Summer on the River: Camping and boating at Pinhey’s Point a century ago (opens May 8)
Photographs reproduced from the E.L. Brittain family albums in the archives of the Canadian Museum of History depict the lazy days of summer at Horaceville at the turn of the last century. The park at Pinhey’s Point Historic Site continues to be a perfect setting for a picnic. Treat your Mom to a day on the river!

A Treasured Past (opens May 8)
Discover family heirlooms throughout the house from a recent donation by a great-great granddaughter of Hamnett Kirkes Pinhey. Learn about life on the farm at Horaceville from her recollections of a visit here as a child. Come view two newly donated and splendidly-restored paintings by Pinhey grandson, the artist John Charles Pinhey, RCA (1860-1912).

Juanita Snelgrove’s Century (opens May 18)
This exhibit recounts, in her own words and through family photographs, the life of Pinhey descendant Juanita (Cronyn) Snelgrove, who first visited Horaceville in 1923. A gracious woman drawing strength from her faith, active in her community, and loved by family and friends, Juanita celebrated her 100th birthday at Horaceville in May 2016.

The Pinhey Family at War, 1914-1918
Department of History, 4th floor Paterson Hall, Carleton University, to September
Remedies, Elixirs, and Medical Men
Drawing on documentation and objects of the Pinhey family and their circle, this exhibit examines health care in 19th-century March Township and Bytown (Ottawa). Hamnett Pinhey himself apprenticed in London with a surgeon and though he never practised that profession he brought a ship apothecary kit and numerous medical books with him to Canada and assisted neighbours with medical problems on the frontier in the absence of physicians. The exhibit also explores the lives of Dr A.J. Christie of Bytown, Pinhey’s son-in-law Dr Hamnett Hill, and Christie’s grandson who had a pharmacy on Sparks Street in the 1870s and an aerated water factory.The exhibit sets these Ottawa biographies and a selection from Hamnett Pinhey’s 18th and 19th century medical books in the context of changing medical knowledge over the course of the 19th century.
Department of History, 4th floor Paterson Hall, Carleton University, September–December.
This exhibit accompanies the Carleton University History Department’s annual Shannon Lectures Series, which this year has the theme Critical Care: Treatment of Body and Mind in Cultural and Social History.

(Admission free. Refreshments will follow each lecture.)
Discovering archaeological heritage at Pinhey’s Point (Monday June 27, 7 p.m. at Pinhey’s Point Historic Site)
Photographs and archival sources indicate that a number of historical buildings and architectural features at Pinhey’s Point have disappeared over time. One such building is a carriage or drive shed, shown in an 1890s photo built against the barn. The results of public excavations of this building conducted in August 2015 and May 2016 and their interpretive value are presented and discussed.
Ian Badgley is an archaeologist with the National Capital Commission and a member of the Pinhey’s Point Foundation’s board.

Ottawa archaeology in the age of the gentleman amateur (Monday July 25, 7 p.m. at Pinhey’s Point Historic Site)
Bytown surgeons Hamnett Hill and Edward Van Cortlandt founded the Bytown Mechanics Institute and promoted natural history and archaeology. Van Cortlandt’s 1843 excavation of an indigenous burial ground older than the Pyramids has prompted a recent reinterpretation of the Ottawa River’s cultural landscape.
Randy Boswell is a former Ottawa Citizen and Postmedia news writer and a professor of journalism at Carleton University. He recently co-authored several studies about Ottawa-area archaeology with Canadian Museum of History curator Jean-Luc Pilon.

Unveiling of West Carleton War Memorial (Saturday June 18, 1:15 p.m., Falldown Lane, Carp)
Although the former West Carleton Township consisted of Fitzroy, Torbolton, and Huntley the memorial is to include the names of war dead from the former March Township, including Charles Hamnett Pinhey. The site design by South March architect Malcolm Wildeboer is impressive, as is the unusual and moving sculpture by Ron Cowle of Lanark of a sitting soldier reading a letter from home.
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