MARCH 1859.
24. Thursday. James about horses in morn - , chop pine till noon, then at sundries & grind axes, Muldoon sundries in morn - , chop soft-wood till noon, then at sundries & grind axes, Griffin at sundries in morn - , finish cart g up slabs___ George about cattle &e, saw wood____ Self to Aylmer, Rob t went with me, returned to dinner, rig up new grind stone, put iron on cradle____
25 Friday. James no work, Muldoon & Griffin about horses & sundries in morn - , grind an ax, then chop soft-wood, George fodder cattle &e, help about meat from Gran - , take away straw from Cellar doors & off the vines____ Self about meat from Gran - , put 1 new hoop on a tub, & at sundries____
26 Saturday. James about horses in morn - , chop pine till near 11 o'C, then to John Holme's on horseback with a lt r , Muldoon sundries in morn - then chop soft-wood, Griffin the same, only killed a roaster just after dinner, George fodder cattle &e & about house____ Self poorly with head-ach, did very little all day___
27 Sunday. Church PM. Self drove M rs Greene home in buggy in the even g ____
28 Monday. James about horses in morn - , draw down 2 load peastraw, 1 load hay to Cow-loft & some hardwood to shed till dinner, then at sundries & file part of Millsaw, Muldoon carry up water from river, then chop soft-wood, Griffin help up with the water & help weigh flour in morn - , then to Aylmer with flour, George fodder cattle &e, help down with straw & hay & at sundries__ Self at sundries in morn - , file g Millsaw till dinner & few teeth after, then file 2 woodsaws____
29 Tuesday. James about horses in morn - , chop pine till dinner, then at sundries about Sawmill, Muldoon saw wood in morn - , chop soft-wood till about 3 o'C, had to come home on act. of rain__ Griffin not here, George fodder cattle &e,___ Self file g Mill-saw till dinner, then at some repairs about flume__ Measure some boards
30 Wednesday. James about horses in morn - , chop soft-wood till dinner, then help at repairs about flume, Muldoon to Ottawa after breakfast a-x the ice with lt rs to Ham & Charley, Griffin returned with him a little after dark, George fodder cattle &e, & at sundries till dinner, saw wood, kill a roaster____ Self take belay boards off end of Sawmill next Gristmill & repair end of flume___ at White's
31 Thursday. James about horses in morn - chop soft-wood, Muldoon saw wood in morn-, then help up with Payne's barn, Griffin split wood in morn - , chop pine_ George fodder cattle &e, saw slabs &e____ Self finish repair g end of flume & clap-board it up____
APRIL 1859.
1 Friday. James about horses in morn - , chop soft-wood till dinner, help repair flume, Muldoon & Griffin draw some hardwood from Barn to Old yard in morn - , then at soft-wood___ George about cattle &e, saw slabs, to Robts for his X-cut, kill a roaster____ Self at repairs about flume, file millsaw for a while, measure lumber till dinner, at flume again____
2 Saturday. James about horses, roll some logs into Mill, caulk & pitch some of the flume till dinner, then at sundries about Sawmill & to brewery with horse-cart_ Muldoon help with horses & logs to Mill, then at soft-wood, Griffin help in with logs to Mill & at sundries till near noon, then to Ottawa_____ George about cattle &e, saw slabs & at sundries_____ Self writing to Charley till noon, repair g flume till dinner, finish file the saw & nearly fix it in__
3 Sunday. Church A.M.