/_


George 5/_

Do ½ bush l .. oats.






Muldoon £1..5.._


£1..12..6 of H. Street .

on act.._

John Baskin.

a martin gal 2/_


Sent Toply by John Baskin.

£1.._.._ on act.._










Neil 681 ft.. of

inch boards__

Murphy 6 1/3 days at

mill stones &e @ 7/6 is

£2..7..6 Paid__



Muldoon ½ bush l .. oats.

M rs Mae.. 3lbs soap.

D_O'Neil 1076ft.. of

rough_edge @ 3/_


George ½ lb tobacco_

James 2/6_

10 d .. of M rs Muldoon

for 2 lbs soap__





D_O'Neil 300ft.. of

inch boards @ 4/_

&200ft of 2 inch @ 6/_











Con.. ½ bush l .. oats__




on the 21 st Lay ½ lb tobacco.



Griffin ½ lb tobacco.


John Street 465ft 24/_

& the other doz

to young Cary 35ft.. @4/_

this 500ft.. @4/_

goes to pay for the stove_

charge him with 500ft..

of rough edge__



Church collec n .. 8 d ..


Berry 310ft.. pl k



George 50lbs flour__


James 1lb tobacco_