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Ham 18 lbs lamb on the 12 th

from Bates by Rob t

2 lbs currants_
from Jennings_
a bt l ratafia _


Ellen home yesterday
morn:, returned
this even g
bush ls oats
to Horses from Gran:


27 bush ls Bl k Sea
from 12 Acre-feild_


W m Berry & Anna married 10 o'C,A.M.


Ellen home again with Moran & Nash_



Returned E d Berry the Prov d 273 lbs_


2½ bush ls oats
to Poultry from Gran:
at Bates_

½ g l fluid @6/-


2 bush ls peas to Pigs_
at Brough's

2 yds grass @1/-


½ lb licorice 1/-
paint brush -/9
fruit loxenges 7½ d

2 sorts of pills

Miss Butler-

4 bush ls oats
to Horses from Gran:
at Brough's

10 yds lilac @ 1/- M rs
10 yds factory @9 d Mac:

¼ lb thread 10½ d James

M rs Mac: gave me 10/- on ac t _


A very fine
day, but cold-

Very fine day.
at Brough's

2½ yds cloth @11/3_

¾ " do_ @10/9-
at Bate's

6 chimneys.

3 lbs tea @2/6.

2 " coffee @1/8_



5 gl s beer_


2½ bush ls oats to

A fine day,
with cold N.W. wind __

At Bate's 1 for

2 gl s molassas George

1 for James.

7 bush ls oats to
very fine day-


Ham 16 lbs lamb_

£ 8..2..9 of H . M c Cormick
for 30 bush ls 54 lbs Bl k Sea

@5/3 per bush l __


Rec d road dividend
of Charley £1..5.. __


MARCH 1863.

9. Monday. James about horses in morn:, draw up 3 loads hay from the late H. Streets near barn;
Muldoon about horses in morn:, help with 2 of
the loads, then rig up second teem & bring up a
little load; Griffin thrash wheat till 4 o'C, then
with Jams for his 3d load; George about cattle &e, saw wood, help stow away 2 of the loads on Horse-loft__ Self to Aylmer by Wilson's & back by Berry's road to dinner, rig up 2 nd teem to draw hay & about sundries_

10 Tuesday. James about horses in morn:, put the hay left on the sleighs over night on Cow-loft, also 1 load oat-straw, empty flour &e, shake the bags, & about sundries; Muldoon about horses in morn:, help unload the little load of hay he brought up last night, the clean up wheat & draw down a small load wheat-straw__ Griffin thrash wheat till about 9 o'C, then help clean, measure up & put it in Mill, help with straw__
George about cattle &e, saw wood & at sundries__ Self look about till near 10 o'C, then to Church to
see Anna married; then about sundry jobs___

11 Wednesday. James & Muldoon about horses in morn:, fall & X-cut sawlogs; Griffin saw wood
in morn:, put out some chaff, draw 2 loads
straw to cow-loft, 1 load hay to calf-loft, began
thrashing again by noon; George about cattle &e,
help with straw & hay, at wood & about sundries_
Self to the Brewery, to Rob ts , M rs Bridges & Streets till noon, rig up new sleigh-pole & about sundries_

12 Thursday. James & Muldoon about horses in morn:,
lay up 19 logs; Griffin thrash wheat;
George about cattle &e, saw & split wood____
Self to Ottawa in cutter_____

13 Friday. James about horses in morn:, draw in 15 logs
by noon, then help X-cut 14 logs; Muldoon about horses in morn:, fall & butt till noon, then
X-cut; Griffin thrash wheat; George about
cattle &e, saw & split wood____ Self to Rob ts & on to Aylmer in cutter, got back about 2 o'C, dinner, look about things, drove Kate to Rob ts in even g _

14 Saturday. James about horses in morn:, to Rob ts for his cutter, help lay up sawlogs; Muldoon about horses
in morn:, got ready to go to Ottawa, then lay
up 14 logs; Griffin about cattle &e, saw &
split wood & at sundries; George at home ill__
Self drove Kate & Mary to Ottawa in
Rob ts cutter, had a fearful upset on our
return a little on this side James Klocks

15 Sunday. M rs Bridges buried about 1½ o'C P.M.
Self at the funeral; took Kate for a drive___

16 Monday. James about horses in morn:, draw in
13 sawlogs by dinner, then help X-cut logs__
Muldoon about horses in morn:, fall & butt
sawlogs till dinner, then X-cut 'em; Griffin ill __
George about cattle &e, saw & split wood__
Self in cutter to Ottawa with 108 lbs mutton___

17 Tuesday. James & Muldoon about horses in morn:,
lay up sawlogs; Griffin thrash wheat;
George about cattle &e, saw wood & at
sundries___ Self to Aylmer in cutter till
2 o'C dinner, then to Streets, Rob ts & the Brewery,
Miss Butler with me, let her out at the
turn to Streets to walk to Helens-ville on my
return, then up to Backmont with a letter__

18 Wednesday. James about horses in morn:, to Rob ts to help weigh & load up hay, then draw in
17 sawlogs; Muldoon about horses in morn:,
to Aylmer with 500 lbs hay, got back at 2½ o'C,
then about sundries; Griffin thrash wheat;
George about cattle &e, saw wood & at sundries__
Self to Aylmer in cutter, got back about 2 o'C___

19 Thursday. James about horses in morn:, to Ottawa
with double sleigh; Muldoon about horses
& fill up some wheat in morn: help load
sleigh, help finish thrash Bl k Sea & run it once_
Griffin thrash wheat & help run it once; George about cattle &e, saw wood &e___ Self to Ottawa in cutter__ Ham & family came up about 1 o'C yesterday, stopped over night, started back at 11 o'C to go home via S o March



Griffin 100 lbs flour.




Of F. Baskin

7 bush: peas @3/6
is £1..4..6 -

O'Hara 3 bush ls
of cups @1/-
Of Moran

14 bush ls peas @3/3
is £2..5..6
gave him 8 bush ls

Scotch wheat @5/6
is £ 2..4.. __
Credit him with 1/6


Ellen 3 lbs soap_


James ½ lb tobacco_


P d J.G. Street by

Cheque $48 __..
for about 3 tons hay
belonging to his late
brother Henry___


Self cheque $30

lent Patrick Muldoon

£5.. __ .. __ took his
note at two months
for £5..3..4__



Exp d in Ottawa

Blyth as ac t 1..1..8½

Galscow house
a muslin dress __ ..8..9

4 f t web 1/7½ __ ..2..2

Tolls __ .. __ ..7

£ 1..13..2½


Self Cheque$20 __..

James ¼ lb thread 10½ d

Do_ 2 doz spools 2/-

Miss Butler sundries
at Cunningham 9/2.

P d F. Baskin for the peas
thus_ in Cash £1..2..6
diff ce in chang g wheat __ ..2.. __

Muldoon a candle £ 1..4..6


Exp d in Ottawa .

Morrison 10 bush: peas 1..12..6
" grind g grass __ ..2.. __

John Thompson a [??] __ ..2..6
" " a do __ ..1..8

Wood a 16 inch do __ ..1..10½

1 lb cakes 1/3_ Tolls 7 d __ ..1..10
Toply 1/- £ 2..2..4½
for repair g cirsingle .


Mary-Anna 10/-


Griffin ½ lb tobacco.

James 1 bush: Cups.


Muldoon 3 lbs soap.

Exp d in Ottawa

Bangs for buffalo 2..10.. __

At Glascow 10 yds print __ ..7..1

Toply repair g harness __ ..3..9

Tolls __ ..1..7

James 8/9__ £ 3..2..5

Miss Butler a p r
ribbons 1/6__