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Total loads of

peas 16_


6 load peas from

S o side Barnfield_



N o 3 ram.

16 stakes Bl k Sea

from Kitch garden

72 stakes Old Pigfield

Scotch wheat__

6 load peas out of

12 Acrefield__



1 load peas out of

12 Acrefield__





20 Stakes Scotch

from 16 Acre_




James for rations.

60lbs flour.

30lbs pork.

1lb tea_













30 stakes

Bl k Sea from

Kitch garden__


Neil 200ft..

inch boards by James__

& 344ft.. 1 ½ inch pl k






Bl k Sea from Kitch..

garden 46 stakes__







103 stakes

Scotch wheat

from 16 Acre_field_








George for rations,

30 lbs pork__


60 lbs flour_

1 lb tea_





54 stakes

Scotch wheat from

16 Acre_field_







93 stakes

Scotch wheat from

16 Acre_field_

Total 270 stakes_



AUGUST 1858.

25.Wednesday. James cradle & reap oats in morn.., reap & bind

wheat till 11 o 'C. then house peas, Muldoon^finish reap

Bl k Sea in morn.., reap & bind Scotch wheat till 11 o 'C,

then draw in peas, Tayler & Griffin finish reap

& Bind Scotch wheat till dinner, bind & stake Bl k ..

Sea & do. do__ George about house & garden till

10 o 'C, turn peas & help house'm__ Self at sundries__

26Thursday. James & Muldoon draw in wheat & peas__

Tayler help unload peas & reap wheat in morn..,

Griffin bill lamb in morn.., then both turn peas, bind

& stake oats till near noon , then reap &e Scotch wheat.

George about house in morn.., turn peas, heap 'em up

& help unload___ Self repair g .. gate at log barn__

27Friday. James fork off a load peas & draw in a load in

morn.. house a do of wheat, at sundries till.

near 12 o 'C. then reap oats, Muldoon help in with

peas & wheat, grind axes till 11 o 'C, then reap oats_

Tayler not here, Griffin help with peas in morn..,

reap wheat for about an hour, help grind axes,

then reap oats, George help with peas & at sundries

till 11 o 'C, then help in Sawmill & pile plough & boards___

28Saturday. James reap oats in morn.., draw 2 logs from river

to Mill & do do till dinner, then reap wheat,

Muldoon, Tayler & Griffin reap oats till dinner,

then wheat___ George pile lumber, saw wood &e__

Self finish repair gate at this and of lane, put new

hinges on back door, file wood_saw & about sundries.

29Sunday. Church P.M. by M r .. Pettit from Richmond__

Charles & Constance came up at dinner___

30Monday. James, Muldoon & Tayler finish reap g .. oats

about 9 o 'C, dig up thistles in new land till

near noon , then reap wheat, Griffin help reap

oats till about 9 o 'C, granny Stones till near noon ,

then reap wheat____ George about sundries till

noon , then bind wheat___

31Tuesday. James & Muldoon house wheat in morn.., reap

& bind wheat, bind oats till 5 o 'C, then dig up

thistles in new land, Tayler & Griffin at

wheat till dinner, bind oats 5 o 'C, then

Tayler at thistles & Griffin quarry stones___

George about house &e, help bind wheat & oats__

Self took Anna to Ottawa in the buggy__


1Wednesday. James, Muldoon, Tayler at the thistles in

morn.., reap & bind wheat & finish do in

even g .., Griffin at quarry in morn.., help

at wheat & the do in even g ..___

George about house &e, & bind wheat till dinner,

then to the brewery & help at quarry___

Self got back to Rob ts by 4 o 'C, took dinner there

& got home about sunset, Anna with me___

21Thursday. James & Muldoon reap & bind wheat till dinner

then draw in, Tayler & Griffin at wheat till

about 3 o 'C, then bind oats___ George about house

& sundries till dinner, then bind oats___

& sundries till dinner, then bind oats__

3Friday. James fork off a load wheat in morn.., reap & cradle

oats in Old Pigfield till 3 o 'C, then reap wheat,

Muldoon help unload wheat in morn.., reap oats

till dinner, turn oats, reap wheat, Tayler

reap oats, turn oats, reap wheat, Griffin

quarry stones in morn.., at sundries & to

Berry 's till 11 o 'C, reap oats till dinner, turn oats,

reap wheat___ George about house & help in Sawmill.

Self saw up maple for axle's____

4Saturday. James reap oats till about 10 o 'C, finish reap

wheat by dinner, bind oats & house wheat, Muldoon

reap oats & finish wheat by dinner, bind oats & draw

in wheat, Tayler & Griffin reap oats & help finish

wheat by dinner, then bind oats___ George sundries__

Ham, Charles & little Ham up to help marry Con..___

5Sunday. Church A.M.

6Monday. James & Griffin reap oats in morn.., then

hunting after the boat till night, Tayler &

Muldoon reap & bind oats till dinner, then bind

oats for a start, then finish house wheat____ George

about house & sundries till about 11 o 'C, then bind oats__






On the 31. Neil

1400ft.. inch boards

in all @4/_ per hum d ..

is £2..16.._ He

also got 344 ft..

of 1½ plk.. @5/_










James A'Hearn

250ft.. 1½ inch pl k

@6/_...15/_ Rec d ..

28 th Sept..,




George ½ lb tea__

Tayler 1lb tea_

& ½ tobacco_







Muldoon 50lbs

of flour_

£1..5..0 of Rob t ..

on act..__


Exp d .. in Ottawa

C.T. Bate as act.. 1..11..6

cuzner leathers lp_..3..6

Do light stoes Mary_..6..3

Do 1 doz laces.._.._..3

a bottle inch.._.._..1½

2 tin dishes.._..2..4

6 tin do @ 7 ½ d .._..3..9

A belt._.._..7½



A collar._..2..6


1/8 of Toll _.._..10

Anna for £2..18..5


Griffin ½ lb tobacco.

Muldoon ½ lb do_

Tayler ½ lb do_


£3..15.._ of Neil

for boards & plank



Rob t .. 1lb ginger 1/_



















George 2/6_

Tayler 50lbs flour.