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81 stukes bl k oats put over the

1 st drawn in_

Say in E st corner

5 gls beer__



A p r laced
copper toes

½ soled by

at Bate's by

John Street_

8 lbs C.A. sugar.

at Bate's.

3 gls H.W.

5 lbs Japan

10 lbs C.A. sugar.

10 “ moist do_






A copper toed
boot ½ soled
at Ramsay's__



163 Stukes

Bl k oats from
far end of 16

















5 lbs tea @2/6
from Bate's
by Hammy__


2 bush: oats


53 Stukes Bl k Sea
from Creek-feild
N o side__


Kate got 1/9
to pay the young

M c s for


a bottle of

H.W. Rob t


4 Monday. James at home; Tom & Griffin at sundries in morn:, cart in oats till dinner, grub & pile young trees in W t corner, Tooley at home; Jackson at sundries
in morn:, grub & pile elms; George at sundries in
garden & about house____ Self at sundries & to the
Brewery till dinner, then at little or nothing_____

5 Tuesday. James at home; Tom, Tooley, Griffin & Jackson grub & pile the young elms in W t corner by
4½ o'C, then throw the stones over fence into pasture; George at sundries in garden & about house____
Self with Rob t to the Fair out back____

6 Wednesday. James at home; Tom & Jackson reap, bind & stuke Bl k sea, Tooley reap Bl k Sea in morn:, then cradle oats; Griffin ill; George saw wood & about sun-dries__ Self to Jon Kelly's about oxen till dinner, then wedge an axe, put a new hoop on a butter-tub, then in buggy to Street's gate & down to Rob ts Arab also_

7 Thursday. James at home; Tom & Jackson to Allan's with cow till near 9 o'C, then reap & bind Bl k Sea, Tooley help with the cow a start in morn:, cradle oats till about 5½ o'C, then at sundries; Griffin at sundries in morn: & until 9½ o'C, then reap, bind & stuke Bl k Sea; George at sundries till 10½ o'C, to Berry's & cut burr bushes in 16 Acre-feild till dinner, then bind Bl k Sea____ Self poke about till near 10 o'C, then to Bradley's in buggy___

8 Friday. James at home; Tom, Tooley, Jackson & Griffin finish reap, bind & stuke Bl k Sea by about 9 o'C,
then bind & stuke oats; George at sundries in
garden & about house_____ Self plug cracks in
wheel so stone-cart, paint ‘em & fix staple in yoke__

9 Saturday. James at home; Tom cart in oats till dinner,
then at sundries in new land; Tooley bind oats
till noon, fire stump piles by dinner, help quarry
drain; Jackson bind oats till noon, then ill;
Griffin cart in oats till noon, fire stump piles
by dinner, quarry drain; George at sundries
till near 10 o'C, bind oats till noon, at do_ again___ Self to Bery's on foot in morn:, then about sundires__

10 Sunday. Church A.M. Self to Berry 's on foot in afternoon.

11 Monday. James at home; Tom unload oats & X-cut dry pine in morn:, fill up holes in new land &
clean up drain; Tooley at sundries in morn:, then
help blast drain; Griffin unload oats & X-cut dry
pine in morn:, then blast drain; Jackson fill
up holes in new land, clean up old drain;
George at sundries in garden & about house____
Self to Berry's after breakfast in buggy to
meet Mary, then at sundries____

12 Tuesday. James & Griffin blast g drain & Creek;
Tooley finish cradle oats about 4½ o'C, then
quarry drain; Tom & Jackson clean up drain &
at sundries till dinner, then cart earth from edge of
drain to fill up old creek; George to the wharf
on foot twice, at sundries in garden &e_____
Self to Berry's in buggy twice before dinner___

13 Wednesday. James help blast drain till dinner, then
bind oats; Tom help load horse-cart till dinner,
cart in wheat, bind oats, Tooley quarry drain till
dinner, bind & stuke do; Griffin blast g do_ do_
do_, help house wheat, stuke oats; Jackson cart g
earth from edge of drain; George at sundries till
11 o'C, then to Aylmer____

14 Thursday. James about house in morn:, bind oats & help blast drain; Tom bind oats & help load earth; Tooley do do_ in morn:, do_ do_ for a start, help run a line in Torbolton, then home; Jackson cart earth into old line of Creek; Griffin bind oats & blast drain, George
back by the boat, at sundries in garden & about house_

Jackson ½ lb tobacco.


George ½ lb candles.



P d Orcherd for
repair buggy spring_ 1/5

Do_ mason hammer
a p r pincers &e 1/–

Ox-ring & staple &e 1/3

dinner at Sharpe's 1/3_

£6.. __ .. __ of T. Allen
for the Lay cow_


Jackson ½ doz herring



George ½ lb tobacco_


P d Jenning's ac t £2..12..2
per John Street__

dinner at Sharpe's 1/3__

lent Rob t £2..10.. __

Recd the above on
the 19 th also the 1/–
that Carrol left
with him for me_

sent Mary 1/3 by

Griffin 5/–


Jackson 5/–

Tooley ½ lb tea_

& cash 3/9_


Tom 1 doz herring.




Joe Smith

46 f t @4/– is 1/10






Tom ½ lb tobacco_
p d Hammy 7/6 for
Hamnett's likeness
also p d him 1/3 for
Mary & Arab's
steamboat fare__

Arabella 1/3__

Griffin ½ lb tobacco_

Jackson 20 lbs flour.

½ lb tobacco_

½ lb tea_
lent George 15/– &
gave 1/6 bal ce of the
$1–“ he left in my


Tooley £2..5.. __

George ½ candles_

Tom 4 lbs soap.