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3 peices crotchet braid Rob t p d for it_

very fine day_



18 p r cotton stockings 1/-


12 yds fig d calies 4/-

Rob t p d it.




of W. & J. McLean

4 gl s coal-oil @3/9_

1 pot-de-chambre 1/3.




Godfrey's birth-day_


George for rations,

15 lbs pork_

25 lbs beef_

1 lb tea.
very fine day_
borrowed of Berry

71 lbs prov d _


James for rations

23 lbs beef.

15 lbs pork.

1 lb tea_




60 lbs flour.






2 bush: peas to Pigs
from gran:

2½ bushels oats to

Poultry from Gran:,

fine day

Ham 17 lbs lamb .

John 2 bush l Rusties.
at Bates ½ gl port @ 12/6.

½ g l sherry @10/-
at Brough's

10 yds grass liner @ 1/-
at Bate's
sundries 6/8 James.


17 bush ls mixed
wheat to Ottawa ,
only weight 16
got 637 lbs flour.





A fine day

5 gl s beer __

Returned M r Berry
the 82 lbs peas__


Returned Rob t

39 lbs flour I bor-
-rowed July 14 th _

10½ bush: Old & new
tailings &
toll wheat___
got 404 lbs flour_

12 bush ls pigeon grass
or 540 lbs__

2 bush ls oats from
Gran: to

At Bates__

6 lbs butter_

6 lbs moist sugar @ 5½ d

2 lbs " " "



25. Wednesday. James & Muldoon about horses in morn:, help run line between 24&25 Con: 5_ Griffin

thrash wheat in morn:, & until 9 o'C, help at line till 4½ o'C, let of water from back-door & thrash again_ George about cattle &e, saw wood & at sundries___ Self with the Surveyor till 1 o'C, to Rob ts in cutter__

26 Thursday. James about horses in morn:, at line between 24&25_ Muldoon " " " " help run do_ between 22&23_ Griffin thrash wheat, George about cattle &e, saw wood & at sundries__ Self to Aylmer & back to 3 o'C dinner, take handle out of James' sawlog ax__ got Murdock from M r Berry & Hogan from T. Read to help open line between 22&23 Con: 5_ And Th os Baskin from Rob t to help at line between 24&25 same Con:_

27 Friday. James & Muldoon about horses in morn:, mark trees on both sides of hte pickets & stumps that came in the center on both the lines; Griffin thrash wheat_ George about cattle &e, saw wood & about sundrie_ Self to Bessborough in morn: & up to Payne's after breakfast, then took the Surveyors in double sleigh to Aylmer, got back to 1½ o'C dinner, set & file 6½ f t X-cut______

28 Saturday. James about horses in morn:, load up & draw Griffin's hay to Aylmer, got back about 2½ o'C, draw in 1 load hardwood; Muldoon about horses in morn: draw in soft-wood; Griffin thrash wheat in morn:, then to Aylmer with his hay; George about cattle &e, saw wood & at sundries_____ Self to Rob ts & on to Aylmer, back to 2 o'C dinner, at sundries till near 5 o'C, then in woods to see g Major about peas & to M rs Bridges for Miss Butler__

MARCH 1863.

1 Sunday. Church A.M. Self took Kate in cutter to Rob ts by the ice, went on to Streets & returned by the land___

2 Monday. James about horses in morn;, then at home with sore finger, Muldoon about horses in morn:,
draw in soft-wood, fill up the 17 bushels mix d
wheat; Griffin not here; George about cattle &e,
saw wood & at sundries___ Self out the line,
as far as the corners about peas & shingles till noon,
then weigh peas & about sundries____

3 Tuesday. James about horses in morn: then load up &
to Ottawa with double sleigh; Muldoon
about horses in morn: help load double sleigh,
then draw in soft-wood; Griffin returned
in the even g ; George about cattle &e, saw
wood & at sundries____ Self to Ottawa in
cutter, a small tea party for 2 of the Christie girls__

4 Wednesday. James about horses in morn:, help weigh peas & flour, draw in load hardwood; Muldoon about horses in morn:, help weigh peas & flour, draw down 3 loads straw to cow-loft, then draw in soft-wood_ Griffin thrash wheat & help with straw; George about cattle &e, saw wood_____ Self weigh up
peas & flour, then in house all day with bad cold_____

5 Thursday. James about horses in morn:, draw in 5 loads hard-wood; Muldoon about horses in morn: draw
in soft-wood; Griffin thrash wheat; George about
cows &e, saw wood & at sundries___ Self in house__

6 Friday. James about horses in morn:, draw in 4 loads
hard-wood (the last), measure up wheat & pigeon
grass; Muldoon about horses in morn:, draw in
last of soft-wood, mix up 4 bl s of tailings & toll
wheat in a bin, then fill it into bags also some
pigeon grass; Griffin thrash wheat; George
about cattle &e, saw wood & at sundries____
Self in house till dinner, finish refix handle in
James' saw-log ax, then to the Brewery & to Rob ts ___

7 Saturday. James about horses in morn:, then to Ottawa in double sleigh; Muldoon about horses and help load sleigh, then out the line; Griffin thrash wheat; George about cattle &e, saw wood, bring up water from river with Doll____ Self put a new side to hay-rack for sleigh by dinner, at repairs in horse-stable, to the Post in cutter, then drove as far as Brewery & home____

8 Sunday. Church P.M.


Borrowed of Rob t

½ g l coal-oil_

Returned it 6 th March

Muldoon 13 lbs pork.



James 1 bush l cups_


Griffin £1.. __ .. __


Paid Bartlet for

4 removes on Major 2/-

1 " " Doll -/6

2 plates on shafts 2/6
drilling 4 holes &e in X-cut 1/3


Paid Robert Sparks P.L.S.
$19 __.. by Cheque for
runing &e 2 lines as act:__


Alice mended 9 bags_


George 6 lbs pork__

Muldoon 1 lb tobacco


Griffin 15/-

Muldoon 1 lb tea_


Pd Muldoon $14 __..
for about a ton hay he
stored in little log barn.











Of John Major 13½ bush: peas @3/6 £2..7..3 Paid.


Exp d in Ottawa_

500 lbs prov d @7/3 1..16..3

½ bush l apples __ ..2..6

2 lbs mixed cakes __ ..2..6

Elliot's a p r stays __ ..4..9

Tolls __ ..1..7

£ 2..7..7

Muldoon ½ b l herring 17/6.


£1..17..6 of J.L. Campbell
for 150 lbs old mutton @3 d

Settled with G.T. Bate &Co
up to Jan: 14 th By Cheque

$121 __..
Self Cheque $15 __..


James 100 lbs flour.

George 100 lbs do__.

Muldoon 3 lbs wool__

Do_ 2 bush: Cups.


Alice finished mak g 14 bags

& mended one-

Griffin ½ lb tobacco_

George 1 bush l cups.


Miss Butler £3.. __ .. __


M rs Muldoon 10/-


Of Mackay & Co as act:

942 lbs provd @7/3 is


Tolls __ ..1.. __

£ 3..9..3

James Baskin Cheque

$14 __ 50 to expend for H.P.






George ½ lb tobacco__