History in the Wind: The Kite Aerial Photography of Rob Huntley (June 17–Sept. 3)
Our new feature exhibit provides a stunning new perspective on Pinhey’s Point Historic Site. Using a remote-controlled camera suspended below a kite line, Ottawa photographer Rob Huntley has found a great approach for capturing documentary images and producing striking artistic compositions of the site not visible from the ground. Come view the results of this challenging but rewarding union of new and old technologies.

Meet the Gentry: Portraits of the March Township Colony of Officers and Gentleman (opens May 13)
To mark the 200th anniversary of the War of 1812, come view this exhibition which assembles the known portraits of the retired officers and gentlemen whose families settled along the Ottawa River following its termination. Look upon the faces of our community’s early leaders and learn more about them. Perhaps you will find an ancestor on our walls!
![A colour photo of an oil portrait of Captain John Benning Monk (a March riverfront gentry neighbour of Hamnett Pinhey), unsigned, undated [later 1840s–early 1850s] (PPF Collection, Gift of Allan Sibley)](https://i0.wp.com/pinheyspoint.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/JB-Monk-Portrait-Sibley.jpg?resize=400%2C485&ssl=1)
What in the World Is It? (opens May 13)
Challenge yourself to identify these “mystery” objects from the Foundation’s collections. What are they and how were they used on the Pinhey estate?
Children’s Classics from the Pinhey Family Library (opens May 13)
Our changing annual selection of books from the extensive Pinhey family library.
(Admission free. Refreshments will follow the lecture.)
History in the Wind exhibit launch (Monday June 11, 7 p.m. at Pinhey’s Point Historic Site)
Ottawa photographer, Rob Huntley, will speak about the kite aerial photography (KAP) process he used to create the striking images featured in this summer’s main exhibit.
To view the Foundation’s current exhibits and events: Current
To view our other past exhibits and events: Exhibit/Event Archive